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This weeks Local, UK and World NEWS
Coronation of King Charles III
Friday 23rd December 2022
The RSGB is making plans to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III and the Queen Consort in May 2023.
The Coronation theme is looking towards the future while being rooted in our traditions, which the Society would like to incorporate in its celebrations.
The UK has an ancient chain of fire-based beacons and the RSGB is considering ways that these might be used in the plans.
As well as organising events for radio amateurs, this is a great opportunity to demonstrate amateur radio to the public and to gain publicity in the media.
If you have any thoughts about how to use the fire beacon chain, or if you have ideas for activities on the Coronation theme that could be used as outreach to the public, please contact RSGB Coronation Lead, Alan Messenger, G0TLK on
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Friday 23rd December 2022
Are you keen to see amateur radio thrive?
Do you have the time and enthusiasm to support other radio amateurs and to help shape the RSGB of the future?
If so, you still have the opportunity to be nominated in the RSGB elections.
This year there are nine roles to be filled and the results will be announced at the Society’s AGM in April 2023.
An explanation of how to apply for the nominated Board Director process, as well as the candidate packs and forms for President, elected Board Director, and Regional Representative, can all be found on the Society’s website at
The deadline for the nominated Board Director role is the 3 January 2023, whilst the closing date for other roles is 31 January 2023.
Find out more at
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The RSGB announce a new edition of RADCAM PLUS !
The RSGB are pleased to announce that a new edition of RadCom Plus is out now.
RadCom Plus is the RSGB’s digital technical supplement and RSGB Members can read it in HTML5 flipbook, PDF and Epub formats.
Volume 7, Issue 1 contains almost 40 pages, including an article on an active dipole antenna and another on the construction of a portable dish for operating on the 23 and 13cm bands.
To read this edition, go to for this and previous editions.
1 On the response of an active dipole antenna
Gwyn Griffiths, G3ZIL and Glenn Elmore, N6GN
8 Icom IC-705 aerial switch and automatic antenna tuning unit
Bob Harris, G4APV
14 Operating on the 30THz band – Part 2
Barry Chambers, G8AGN
25 A portable 3m dish for 23cm and 13cm bands
Jacques Lepoil, F1BHL
Go to for details.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2356 for Friday December 23rd, 2022
Friday 23rd December 2022
Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2356 with a release date of Friday December 23rd, 2022 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a QST. Hams prep for severe winter weather in the US. Make plans for Ham Radio University -- and finally a Santa watch roundup and our annual Christmas card to you. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2356 comes your way right now.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
We begin this week with a report that acknowledges the severe weather now
sweeping through much of the United States. For the radio volunteers of
SKYWARN, there is no rest. Randy Sly W4XJ explains what comes next.
For SKYWARN Amateur Radio volunteers, there’s no time off now that tornado
and hurricane season is over. On December 10th, more than 1900 operators
and 38 National Weather Service offices took part in a one-day operation
called SKYWARN Recognition Day, or SRD, where stations contact as many of
those offices as possible. Now, it's already time for winter weather
In fact, Rob Macedo, KD1CY, one of the coordinators for SRD, didn’t even
have time to finish compiling his reports before he was activated for a
coastal storm last week that brought over 20" of snow in the Berkshire
Mountain region of New England and rainfall of as much as 3 to 4.5" in
southern New England.
Ken Graham, director of the National Weather Service, who is also a ham
radio operator with the callsign WX4KEG, sent a special video message to
SKYWARN Recognition Day participants, thanking them for participating and
for their involvement in SKYWARN reporting.
Those reports, whether snow, tornado damage or other information, he said,
have greatly helped the National Weather Service over the years. The link
to the video message can be found in the text version of this report at
This is Randy Sly W4XJ.
[for print only, do not read:]
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Friday 23rd December 2022
The United States government's Space Weather Prediction Center has
proposed eliminating the recorded WWV geophysical alert message available
from its local Colorado phone number, 303-497-3235. Callers to that number
have been hearing the announcement about its discontinuation, which takes
effect on January 15th, 2023.
There are, however, numerous other ways to continue receiving this
information. Robert Steenburgh, ADØIU, acting lead of the Space Weather
Forecast Office, told Newsline that the messages are available via
subscription service on their website under the Forecasts and Summaries
category. He said subscribers can get these messages sent automatically
every three hours when they are updated. The website appears in the text
version of this week's newscast at
Rob also told Newsline that the recording is a duplicate of the message
already available from WWV via telephone at (303) 499-7111 for WWV in
Colorado, and (808) 335-4363 for WWVH in Hawaii at 18 minutes past every
hour. He said the information is also available at the primary website of
the center. That link also appears in the text version of this week's
Comments on this change can be submitted to the Space Weather Prediction
Center at the website under the feedback tab.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
In one Canadian province, emergency radio teams have decided they'd work
better as a team, so they're merging. Andy Morrison K09AWM brings us the
Radio responders and residents in one part of British Columbia, Canada,
can look forward to more streamlined emergency operations under a merger
announced recently by officials. Two town councils in the Capital Regional
District of the province have approved the merger of emergency radio teams
in View Royal and nearby Colwood. View Royal Mayor Sid Tobias said the
result would be greater efficiency in communications.
The View Royal Fire Rescue Chief, Paul Hurst, said the teams in both
municipalities will now report to a single leader and the amount of
equipment available and the number of volunteers will be doubled.
Amateur radio operators are part of the municipalities' response and make
use of their own communication systems if the localities' cell towers are
disabled in a disaster. The fire chief said that in those instances, the
hams become a lifeline. Their teams staff radio rooms in the fire
departments in both View Royal and Colwood, enabling them to communicate
with other hams. They are also able to stay in touch with various
government responders throughout the province.
The fire chief called it a win-win for both municipalities.
This is Andy Morrison K9AWM.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
If you're in the UK and have decided that 2023 is your year to become a
Full license-holder, the Radio Society of Great Britain has some helpful
details about the process. Here's Jeremy Boot G4NJH to tell us more.
Six months after publishing the new Direct to Full examination syllabus
for UK licence-holders, the Radio Society of Great Britain is preparing to
accept enrollments for the exam starting in January 2023. This exam is
open to everyone, from Foundation to Intermediate candidates but it was
developed especially to accommodate those aspiring hams who already
possess technical competence and would rather bypass the three-tier
licence path.
Although the Direct to Full syllabus varies only slightly from the
existing syllabus, a new item has been introduced regarding aperture
antennas. If you wish more details on how to book for this exam, visit the
rsgb website at and select the option for "exam announcements"
visible in the menu on the right-hand side of the screen.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
Do you want to get your new year started by attending the popular Ham
Radio University? The 24th annual event is set as an online conference and
registration has opened. Stephen Kinford N8WB tells us what to expect.
With some COVID-19 restrictions still in place, Ham Radio University will
again be an online conference on January 7th from 1300 to 2000 UTC. This
is also the online convention of the NYC-Long Island section of the ARRL
and will be held as a GoToWebinar. The day's program will be offering 17
informational presentations ranging from the Parks on the Air experience
to the basics of HF operating. Presentations will also be made by experts
on contesting and DXing as well as software-defined radios.
Advance registration is required for each presentation you plan to attend.
The conference is free but there is a suggested donation of $5.
This well-attended event has been organized again this year in memory of
its founder, Phil Lewis, N2MUN, who became a Silent Key in March of 2020.
For other details and to register visit hamradiouniversity dot org slash
forums. (
This is Stephen Kinford N8WB.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
It pays to dream big. Three young amateurs were among those
who entered an essay contest to share their hopes for the next generation
of radio operators. The Intrepid-DX Group, which held the contest, was
listening. Jack Parker W8ISH tells us about the three who wrote the
winning essays.
Maria Polyanska, VE3OMV; Ryan Kocourek, N7RSK, and Toby Latino AG5ZM are
the first- second- and third-place winners, respectively, in the third
annual Intrepid-DX Group's "Dream Rig" Essay Contest. The competition
draws entries from hams ages 19 and younger in the US and Canada. The
announcement of the winners was made recently by the group's president,
Paul Ewing, N6PSE, who wrote that he was certain that [quote] "our youth
are full of great ideas, and they are brimming with enthusiasm to keep our
hobby alive and well into the future." [endquote]
This year's question asked candidates to describe how amateur radio
factored into their career plans.
Clearly, once the prizes are distributed to the three winners, those
youngsters can get started on answering that question -- this time, on the
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
Like the airwaves themselves, Santa is lighting up the sky in all parts of
the world. Give and receive the gift of holiday DX with these two events.
We hear first from John Williams VK4JJW:
From Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata, Parks on the Air India and
Oscar India are celebrating Christmas by putting Santa on the Air through
the 31st of December. The call sign AU2SOA, Santa on Air, can be heard
using SSB and CW on HF, operating a Digital SSTV broadcast and looking for
QSOs on Echolink. To make contacts on FT 8, be listening on 20, 15 and 10
meters. See for QSL details. QSOs will be confirmed via eQSL.
