Christmas Night Out - December 3rd 2004
original plans for our 'Christmas Night Out' fell apart when the Hotel Vic in New
Brighton, which we had used for many years, was sold overnight and closed a
couple of months before Christmas. To many this would have been a disaster
.. but instead it presented to your committee an opportunity to see if they could
improve on previous years ! After checking out many Wirral establishments,
they met the challenge with the Twelfth Man in Greasby and so yet another
"Top Night" was enjoyed by nearly 50 people made up from members, families
and friends of the Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club.
The strength of support was a fine tribute to the hard work put in by our
Chairman Colin G3RLA and Gordon G8MMM. Their check-list was almost
"Mission Impossible" ..
to find a new venue with room for everyone to sit together, a central Wirral
location for
easy access to all members, a carvery with a wide selection, plenty of car parking,
good OČ phone coverage, not too noisy a disco ... and most important of all ... not too expensive .. as radio hams are
well known to be "on the bones of their arse" !!
Colin and Gordon achieved on all counts
and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by everyone. Well Done and our
thanks to you both.
Below you will find a selection of photographs taken during the evening.
They are arranged in chronological order for no other reason than ease of
setting up. These are low resolution pictures for quick download
(depending on your connection). If anyone would like a high quality file
to print, then please let me know. e-mail:
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