Friedrichshafen Rally - 2004
This is a record of the visit of Andy GM7HUD, Billy G0SXA, Chris M1EEV, Denis G3UVR, John G7LLQ, Phil G6IIM and I to the Friedrichshafen Rally. It took place over the weekend of Friday 25th June, returning on Monday 28th June 2004 and is as seen through the eye of the digital camera.
The weather for the most part was perfect sunshine without being too hot, however, we were presented with a fine display of pyrotechnics over Lake Constance as a thunderstorm rolled in while we were enjoying a tasty meal at our favourite Greek restaurant. Fortunately it didn't spoil the evening and we left walking back to our Hotel with a clear sky ready for the next day.
The staunch travellers amongst the group have now clocked up double digit visits to the Rally which in our experience is without doubt the foremost Rally in Europe. If you would like to join us in 2005, please be sure to mention it to us just as soon as you like. We already have our rooms booked for next year !
This is only a selection of some 189 photo's I took in 5 days. All the pictures here are low resolution, but if you highlight and click on the thumbnails they will open a larger format for you (about 80k per file). Just click on the larger picture and it will return you to this page.
I hope you enjoy browsing the Rally.
73 de Neil, G4OAR
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