On Christmas Day, December 25th, operators will be on various HF bands
activating a park and will be spotting AU2SOA operators at
Finally, on the last two weekends of December, Parks on the Air India will
activate AU2SOA on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres transmitting a SSTV broadcast.
The photo you download will serve as your QSL card. The SSTV transmission
can be decoded via the receiving programs RXSSTV and MMSSTV and on Android
phones via ROBOT36.
This is John Williams VK4JJW.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
The Radio Club of Pusula, OH9W, and Northern Radio Arcala, OH8X, are
activating the station they say belongs to the "genuine Santa from
Northern Finland, next to the North Pole." If you believe in Santa, you'll
want to hear this report about Santa Radio from Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
Old Father Nine Christmas, OF9X, recently began activity on all amateur
radio bands and all modes; CW, SSB and Digital. You can expect Santa's
work to continue this year until December 31st, at 21:59 UTC. According to
the page for OF9X, this year's special theme will focus on
children in troubled areas of the world and will take the form of a puzzle
to be solved by letters the operators will be handing out to their
contacts. See the station's page on for details about how to
submit the puzzle results for an award. You can also see a list of hams
who have already contacted Santa and his elves.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
The last story in our Santa roundup features a special correspondent with
some news for our youngest listeners. He really needs no introduction.
Hello again boys and girls, it's the most wonderful time of the year. It's
time for the Santa Watch Net. That's right Santa is going to be making his
rounds and can you believe it? This is our 12th year in a row and the
little helpers at the DoDropIn will be keeping an eagle eye on the radar.
I'll look for you to join us on the Santa Watch Net starting at 1800 hours
Eastern Time. Well my little elf Dave, N3NTV, will be keeping track of old
Santa's location. And as always, Santa has a radio in his sleigh -- and
you know I just love chatting with the good boys and girls. So be
listening for N1S - that's Number 1 Santa. Gather up the little ones and
get them checked in because third party traffic is always on the "nice"
list. Once again it's the Santa Watch Net, Christmas Eve, 1800 hours
Eastern on the DoDropIn Echolink conference server node number 355800.
Merry Christmas and 73 from me, Number 1 Santa, and all my little helpers
at the DoDropIn.
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Friday 23rd December 2022
In the World of DX, be listening for the Israel Amateur
Radio Club, which is operating special event stations celebrating
Christmas and the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Be listening for Hanukkah
station 4Z8NER on the air from December 18th through the 26th. Christmas
stations 4X7XMAS, 4X8XMAS and 4X9XMAS will be on the air December 23rd,
24th and 25th. QSL via 4X6ZM, LoTW and eQSL.
The TN8K DXpedition in the Congo begins operation shortly after operators
arrive from the Czech Republic on January 6th. The team will continue
operating until their departure date of January 21st. Be listening on 160
through 6 metres using CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8, FT4 and PSK. Operators will
also be making contacts via the QO-100 satellite.
Listen for Harry, JG7PSJ, operating as JD1BMH from Chichijima (CHEE CHEE
JEEMA), IOTA number AS-031, Ogasawara (OH GAH SAH WARRA), from December
24th to January 2nd. He will be using CW, SSB and RTTY on 80 through 10
metres. QSL to his home call JG7PSJ via the bureau or direct.
Be listening for Pierre-Jean, F4GPK, operating as FY/F4GPK from French
Guiana (GEE YONNA) from December 26th to January 8th. QSL via eQSL or
direct to his home call.
Joe, VE3BW, will be using the callsign TI7/VE3BW (Tee Eye Seven/VE3BW)
while operating from Costa Rica from the 23rd of December to the 3rd of
January. Joe will be operating CW, SSB and FT8 on 160-6 metres. QSL to his
home call. All QSOs will be loaded to LOTW on his return.
(425 DX NEWS)
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Friday 23rd December 2022
We end this newscast with a Newsline holiday tradition - a ham log instead
of a yule log. I'm going to share with you this much-loved adaptation of
the Clement Clarke Moore classic - proof that there is still magic in the
season and even moreso on the amateur bands this time of year.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the shack
The rig was turned off and the mic cord lay slack
The antenna rotor had made its last turn, the tubes in the linear
had long ceased to burn.
I sat there relaxing and took off my specs, preparing to daydream of
Armchair DX-- When suddenly outside I heard such a sound, I dashed
out the door to see what was around.
The moon shone down brightly and lighted the night. For sure
propagation for the low bands was right.
I peered toward the roof where I heard all the racket and there was
some guy in a red, fur-trimmed jacket!
I stood there perplexed in a manner quite giddy: Just who WAS this
stranger? di di dah dah di dit?
He looked very much like an FCC guy who'd come to check up on some
bad TVI.
I shouted to him: "Old man...QR-Zed?"
"Hey you by the chimney all dressed up in red!"
I suddenly knew when I heard sleigh bells jingle
The guy on the rooftop was Jolly Kris Kringle
He had a big sack full of amateur gear which was a big load
for his prancing reindeer.
Transmitters, receivers, for cabinets and racks
Some meters and scopes and a lot of coax.
He said not a word 'cause he'd finished his work.
He picked up his sack and he turned with a jerk.
As he leaped to his sleigh, he shouted with glee
And I knew in a moment he'd be QRT.
I heard him transmit as he flew o'er the trees
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all seventy-three."
"Ho Ho Ho"
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With thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly; Arunava Dey, VU3XRY; CQ magazine;
David Behar K7DB; the DoDropIn;; The 425 DX News; Ham Radio
University; Intrepid DX Group; POTA India; Radio Society of Great Britain;
Robert Steenburgh, ADØIU;; SKYWARN; Wireless Institute
of Australia; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio
Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an
all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its
continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our website
at and know that we appreciate you all. We also remind our
listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating
wherever you subscribe to us.
For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and
our news team worldwide, I'm Jim Damron, N8TMW in Charleston West Virginia
saying 73. As always we thank you for listening. And from all of us, Merry
Christmas! Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2022. All rights
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Keplerian data
Keplerian Bulletin 98 ARLK098
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT December 23, 2022
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
1 7530U 74089B 22357.40838931 -.00000041 00000-0
33615-4 0 9996
2 7530 101.9292 338.0341 0012415 40.4996 116.8396
1 25544U 98067A 22357.56376573 .00009640 00000-0
17942-3 0 9996
2 25544 51.6419 118.4508 0005698 179.4554 285.1029 15.49550321374554
1 27607U 02058C 22356.64215752 .00001329
00000-0 20075-3 0 9999
2 27607 64.5551 85.8730 0080577 258.8162 100.3875 14.76506240
1 39444U 13066AE 22357.19823924 .00002938 00000-0
34567-3 0 9997
2 39444 97.6496 322.9665 0056466 131.3430 229.2663 14.84429949490100
1 40903U 15049E 22357.33301309 .00055913 00000-0
56082-3 0 9993
2 40903 97.1522 57.1127 0008276 128.4481 293.9652
1 40931U 15052B 22356.45725591 .00001038
00000-0 54846-4 0 9999
2 40931 5.9976 267.8173 0013424 310.3839 49.5694
1 42759U 17034B 22357.16815333 .00007077
00000-0 39869-3 0 9990
2 42759 43.0183 11.3571 0009577 36.2420 45.9317
1 42761U 17034D 22357.19383378 .00006798
00000-0 38242-3 0 9998
2 42761 43.0183 9.8605 0010015 38.6636
48.3558 15.13728543304940
1 43017U 17073E 22357.40930423 .00006354
00000-0 46984-3 0 9999
2 43017 97.6528 243.7967 0241749 288.4321 69.0752
1 43678U 18084H 22357.06119398 .00001024
00000-0 10526-3 0 9999
2 43678 97.9950 132.8994 0010499 30.3047 329.8795
1 43700U 18090A 22357.33684116 .00000162
00000-0 00000+0 0 9991
2 43700 0.0161 34.8829 0001294 277.7724 286.2545
1.00271655 15162
1 43803U 18099AX 22356.75507923 .00003396 00000-0
28993-3 0 9996
2 43803 97.5991 58.9426 0014570 0.3872 359.7360
1 44881U 19093C 22357.24308199 .00000880
00000-0 11744-3 0 9998
2 44881 97.8794 73.6221 0013669 294.3940 65.5850
1 44909U 19096E 22356.76578890 .00000014
00000-0 17784-4 0 9995
2 44909 82.5215 105.1790 0216684 239.2683 118.6917 12.79717220139592
1 50466U 21131B 22357.22265858 .00000314
00000-0 11700-3 0 9996
2 50466 98.5676 74.2588 0003571 312.6562 47.4324
14.38600903 52059
1 53106U 22080B 22354.06292525 -.00000003 00000-0
00000-0 0 9998
2 53106 70.1740 21.9554 0009007 225.1214 134.8715
6.42557574 10246
1 54684U 22167C 22357.06805904 .00009124
00000-0 58066-3 0 9990
2 54684 97.5383 131.8230 0014234 216.5009 266.2008 15.08924580
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, December 27, 2022, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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![]() |
The American Radio Relay League's |
DX Bulletin 51 ARLD051
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT December 22, 2022
To all radio amateurs
ARLD051 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
JG7PSJ, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
SENEGAL, 6W. Earl, WA3DX is QRV as 6W1/WA3DX from Dakar,
6W6/WA3DX from Mbao, and 6W9/WA3DX from Kaolack and Marloj Island.
Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL direct to home
PHILIPPINES, DU. Pete, VK4CCV is QRV as VK4CCV/DU7 from Cebu.
Activity is on all bands and modes. This is a temporary call sign.
QSL to home call.
January 14, 2023. Activity is on 20 to 10 meters using QRP power.
QSL to home call.
FRENCH GUIANA, FY. Pierre-Jean, F4GPK will be QRV as FY/F4GPK
from Kourou from December 26 to January 8, 2023. QSL direct to home
GRENADA, J3. Mike, M0MDS is QRV as J38TB from True Blue Bay
until December 30. Activity is on 40, 20, and 17 meters using CW,
SSB, and FT8. QSL to home call.
from Chichijima Island, IOTA AS-031, from December 24 to January 2, 2023.
Activity will be 40 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and RTTY. QSL direct
to home call.
AUSTRIA, OE. Members of the ARCDXC Club are QRV with special
call 4U1XMAS until December 31. QSL via UA3DX.
CURACAO, PJ2. Heli, DD0VR and Bigi, DE3BWR are QRV as
PJ2/DD0VR until January 5, 2023. Activity is on 20, 15, and 10
meters using SSB, FT8, and FT4.
SLOVENIA, S5. Special event station S523PMC is QRV until
January 8, 2023 to promote the PMC Contest. QSL via bureau.
COSTA RICA, TI. Joe, VE3BW is QRV as TI7/VE3BW from Las
Villas del Guayabo until January 3, 2023. Activity is on 160 to 6
meters using CW, SSB, and FT8.
QSL to home call.
BELIZE, V3. Oliver, DJ5QW is QRV as V31TX until March 2023.
Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW. QSL to home call.
from December 29 to January 5, 2023. Activity will be holiday style
on 20, 15, and 10 meters using SSB, FT8, and FT4, generally between 0600
to 1100z. QSL to home call.
INDIA, VU. Members of the Erode Amateur Radio
Club are QRV with special call AT2EOD until December 25 for a Field Day
operation. Activity is on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters, as well as
Satellite QO-100, using SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW. In
addition, members of Team POTA India are QRV with special call AU2SOA
until December 31.
Activity is on the HF bands using SSB, SSTV, and FT8. QSL via
operators' instructions.
ROMANIA, YO. Special event call sign YR1400VT is QRV until
June 30, 2023 to draw attention to the long distance Transilvanica trail.
QSL direct.
ALBANIA, ZA. Ron, NS5K is QRV as ZA15K while doing missionary
work. Activity is in his spare time on 40 and 20 meters using SSB.
QSL to home call.
ZC4GR and has been QRV for the past week or so with reported activity on
40, 30 and 10 meters FT8. QSL via EB7DX.
160-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test and RAEM
CW Contest are all on tap for this weekend.
The DARC Christmas Contest, QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed CW
Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, RTTYOPS
Weeksprint, SKCC CW Sprint, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox Hunt, Phone Weekly Test,
A1Club AWT, CWops Test, Mini-Test 40, Mini-Test 80 and the CW QRS Xmas
Activity runs from December 26 to 31.
Please see December 2022 QST, page 59 and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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Friday 16th December 2022
After a forced break during the COVID-19 pandemic, the RSGB will be restarting Train the Trainers courses in the spring of 2023.
It is hoped that three courses will be run across the country.
The team would like to run the courses where demand is greatest, rather than arrange three courses where there is no demand.
If you are an existing trainer, or would like to become one, and would like to attend a course during the year, please contact
The team would also like to hear from clubs that are willing to host a course, so that it can match demand with availability.
For further details about the course, what it covers and what is required from hosts, please visit
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Planning Advisory Committee recruitment
Friday 16th December 2022
The RSGB Planning Advisory Committee assists RSGB Members with planning advice.
It is looking to recruit additional committee members to help with this valuable service.
You should be involved with, or retired from, a discipline associated with the planning process, or have a good working knowledge of the planning process.
The committee would particularly like to add a planning enforcement officer or a lawyer to the panel.
The duties include assisting Members with planning enquiries, enforcement notices and appeals, but will not include the actual preparation of planning applications on behalf of Members
If you think you can assist, please contact the RSGB Planning Advisory Committee Chair John Mattocks, G4TEQ by email on
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Friday 16th December 2022
The RSGB HQ email system encountered a technical fault between the afternoon of Tuesday the 13 December and the morning of Wednesday the 14 December. If you emailed the RSGB during this period, it is likely that your message was not received and will need to be resent. To help, the RadCom team has extended the deadline for submissions to the magazine to Monday the 19 December. So, there is still time to send in reports and items for the Club Calendar and Around Your Region sections of RadCom. The RSGB apologies for any inconvenience the fault may have caused.
The RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park will be closed for two days on the 10 and 11 January 2023 to allow electrical maintenance work to be undertaken. When booking a visit on any other day, remember that RSGB members can download a free entry voucher to Bletchley Park from the RSGB website
The RSGB has made two announcements about exams this week. The first gives details of how to book for the Direct to Full exam from January, and the second outlines necessary changes to the exam fees. Further details of both can be found on the RSGB website. Go to the website and choose the Exam Announcements option in the righthand menu.
RSGB HQ will be closed for Christmas and New Year from 12.30pm on Friday the 23 December until 8.30am on Tuesday the 3 January 2023. Next Sunday, the 25 December, the GB2RS News script will be prepared as usual and read at the discretion of individual news readers. There will be no GB2RS broadcast on Sunday the 1 January 2023. During the holidays, if you need information about amateur radio, exams or RadCom you’ll find lots of pages on the RSGB website
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Friday 16th December 2022
Tony will be active as 3D2AG/P from Rotuma Island, Fiji, OC-060, until the 20 December. He hopes to operate using CW, SSB, RTTY and some FT8 on the 160 to 6m bands. QSL via Club Log.
Lester, W8YCM will be active as W8YCM/6Y from Jamaica, NA-097, until January 2023. QSL directly via his home callsign.
Vincent, F4BKV will be active as XW4KV from Laos until the 23 December. His main activity will be on QO-100 from as many as 12 grids. He will also do some operating on the 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands. QSL via F4BKV and Logbook of the World.
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Propagation News – 18 December 2022
Friday 16th December 2022
Things hotted up last week with a healthy increase in sunspot activity. The number of sunspots ramped up, giving us a solar flux index of 165 by Thursday.
The other upside was the fact that geomagnetic conditions were quite settled with the Kp index remaining between one and three all week.
There were some downsides. We have had an increase in the number of solar flares, with a total of 14. Of these, 11 were M-class. This is all happening around active region 3165, which is now a prime candidate for an X-class solar flare, the most powerful.
There were reports of poor HF propagation on the morning of the 15 December, which can possibly be attributed to the solar flares on the Sun. The graph of the maximum useable frequency, measured at Dourbes, looks rather like a roller coaster ride, with the extrapolated MUF over 3,000km being more than 38MHz at 9.15am and below 19MHz 20 minutes later.
The moral of this story is that if HF propagation seems to fail just give it 20 minutes and see if it recovers.
According to NOAA, the high solar flux index won’t continue for much longer. It predicts that the SFI will reduce to between 115 and 120. The Kp is also predicted to stay low, at least until the 22December when it is forecast to rise to five, possibly because of a returning coronal hole from 27 days ago.
And finally, both the Chilton and Fairford Digisondes are offline at the moment, so please select Dourbes if using
VHF and up
The cold weather will be displaced as a temporary mild spell brings higher temperatures, plus wet and windy weather, during this weekend.
Eventually, colder westerly air with showery troughs will return from the west, but still with further bands of rain. There will probably be some good rain and snow scatter opportunities for the GHz bands. Tropo looks a bit thin, although there may be a brief enhancement on Sunday morning to France and the Low Countries but this will be gone by the afternoon.
The other modes like meteor scatter and aurora are still a consideration, but much less predictable.
With the Geminids meteor shower past its peak, there are two minor showers to look out for this week.
The Leonis Minorids are active from the 5 December to the 4 February, reaching a maximum on the 20 December with a low Zenithal Hourly Rate, or ZHR, of around five. The Ursids are active from the 17 December to the 26 December reaching a maximum on the 22 December, also with a low ZHR of around 10.
Moon declination went negative on the 17 December, so Moon windows will continue to shorten and zenith angles decrease. EME path losses are falling as we head towards perigee on Christmas Eve. 144MHz sky noise is increasing all week and on Friday we get close to an eclipse, so it will be very high during the whole Moon pass.
