Christmas Night Out - Friday 9th Dec 2011

Club Members, family and friends enjoyed another fine "Christmas Night Out" this year at the Cherry Orchard. 

A big 'Thank you' goes to Gordon G8MMM our Chairman, who negotiated yet again at 2008 prices, which was most welcome in the current economic climate ..PLUS an equally big 'Thank you' this year to Simon G6XHF who stood in for our chairman at the last minute and managed the evening for us.  Our Chairman was whisked away at short notice to join a cruise around the Tenerife archipelago Well done Simon.

The buffet was followed by another excellent raffle run by Simon.

As always, it was most rewarding to see so many XYL's at what has become one of our premier family social events in the Club calendar, and the committee thank those who attended for their support.

Below are a selection of photographs taken by Eric G6HWD to whom we offer our thanks for providing an excellent record of the evening.


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