WADARC Club BBQ - circa 21st July 1982
It's great ! I am starting to receive dozens of pictures of Club activities from many years ago .. please keep them coming. The following are from my camera and found (with others) during a recent shack sort-out. These are of the earliest recorded WADARC Club BBQ. Can anyone confirm the date ? The pictures are in B&W and clearly portray an excellent turn-out.
The location is on the headland just above Lower Heswall shore, which was used by the Club (and many other organisations), for many years. From memory, we were generally very lucky with the weather and enjoyed many excellent sunsets over Hilbre Island and the Dee estuary.
It is really hard to believe that 23 years have passed so quickly ! There is a good photo (No. 6) of Rennie Parr G0CDI who was a great ambassador for amateur radio amongst youngsters in the ATC, and died very suddenly not long after these photographs were taken. He so enjoyed making and converting equipment which is why the 'Rennie Parr Cup' for newcomers to construction was named after him, as an inspiration to others.
More historical events will be added over the next few weeks. 73 de Neil G4OAR.
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