Lastly, to repeat the ‘heads up’ from last week about midwinter Sporadic-E, it is still worth mentioning since it usually becomes a reference after the event, and it would be nice to be there before it happens!
So, employ the usual check of HF and VHF clusters from 10 to 4m and use and its EPI or Es probability index plots to see where the most likely areas for Es are located.
Like summer events, rarer mid-winter Es are often associated with powerful jet streams and this unsettled weather is a good source for these.
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Friday 16th December 2022
At the end of September 2022, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), proposed that Australia’s amateur radio operators move to a class-based licensing scheme in July 2023, opening a consultation period that closed at the end of November 2022.
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has replied to the ACMA proposals with a comprehensive evidence-based response.
The ACMA proposes moving Australia’s radio amateurs from individual apparatus licences, to one licence for the amateur service as a whole.
The principal reason cited is a reduction in the administrative burden for both the ACMA and the amateur radio community.
The immediate benefit would be that licence and licence-renewal fees would disappear.
The Wireless Institute of Australia’s response to the consultation can be found on their website.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2355 for Friday December 16th, 2022
Friday 16th December 2022
Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2355 with a release
date of Friday December 16th, 2022 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
The following is a QST. Hams help a lost 5-year-old find her way home. A
hiking trail steps off with a boost from amateur radio -- and hams in
Connecticut pay tribute to the transatlantic tests of 1921. All this and
more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2355 comes your way right
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Friday 16th December 2022
Last week we celebrated the Newsline's selection of the
West Bengal Radio Club as International Newsmaker of the Year. This week
our first story reports on their latest effort - reuniting a family with
the 5-year-old daughter who they had given up for dead. John Williams
VK4JJW has that story.
A children's game of hide-and-seek at a railway station went very wrong in
August of 2020, when a 5-year-old girl chose an unfortunate spot to hide
from her three brothers: a train that pulled out of the station shortly
afterwards. She was eventually able to disembark farther down the line at
the Kolkata Railway Station but because she spoke only Hindi and not
Bengali, she could only explain her situation with her tears when police
found her crying at the station. According to a report in the Millennium
Post, a year passed in which the girl was sent by an NGO to a children's
care home and enrolled in school. She gained fluency in Bengali and soon
became an honors student in her class. Unable to track down her parents
all this time, the administrators of the private home notified the West
Bengal Radio Club of the girl's predicament, according to Ambarish Nag
Biswas, VU2JFA. Club members utilised their network of contacts and were
able to trace her family to Jharkhand, a bordering state in eastern India.
Photographs shared with the family on the WhatsApp mobile platform
confirmed that this was indeed their missing daughter.
The little girl went home on Saturday, December 10th.
Ambarish Nag Biswas told the Indo Asian News Service: [quote] "When our
contacts got in touch with the mother and we got her to connect with her
daughter through a video call, it was a heart-wrenching moment. The woman
had given up her child as dead. The little girl had given up all hope of
getting back to her family ever again." [endquote]
This is John Williams VK4JJW.
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Friday 16th December 2022
In the US recently, hams teamed up for a radio activation
that turned out to be a living museum and a tribute to history. Kevin
Trotman N5PRE tells us about it.
Visitors to the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut
were part of a celebration of history taking place on Sunday, December
11th. They watched and heard as Bob Allison, WB1GCM, got on the air using
a repurposed Gates BC1T commercial transmitter using the callsign
W1VCM/1BCG for AM operation on 75 meters. Bob was marking the 101st
anniversary of amateur station 1BCG's contact with Scotland during the
ARRL Transatlantic Test of 1921. Bob, president of the museum's amateur
radio club, told Newsline: [quote] "December 11th is a great day to
celebrate Amateur Radio, as the day marks the many technological successes
of the era: CW's efficiency and effectiveness over spark, the use of a
superheterodyne radio receiver, and the directional Beverage Antenna." [endquote]
The tribute event had been organized by Clark Burgard, N1BCG, of
Greenwich, Connecticut. The original transmissions that made history more
than a century ago occurred in Greenwich, about 90 minutes southwest of
the museum, with operators sending CW across the ocean.
This year, more modern equipment joined the refurbished Gates transmitter
during Bob's three-hour activation, which also included time spent on 40M
and 2M sideband.
Before he left for the day and headed out into the snow, Bob made sure he
logged one more important contact: Bob talked to the museum visitors who'd
been observing him on the radio to share in the triumph of more than a
century ago.
This is Kevin Trotman N5PRE.
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Friday 16th December 2022
Hundreds of contacts were made this year on the air by a
new special event station in India honoring that nation's noted radio
pioneer. We have that story from Graham Kemp VK4BB.
This year, Datta, VU2DSI, was not the only amateur activating a special
event station in late November to mark the birth of the pioneering Indian
scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose. Datta has operated his special event
AU2JCB for 17 years - but this year, Parks on the Air-India organised
their own separate tribute using the call sign AT8JCB. It was a POTA
activation as well, operating from Mohanpur Forest Park in West Bengal
India, POTA number, VU-0136. Parks on the Air-India is a relatively new
programme in India. It began barely a year ago but according to POTA
country administrator Arunava Dey, VU3XRY, the team of operators made up
for lost time with the Bose tribute. He said the response was nothing
short of "huge" and a great success.
Arunava told Newsline that over the course of the eight-day activation,
AT8JCB logged more than 900 QSOs using SSB and FT8.
With QSL and eQSL cards being sent in mid-December to their various
destinations, POTA-India has other activities in store for the rest of the
month. There are also more than 4,000 parks to be activated on the list of
qualifying POTA locations.
The man called by many to be the "father of radio communications" would no
doubt be proud of all the amateur radio activity these days in India.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 16th December 2022
From now through the first half of the new year, amateurs
in Romania will be celebrating that nation's newest natural resource: a
hiking trail. We have more on that from Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
The journey of discovery that comes with hiking along Romania's Via
Transilvanica is an adventure for hikers cyclists and horseback riders. It
got under way on the 8th of October with the official opening of the
1,400-km trail which had taken four years of preparation.
The journey which marks the trail's inauguration is also one for amateur
radio operators. Radio Club YO6KGS is activating special event station
YR1400VT on the HF bands from now 'til the 30th of June 2023. It's a
celebration of the long-distance trail that Romania sees as its
counterpart to the Appalachian Trail in the United States and El Camiño de
Santiago in Europe. While hikers hope to gain insights into their own
lives in a natural setting, amateur radio operators and shortwave
listeners around the world can work towards diplomas at different levels
according to the number of contacts with other operators, many of whom
will be young amateurs and members of the YO6KGS School Radio Club.
Listen for their call sign on SSB and CW. CW speeds will not exceed 14
For details about the rules and awards visit the QRZ.COM page for YR1400VT
- and wherever you are, enjoy the journey.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH
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Friday 16th December 2022
The lifesaving capabilities of DMR proved useful to a hiker
in New Hampshire recently. Sel Embee KB3TZD has that story.
A relaxing day with his dog turned into a dangerous trek for a ham who was
hiking the trails of central New Hampshire on Sunday, December 11th. He
had become lost -- and the coming sunset and forecast of snow put him in
even greater danger, especially after the battery in his cell phone died.
He had been carrying his DMR HT, however, and placed a call for help on
the statewide talkgroup using a local repeater.
Bill Barber, N-E-one-B, heard the call and was able to contact the man's
wife. She notified police who joined firefighters in starting a search.
Bill also contacted Rick Zach, K-one-R-J-Zed, who knows the area's trails.
Rick stayed in touch with the lost amateur on the statewide talk group
while communicating with the search team.
At one point, the amateur unintentionally changed channels on his HT but
another amateur, Chuck Cunningham, K-one-M-eye-Zed, noticed this had
happened and was able to restore communications. The ham found his way to
a road and was picked up by the searchers at 6:30 p.m.
Telling this story on one of the forums, Raul (Rah-Oool) "Skip"
Camejo (cam ay HO), A-C-one-L-C, recommended that hikers carry DMR radios
because their batteries last longer.
Skip's story did not identify the ham but wrote that thanks to the three
amateurs who heard his call on DMR "the wayward ham is going to be able to
enjoy another Christmas holiday with his family."
This is Sel Embee, K-B-3-T-Zed-D.
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Friday 16th December 2022
In the US, the General Class operators' license test is
getting a new question pool. Stephen Kinford N8WB tells us what's
If you are a ham in the United States looking to upgrade to General next
year, you can expect some changes in the new pool of questions that take
effect on July 1st of 2023. The 432 questions were just released and the
National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators' Question Pool
Committee says they reflect significant changes: There are 51 new
questions being introduced; 73 were removed. The committee believes the
questions' level of difficulty is more balanced. These questions will be
in use through June 30th of 2027.
Examiners can expect to see the new General exam booklets by mid-June of
2023. The ARRL advises hams who are using the 9th edition of the General
Class License Manual or the 6th edition of the league's General Class Q&A
to take their exam no later than June 30th before the changed questions
come in.
