Club BBQ - Wednesday 23rd July 2008
Another record number of members and friends enjoyed an excellent Family BBQ. The weather forecast certainly improved in temperature as the week progressed and although not sunny at all during the day it turned out a perfect balmy evening for people to sit out and chat until dark. Once again it was appreciated just how many XYL's and young people took the trouble to join us and support the evening.
There was an ample supply of tucker .. sausages, kebabs and burgers, all topped with those superb 'home cooked' onions from the banks of the River Dee. (Thanks Colin), with the traditional strawberries and cream to complete the fare, followed by what seemed a bigger than ever raffle !
Our thanks once again to our Chairman, Gordon G8MMM, and his sub-committee .. all of whom worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Also to Richard G8NDD for once again bringing along the BBQ kitchen .. to Steve M0SPD for his hard work as chief Chef, and to Laura M3ELV who supplied the baked potatoes and who with Janat (G4NCI) also helped sorting out the strawberries and cream. Thanks also to Simon 2E0BDO and 'roadie' for supplying the music for the evening.
Attached are but a selection of photos to enjoy:-
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