This is Stephen Kinford N8WB.
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Friday 16th December 2022
Two veteran staffers at New Zealand's telecommunications
agency are leaving at the end of this year. Here's Jim Meachen ZL2BHF with
more about them.
Radio Spectrum Management in New Zealand is preparing to say goodbye to
two members of its radio investigations team who are among those with the
longest tenure. RSM has announced the retirement of Mike Baird and Grant
Wheaton who have both been part of the team since the early 1970s. RSM
said that the pair's efforts have played a big role over the years in
strengthening processes and technical abilities of the investigations
In addition to following up on reports of radio frequency interference,
RSM manages the radio spectrum in New Zealand, handles licensing rules and
oversees compliance and enforcement of the Radiocommunications Act of
1989. It is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
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Friday 16th December 2022
In the World of DX, be listening for Earl, WA3DX operating
from Senegal between December 22nd and January 20th, mainly using FT8. He
will use his home call with a prefix. In Dakar, he will use the prefix
6W1; in Mbao, he will use 6W7 and on Kaolack and Saloum Islands (IOTA
number AF-045), his prefix will be 6W6. Send QSL direct to WA3DX or via
A team consisting of S51V, S52OT, S54W, S57DX and others will be on the
air from Lampedusa Island, IOTA number AF-019 as IG9/S59A from January
23rd to the 31st. The operation will focus on the CQWW 160 metre CW
contest during the last full weekend of January. Outside of the contest,
be listening on all bands and all modes for the prefix IG9 (Eye G Nine)
before their homecalls.
Andre, ON7YK is in The Gamba operating as C5YK until February 24th, 2023.
Listen on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m, mostly using the digital modes. QSL via
LoTW and eQSL, or to his home call direct or via the bureau.
Listen for the callsign TN8K from the Republic of Congo, activated by the
CDXP Group. The team from the Czech Republic expects to operate between
January 7th and the 19th. The operators will be on the HF bands from 160m
to 6m using CW, SSB, RTTY , FT8, FT4 and PSK. They will also make use of
the QO-100 satellite. QSL via OK6DJ, OQRS or LOTW.
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Friday 16th December 2022
Few of us need reminders that the Bouvet Island
DXpeditioners who'll be activating 3YØJ (Three Y Zero J) from the remote
island are setting sail in less than a month. The 22-day on-air operation
is being led by Ken, LA7GIA; Rune, LA7THA; and Erwann, LB1QI and the
12-member team is motivated to log more than 200,000 QSOs. With Bouvet in
the number two spot on the DXCC Most Wanted List, this is not an
impossible goal. While others have activated Bouvet over the years, none
have approached logging that many QSOs.
The team is committed to making contacts. If you visit the DXpedition
website at 3YØJ dot N O (3YØ, you will find a propagation poll under
the tab labeled "Latest News." This will enable interested DXpedition
chasers to provide the team with details about their station setup,
including power and antenna, so that the operators can approximate
propagation to a certain region based on the stations calling them from
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Friday 16th December 2022
We begin our final story this week by making an
observation: When you are an amateur radio operator, it's easy to make
someone else happy. That's what a retiree in Oregon and a youngster in
Wisconsin both recently discovered. Ralph Squillace KK6ITB tells us how it
A late November day found Chris Billings, WA7RAR, activating a local park
near his Oregon home. It was Thanksgiving Day and in a fitting mood for
the US holiday, Chris was grateful to find 10 meters open. He decided to
call CQ on that small portion of the band where Technician class operators
can legally operate SSB on HF, hoping to give newcomers a chance to work
him. A young voice emerged from the pileup: It was Bennett Bachman,
KD9WCG, age 10. Chris learned that this was an especially happy moment for
the new ham from Wisconsin. This was only his second QSO on 10 meters.
Chris mailed Bennett a QSL card along with a note that he wasn't expecting
Bennett to respond, especially if he had no QSL cards of his own yet.
On December 8th, it was Chris' turn to have a happy moment: something from
Bennett arrived - a handmade QSL card. Bennett's father, Dave KV9O (Kay
Vee 9 Oh), said that Bennett designed the cards himself, sending one to
Chris and the other to his first 10m contact, Gordon West, WB6NOA. Dave
said the first contact was a joyful moment too because Bennett had studied
for his license using Gordon's Technician guide. Bennett is now trying to
start a ham radio club at school and is studying for his General class
license so he can be less dependent on 10m band openings.
Chris, however, is glad Bennett found him on that 10m opening on
Thanksgiving Day. Posting on Facebook, he publicly thanked Bennett for the
handcrafted card, adding [quote] "I love to find cards in my mailbox and
this is certainly one of the special ones!"[endquote]
This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
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Friday 16th December 2022
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think
Newsline would be interested in? We are not talking about advertising your
club's upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but something that is
out of the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the contact page
at If it's newsworthy and we would like to cover it, we'll
get back to you for more details.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Adrian Baciu, YO5IA; Amateur Radio
Weekly; the ARRL; Arunava Dey, VU3XRY; Bob Allison, WB1GCM; Chris
Billings, WA7RAR; CQ magazine; Dave Bachman, KV9OX; David Behar K7DB;;
Endhoven Space Blog; Facebook;; POTA India;;
Three Y Zero J; Wireless Institute of Australia; and you our listeners,
that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that
Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that
incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us,
please visit our website at and know that we appreciate you
all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please
leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn
Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team
worldwide, I'm Paul Braun WD9GCO in Valparaiso, Indiana saying 73. As
always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright
2022. All rights reserved.
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Keplerian Data
Friday 16th December 2022
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT December 13, 2022
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
1 07530U 74089B 22347.43277887 -.00000041 00000-0
31991-4 0 9990
2 07530 101.9282 328.0104 0012452 59.3074 95.4575
1 25544U 98067A 22347.69804963 .00009696 00000-0
17811-3 0 9994
2 25544 51.6421 167.3206 0004323 158.8668 301.6181 15.49923645373023
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 22347.43064501 .00001401 00000-0
21051-3 0 9996
2 27607 64.5541 114.0775 0080793 260.5059 98.6905 14.76473779
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 22347.42391239 .00002429 00000-0
28757-3 0 9990
2 39444 97.6489 313.5908 0055712 163.0220 197.2876 14.84369069488068
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 22347.49277955 .00050689
00000-0 53073-3 0 9990
2 40903 97.1530 47.1305 0007947 162.7136 305.0626
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 22346.46317429 .00001220
00000-0 80256-4 0 9993
2 40931 6.0003 339.1791 0011955 172.1192 187.9341
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 22347.60999394 .00006463
00000-0 36651-3 0 9992
2 42759 43.0178 64.1708 0011207 338.6684 162.4255
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 22347.49121477 .00006618
00000-0 37403-3 0 9999
2 42761 43.0174 63.4831 0011312 339.1308 95.3169
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 22347.42350193 .00007417
00000-0 54719-3 0 9996
2 43017 97.6522 234.2201 0242843 321.3927 37.0136
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 22347.54149722 .00001457
00000-0 14744-3 0 9991
2 43678 97.9947 123.2331 0010848 59.8702 300.3623
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 22347.51023142 .00000162
00000-0 00000-0 0 9997
2 43700 0.0151 300.1042 0001592 356.2269 355.3494
1.00272846 14821
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 22346.87057469 .00004268 00000-0
36373-3 0 9993
2 43803 97.6003 49.3158 0015397 35.5059 324.7185
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 22347.45289764 .00000834
00000-0 11175-3 0 9993
2 44881 97.8806 63.9866 0014181 328.4546 31.5819
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 22347.61843498 .00000019
00000-0 37612-4 0 9995
2 44909 82.5204 111.2569 0216522 260.7504 96.9052
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 22347.55490619 .00000324
00000-0 12033-3 0 9997
2 50466 98.5684 64.6094 0003912 347.6940 12.4151
14.38592905 50667
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, December 16, 2022, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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![]() |
The American Radio Relay League's |
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT December 15, 2022
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
G7WKX, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
ROTUMA, 3D2. Antoine, 3D2AG/p has been active on 17 meters
using CW around 2240z, and on 15 meters using CW after 2300z. QSL
via 3D2AG.
TANZANIA, 5H. JP, VU2BGC is QRV as 5H5PJ from Iringa.
Activity is in his spare time. He has been active on 20 meters using
CW. His length of stay is unknown.
QSL via LoTW.
NIGER, 5U. Giorgio, IU5HWS is QRV as 5UA99WS until December
20. Activity has been mostly on 15 meters using SSB. QSL direct to
SENEGAL, 6W. Earl, WA3DX will be QRV as 6W1/WA3DX from Dakar
and Mbao, and as 6W6/WA3DX from Kaolack and Marloj, from December 22 to
January 20, 2023. Activity will be holiday style on 40 to 10 meters
using FT8 and some SSB. QSL direct to home call.
MALDIVES, 8Q. Elena, 8Q7CA is QRV from Nalaguraidhoo Island,
IOTA AS-013, until December 22. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using
CW, SSB, and FT8.
QSL via RC5A.
KUWAIT, 9K. Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society and
fellow Gulf state Qatari Amateur Radio operators are QRV with special call
9K9QATAR until December 20 during the Qatari National Day celebrations.
QSL via EC6DX.
THE GAMBIA, C5. Andre, ON7YK is QRV as C5YK until February
24, 2023. Activity is in his spare time mostly on 12 and 10 meters,
and then on 20, 17, and 15 meters using CW and various digital modes. QSL
direct to home call.
from December 20 to January 2, 2023. Activity will be on the HF
bands from as many POTA sites as possible QSL to home call.
KYRGYZSTAN, EX. Bob, DU7ET is QRV as EX0ET from Bishkek.
Activity is in his spare time during his daylight hours on 30 to 10 meters
using CW.
QSL direct to home call.
SAUDI ARABIA, HZ. Ahmed Hashash Al-Talib, HZ1CY is QRV as
HZ1YOTA during December while taking part in the annual Youth On The Air
MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1. Take, JG8NQJ/JD1 has been active using
FT8 on 160 meters between 1000 and 1100z, and then on 17 meters using CW
around 0900z, and afterwards on 15 meters using CW. QSL via JA8CJY.
ARUBA, P4. Heli, DD0VR and Bigi, DE3BWR are QRV as P4/DD0VR
until December 23. Activity is on the HF bands using CW and SSB with
QRP power.
QSL via DD0VR.
WILLIS ISLAND, VK9W. Sands, VK4WXW is QRV as VK9WX until
April 2023 while working as part of a meteorological team. Activity
is in his spare time on 20 meters using SSB. QSL via operator's
meters using SSB between 0315 and 0415z. QSL to home call.
ANTARCTICA. Seba, SQ1SGB is QRV as VP8/SQ1SGB/p from
Halley VI base until February 1, 2023. Activity is in his spare time
on 40 and 20 meters using SSB and FT8, respectively. QSL via EB7DX.
ANTARCTICA. Sunny, VU2CUW is QRV as AT42I from Maitri
Station for about one year. Activity is in his spare time. QSL
via VU2CRS.
BURKINA FASO, XT. Harald, DF2WO is QRV as XT2AW from
Ouagadougou until December 18. Activity is on the HF bands and on
Satellite QO-100.
QSL via M0OXO.
LAOS, XW. Vincent, XW4KV is QRV until December 23. His
plans are to activate 12 locator grids via Satellite QO-100. He has
also been active on 15 meters using SSB, and FT8 in DXpedition mode,
around 0800z and 1030z, respectively. QSL via F4BVK.
ALBANIA, ZA. Ron, NS5K is QRV as ZA15K from Lushnje for a
year while performing missionary work here. Activity is in his spare
time on 40 and 20 meters.
QSL via operator's instructions.
Perry Topband CW Challenge, NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt,
NCCC CW Sprint, AGB-Party Contest, Russian 160-Meter Contest, K1USN Slow
Speed CW Test, Feld Hell Sprint, OK DX RTTY Contest, RAC Winter Contest,
Croatian CW Contest and the Run for the Bacon QRP CW Contest are scheduled
for this upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, RTTYOPS Weeksprint, NAQCC
CW Sprint, QRP 160-Meter CW Fox Hunt, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops
Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test 40 and Mini-Test 80 are on
tap for December 19 to 21. Please see December 2022 QST, page 59 and
the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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Friday 9th December 2022
Does your school or college run an amateur radio club? Or are you interested in setting up a club at your school or college?
Following the success of University Corner, the RSGB’s online list of universities with amateur radio clubs, the Society has launched School Zone. This brings together details of schools and colleges that have an active amateur radio club.
If your school or college has a club and would like to be included in the online list, please send details to
Contact details should be the club call sign if it has one, the school website url and an email address for the teacher or adult who runs the club. If you are a pupil member of the club, please check those details before you send them to the RSGB.
You can find the new page
in the Clubs section of our websiteRSGB
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RadCom January 2023, Vol. 99, No. 1
Friday 9th December 2022
This is what you will be missing in January if you are NOT a member of the RSGB !!
Improved antenna rotator controller using an STM32 Nucleo controller
News and Reports
Around Your Region – Club events calendar 85
Around Your Region – Events roundup 89
New products 14
News 12
RSGB at the National Hamfest 2022 63
RSGB Matters 6
Special Interest Groups News 15
Advertisers’ index 93
Antennas, Mike Parkin, G0JMI 16
ATV, Dave Crump 34
Contest calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 55
Contesting, Chris Tran, GM3WOJ 54
GHz Bands, Dr John Worsnop, G4BAO 68
HF, Daimon Tilley, G4USI 64
Members’ ads 94
Propagation, Gwyn Williams, G4FKH 96
Rallies and events 95
The Last Word 97
VHF/UHF, James Stevens, M0JCQ 66
Technical features
An improved antenna rotator controller, Tim Forrester, G4WIM 28
APRS With TTGO LoRa module – Introduction, Anthony Le Cren, F4GOH, KF4GOH
Design Notes, Andy Talbot, G4JNT 40
EMF exposure measurement, an experimental approach, John Hawes BSc CEng
Wireless Morse keys, Ray Scrivens, G3LNM 82
Amateur radio community support, Linden Allen, M0TCF 46
ARDC helps clubs succeed, Dan Romanchik, KB6NU 44
British Inland Waterways on the Air, 2022, Lyndsay Latimer, M6YMB 20
Gloucester Amateur Radio and Electronics Society, 72
100th anniversary celebration, Dr David Tunnicliffe, G4BCA
International Museums on the Air, 2022, David Webb, M0SKT 38
Jamboree on the Air, 2022 24
Producing HF propagation charts using Proppy, Steve Nichols, G0KYA 79
Ramblings of a 1950s radio engineer… , Robert Dancy, G3JRD 80
RSGB Construction Contest, Heather Parsons, RSGB Communications Manager 53
Wolverhampton Amateur Radio Society celebrates its centenary, Andrew
Atkinson, 2E0YEZ and Wayne Hughes, M7WLH 70
Antennas-amplifiers 2m 1.5kW Band Pass Filter, James Stevens, M0JCQ 56
Best of 2022’s book reviews 48
SV4401A handheld vector network analyser, Mike Richards, G4WNC 58
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RSGB NRC and Mallaig High School ARC
Friday 9th December 2022
In support of YOTA month, the RSGB’s National Radio Centre (NRC) had a live video link-up with students and staff at Mallaig High School. About 30 students studying Physics, Maths and History joined the 50-minute virtual tour and talk about the NRC, which concluded with a 40m QSO between GM5MHS and GB3RS in which several students were able to pass a greetings message. The talk covered the following areas:
Why wireless was important to Bletchley Park
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12 Feb – MIDCARS Radioactive Rally
Friday 9th December 2022
A date for your NEW 2023 Diary - Nantwich Civic Hall, Market Street, Nantwich CW5 5DG
Doors open 10am and admission is £5.
A wide variety of trader stalls covering every aspect of the radio hobby, new and old radios, computers and electronics.
A Bring & Buy platform. Raffles throughout the rally.
Refreshments and snacks available in the hall and parking is immediately adjacent to the hall.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2354 for Friday December 9th, 2022
Friday 9th December 2022
The following is a QST. A young amateur's balloon makes an incredible journey. A new record is set for the lowest ham band in Australia -- and meet the receipient of Newsline's International Newsmaker of the Year Award for 2022. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2354 comes your way right now.
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Friday 9th December 2022
Our top story this week asks: When is a transmitting error not really an
error but a triumph? When those transmissions are coming from an amateur
radio high altitude balloon that became the first of its kind to come so
close to the South Pole. Kevin Trotman N5PRE has that story.
When the high altitude balloon transmitting KM4ZIA, the amateur radio call
sign of 15-year-old Jack McElroy, was launched recently in Antarctica, it
became part of atmospheric work being done by University of Alabama
researcher, Todd McKinney KN4TPG. Instead of just helping build
mathematical models of the atmosphere, however, Jack's balloon soon
embarked on a incredible journey. A little more than a week later, its
navigational equipment began to spit out a series of error messages on 20
meters. One observer in the US, however, realized that nothing was really
wrong. He knew, in fact, that something remarkable was happening. Family
friend and high-altitude balloon expert, Bill Brown, WB8ELK, knew Jack's
solar-powered balloon was a short distance from the South Pole. Mapping
systems could no longer determine its position from data being sent on 20
meters because of the densely spaced lines of longitude there at the end
of the Earth.
Jack's father, Tom McElroy, W4SDR, told Newsline in a phone interview:
[quote] "This is the closest any amateur radio balloon has come to the
South Pole." [endquote] Tom said Bill phoned the family home in Georgia
that morning from Huntsville, Alabama, on December 1st, and said Jack's
balloon had literally gone off the map. Tom broke the news to an
astonished Jack on the way to school. He said Jack had quite a story for
his science teacher that day.
For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Kevin Trotman N5PRE.
You can track Jack's balloon at, using his call sign KM4ZIA. This
isn't Jack's first balloon, either. He has launched several over the
years, including two years at Youth on the Air Camp, in a team effort with
his sister, Audrey McElroy, KM4BUN, who is this year's 2022 Amateur Radio
Newsline Young Ham of the Year.
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Friday 9th December 2022
The charitable spirit of amateur radio has always extended
past direct involvement with radio activity. Here in the US, one club in
Pennsylvania is looking for amateurs' assistance in a project that members
have been committed to for a number of years. Sel Embee KB3TZD gives us
those details.
If you're starting to receive holiday cards from friends or eagerly
awaiting the arrival of QSL cards from those treasured DX contacts,
members of the Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club, WM3PEN, in Philadelphia are
asking one more thing of you: Save those stamps. Hams in the Pennsylvania
club support the "Stamps for the Wounded" program, which accepts donations
of stamps from around the world for use in occupational therapy programs
in convalescent centers and hospitals where veterans are receiving
Although the everyday United States "Forever Flag" stamp is not needed for
this program, all other stamps are welcome. Stamps should have at least a
quarter-inch margin around them and should not be removed from the
original envelopes on which they are sent. The hams in this club have been
longtime supporters of the program, which was established in 1942 to
encourage stamp collecting among the nation's military veterans who were
at various stages of recovery. The program has more details on its website
at stampsforthewounded dot org ( That's "stampsforthewounded"
- one word, dot org.
If you wish to donate stamps to help the club in their efforts, you can
send them to Rich Shivers, K3UJ. You'll find his address in the text
version of this week's newscast at
This is Sel Embee KB3TZD.
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Friday 9th December 2022
According to at least one member of the US Federal
Communications Commission, rumors of the death of AM radio are greatly
exaggerated. Kent Peterson KCØDGY brings us that report.
The good news is that AM radio has a future, which means the band isn't
going to be reallocated anytime soon. Those were the words of FCC
Commissioner Nathan Simington, speaking recently at the 79th annual
convention of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. Simington
said that, for one thing, AM radio is an integral part of the life of the
more than 3 million farmers in the United States who rely on it daily for
vital information.
He called it the [quote] "essential spine” [endquote] of the Emergency
Alert System. He said that despite beliefs by many that it has been killed
off by more advanced technology, AM radio is here to stay for the
foreseeable future, especially for those who live on the kind of farm
where he himself grew up. He said he is against any move the FCC might be
pressured to consider to reallocate the band.
He told convention attendees: [quote] “Look, people listen to radio in
their cars or trucks—particularly rural radio. That’s just how it is. And
if people lose the ability to tune into AM on their cars, well, there goes
AM radio." [endquote] He said that while satellite is a good option, it is
too expensive. He said AM radio is not just free but carries an important
emergency signaling infrastructure.
In his opinion, the best option for AM radio's future to to simply
preserve it for the generations to come.
This is Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
In a further development, an influential United States lawmaker has joined
the push to talk automakers out of eliminating broadcast AM radio in new
cars. Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts has asked the car companies to
respond in writing about their intentions regarding AM and FM radio. He
acknowledged that electric vehicles can cause electromagnetic interference
with AM signals but encouraged carmakers to pursue some of the remedies
they have devised. The car companies include General Motors, Jaguar, Kia,
BMW and American Honda.
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Friday 9th December 2022
In case you need a way to keep the holiday fun going even
after the holiday season, has an event marking the winter season
in the Northern Hemisphere. Ralph Squillace KK6ITB brings us up to date on
In some parts of the world where it's winter, things can get a little
cold. Sometimes...a lot cold. So this year has offered to heat
things up and the action already got under way on the 1st of December. The
QRZ Winter Ops Award celebrates "the twelve days of QRZ." To be eligible,
hams need to log 12 confirmed contacts on any 12 days from now through
February 28th 2023. The certificate is being offered for the first time as
a holiday gift from QRZ's founder, Fred LLoyd, AA7BQ. Fred writes on the
website: [quote] "This one's going to be very popular this season. We
can't wait for people to show them to us hanging in their shacks." [endquote]
Hopefully it will keep the holiday spirit - and confirmation of those
dozen QSOs - going strong into the new year.
This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
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Friday 9th December 2022
There's so much more to amateur radio than just the
technical and scientific side of things. The Radio Society of Great
Britain is looking for someone to help address an important social
concern. Here's Jeremy Boot G4NJH with the details.
The Radio Society of Great Britain is creating the volunteer position of
social diversity officer to help the board address inclusion and diversity
within the ranks of amateur radio and the society itself. Some of the new
officer's tasks will include helping boost society membership but will
also focus on encouraging hams of all ages and backgrounds to get their
The RSGB is hoping that through creation of this new position the society
can complement the work of the RAIBC, the Radio Amateur Invalid and Blind
Club, which serves radio amateurs and shortwave listeners with
If the role of social diversity officer is one for which you would be
interested in volunteering, please visit the society website at rsgb dot
org slash volunteers. ( Application deadline is Monday
the 16th of January.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 9th December 2022
Listeners around the world tune in regularly to WWV and
WWVH, the radio station of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, for various voice announcements, including the time. Now the
US government agency hopes qualified engineers will tune into an important
job opening it has - for a position based in Hawaii. Jack Parker W8ISH
tells us more.
Radio station WWVH, which is part of the National Institute of Standards
and Technology, is looking to hire an engineer in charge. In addition to
maintenance of the station on Kauai, Hawaii, the job requires regular
communication with NIST's Time and Frequency division in Boulder,
Colorado. The engineer is responsible for the four radio transmission
systems - on 2.5, 5, 10, and 15 MHz - which are required to be on the air
99.7 percent of the time. One or two electronic technicians will report to
the engineer in charge.
For more details about the job and whether you qualify, visit the link in
the text version of this week's Newsline script at
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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Friday 9th December 2022
In Australia, a new record has been set for a contact on
the 2200m-band. John Williams VK4JJW has those details.
Using barely 1 watt of power, a station south of Perth in Western
Australia made a record-setting one-way contact into North America on the
2200-metre band, which at 136 kHz, is the lowest amateur band in
Australia. The contact was made on November 21st between VK6MJM and
received in the United States by Paul, KM5SW, in New Mexico. The distance
was 16,164 kilometres and the power was 0.8 watts EIRP. The station was
using a five-minute key-down mode known as WSJT-X FST4W-300 mode.
It was a big moment for the Western Australian Low Frequency Experimenters
Group, or WALFEG, which operates the station. It is led by Peter Hall,
VK6HP, and is affiliated with the Wireless Institute of Australia.
This is John Williams VK4JJW.
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Friday 9th December 2022
The world's largest radio telescope is on track to be
completed by the end of this decade. Graham Kemp VK4BB has more on its
Sites in Australia and South Africa have begun construction on the Square
Kilometre Array Observatory, or SKAO, and astronomers are hoping to see
the massive observatory's two antenna stations finish construction by May
2023, with the first dish commissioned in April of 2024 according to a
report on the website.
When the huge project is completed, it will boast a full 1-square
kilometer collection area and it will be the world's largest radio
telescope. Construction began recently on the observatory's mid-array in
the Karoo desert of South Africa which will scan for sources of radio
waves from 350 MHz to 15.4 GHz. The low-array is also under construction
north of Perth in Western Australia. It will use 131,072 dipoles seeking
signals on frequencies between 50 and 350 MHz.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 9th December 2022
In our previous newscast, we shared the triumph of the
amateur-owned company that sent two of its made-in-India CubeSats into
space aboard an Indian Space Research Organisation rocket. The company
announced it is ready to join other enterprises in that nation in taking
the next step. Jim Meachen ZL2BHF tells us what's next.
Not long after the launch of its Thybolt 1 and Thybolt 2 satellites,
Dhruva Space, based in Hyderabad (Hydra-BOD), announced it was moving
forward to build a facility where it can assemble and test satellites as
large as 100 kg. Cofounder Abhay Egoor, the company's chief technical
officer, said Dhruva is already raising funds toward that end. Dhruva
joins another India-based space company, Pixxel, which is building a
satellite assembly facility in Bengaluru. Pixxel expects that project to
be completed during the first half of next year. Other companies are
gearing up as well: Bangalore-based Bellatrix Aerospace, which is building
in Karnataka; and Agnikul Cosmos in Madras, which is looking to develop
testing facilities in Chennai.
This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
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Friday 9th December 2022
In the World of DX, you can find Burkhard, DL3KZA, on the
air from Albania as ZA/DL3KZA until December 13th. He is on 40-17m; mainly
using FT8. QSL to his home call, either direct or by the bureau.
Between December 10th and 16th, you will be able to hear S21DX on the air
from Dhal Char island in Bangladesh, IOTA number AS-140. The operators
will be using the HF bands and the QO-100 satellite. QSL via EB7DX.
Lester, W8YCM, is active until December 11th from Jamaica using the call
sign as 6Y8LV. He is also signing W8YCM/6Y for the remainder of his stay,
which lasts into January. Listen on the HF bands. Send QSLs for his home
Listen for Capi, LU1COP, operating from Isla Martin Garcia, Argentina,
IOTA number SA-055, as LP1A/E until December 11th. Capi is on 80 through
10 metres using FT8 and SSB. QSL via Logbook of the World. Paper QSLs
should be sent to EA7FTR.
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Friday 9th December 2022
When Amateur Radio Newsline began presenting its
International Newsmaker of the Year award in 2019, we did it to
acknowledge the best embodiment of the spirit of amateur radio in the
activities of an individual, club or other organization during the past
year. In presenting this year's award, we congratulate the winner we
celebrated in that inaugural year: The West Bengal Amateur Radio Club of
Kolkata, India. Here's our editor Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT to tell us why.
Congratulations once again to the West Bengal Radio Club of Kolkata India,
Newsline's International Newsmaker for 2022. Operating on a thin budget,
sometimes with borrowed radio equipment, the club has consistently
provided communications during cyclones, after earthquakes, at major
public events and to reunite missing family members with loved ones. The
club also teaches its members valuable emergency-response skills that help
save lives. This past year, those skills helped prevent a different kind
of tragedy: They assisted law enforcement in locating and rescuing a woman
who had been kidnapped and was about to be handed over to a
human-trafficking ring. The stories we have given our listeners this past
year about this club's efforts show that its commitment to public service,
like their energy, knows no limits.
Newsline spoke to the club's secretary, Ambarish Nag Biswas, VU2JFA, and
he explained why members are so committed:
AMBARISH NAG BISWAS: We only make this club, not only for the amateur
radio hobby. We make using this hobby how to save lives because all
technology is for the human. If you are not using your hobby for the
human, I don't believe that hobby...that hobby is just a hobby.
All of us at Amateur Radio Newsline salute this group for its combination
of technology and humanity.
This is Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT.
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Friday 9th December 2022
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly; the ARRL; CQ magazine; David Behar K7DB;;; Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club; Inventiva;; Radio World magazine; the RSGB;;; startupstorymedia; Tom McElroy, W4SDR;; Wireless Institute of Australia; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our website at and know that we appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Neil Rapp WB9VPG in Union, Kentucky saying 73. As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.
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Keplerian Data
Friday 9th December 2022
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following
Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
1 7530U 74089B 22339.90050966 -.00000026 00000-0
12450-3 0 9991
2 7530 101.9271 320.4422 0012455 73.4188 301.3257 12.53659138199196
1 25544U 98067A 22340.72239709 -.00008326 00000-0
-13922-3 0 9991
2 25544 51.6434 201.8711 0004104 129.2233 265.1343 15.49757237371944
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 22339.77680796 .00000980
00000-0 15359-3 0 9999
2 27607 64.5532 137.5121 0080977 261.9345 97.2565 14.76449766
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 22339.87381357 .00002395 00000-0
28418-3 0 9996
2 39444 97.6470 306.3501 0055028 187.8892 172.1463 14.84326163486943
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 22340.31862545 .00041628
00000-0 44921-3 0 9994
2 40903 97.1548 39.8627 0007368 188.7476 235.6624
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 22340.45319267 .00001018
00000-0 52141-4 0 9995
2 40931 5.9967 22.0433 0013126 81.8535 278.3208
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 22340.60981087 .00004077
00000-0 23652-3 0 9991
2 42759 43.0159 102.8506 0011485 297.0442 179.9873 15.13397325302424
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 22340.43621523 .00003845
00000-0 22324-3 0 9998
2 42761 43.0166 102.4691 0011813 297.7167 171.3009 15.13483933302408
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 22339.66359565 .00006233
00000-0 46022-3 0 9998
2 43017 97.6538 226.7795 0243878 346.9259 12.5704
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 22340.63624497 .00001065
00000-0 10938-3 0 9997
2 43678 97.9943 116.2193 0011308 78.5046 281.7389
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 22339.76301560 .00000156
00000-0 00000-0 0 9991
2 43700 0.0214 346.3108 0001669 296.3442 92.3354
1.00271254 14744
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 22340.12471818 .00003773 00000-0
32267-3 0 9991
2 43803 97.6007 42.7469 0015544 56.4110 303.8594
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 22340.49842181 .00000569
00000-0 78366-4 0 9999
2 44881 97.8808 57.1398 0014831 351.8750 8.2225
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 22339.80024160 .00000017
00000-0 29732-4 0 9996
2 44909 82.5196 116.4521 0216479 279.1191 78.5476
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 22340.59965590 .00000296
00000-0 11117-3 0 9999
2 50466 98.5693 57.6669 0004283 10.2446 349.8827
14.38587379 49667
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, December 9,
2022, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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![]() |
The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 9th December 2022
DX Bulletin 49 ARLD049 From ARRL Headquarters Newington
CT December 8, 2022
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by The
Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest
Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
NIGER, 5U. Giorgio, IU5HWS is currently active as 5UA99WS,
mostly on 15 meter SSB until December 20. QSL direct via EA5GL, OQRS
or LoTW.
THE GAMBIA, C5. Andre, ON7YK is QRV as C5YK during his spare
time until February 24, 2023, mostly on 10 and 12 meters, and also on 20,
17 and 15 meters using CW and digital modes. QSL direct via ON7YK or
WILLIS ISLAND, VK9/W. Sands, VU2WXW/VK4WXW, is working at the
Meteorology Weather Station until April. He has been on 40, 20 and
15 meters and hopes to add 17, 12 and 10 meters as well. QSL via
Club Log.
BANGLADESH, S2. Team S21DX will be active from Dhal Char
Island (AS-140) from December 10 to 16 December. Plans are for eight
operators (S21AM, S21BK, S21D, S21IT, S21MK, S21OM, S21RC and S21TG) to be
QRV with two SSB stations, one FT8 (F/H) station, and one station for
QO-100 satellite (SSB). QSL direct to EB7DX. All QSOs will be
uploaded to LoTW or Club Log.
BURKINA FASO, XT. Harald, DF2WO and will be operating as
XT2AW until December 18 on HF and via QO-100. QSL via M0OXO (OQRS),
LoTW or direct.
LAOS, XW. Vincent, XW4KV plans to activate 12 locator grids
via QO-100, until December 23. HF operation is expected as well from
December 13 to 18.
QSL via F4BVK (d/B), OQRS or LoTW.
SENEGAL, 6W. Earl, WA3DX will sign WA3DX/6W, from December 22
to January 20, mostly on 20 meter SSB and FT8, but also on 40 to 10, 2
meters and 70 cm FM, and APRS. He will also be QRV as 6W1/WA3DX,
6W6/WA3DX, and 6W9/WA3DX. QSL direct to home call or LoTW.
BURKINA FASO, XT. Harald, DF2WO will be active as XT2AW until
December 17. He is operating CW, SSB, FT8 and FT4 on HF and plans to
be QRV on QO-100 as well. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
ALBANIA, ZA. Burkhard, DL3KZA is active as ZA/DL3KZA until
December 13 on 40 to 17 meters, using mostly FT8. QSL via home call,
direct or via the Bureau.
MALDIVES, 8Q. Vadim, R6CA will be active as 8Q7CA from
December 13 to 22. He will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 80 to 10
QSL via LoTW, Club Log OQRS or via home call.
CEUTA AND MELILLA, EA9. Yuris, YL2GM signs EA9/YL7A or
EA9/YL2GM from Ceuta until December 12 on the HF bands using CW, SSB and
QSL via home call.
ANTARCTICA, VP8. Seba, SQ1SGB will be operating as
VP8/SQ1SGB/p during his spare time, until February 1, 2023. He is
QRV on 40 and 20 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via EB7DX.
SPAIN, EA. Special event station EE44C celebrates the 44th
anniversary of Spain's present constitution until December 18.
QSL direct via EC5WR, LoTW or eQSL.
Also, EH5FPM operates around the Patron Saint Festivities of Mazarron
until December 11.
QSL to EA5JDN via the Bureau, eQSL or LoTW.
HAWAII, KH6. Jim, N6TJ will sign KH7Q from the KH6YY station
this weekend in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest. This will be a mixed mode
effort using SSB and CW.
QSL via AH6NF.
ENGLAND, G. The RSGB holds their Transatlantic Centenary
Tests throughout December, commemorating the tests towards the first
transatlantic contact on HF. Look for special call signs G5WS, G5AT,
G6XX, G6ZZ, G3DR, and GM3DR. Additional calls may also be used from
other parts of the country: GM5WS (Scotland), GW5WS (Wales), GU5WS
(Guernsey), GD5WS (Isle of Man), GJ5WS (Jersey) and GI5WS (Northern
QSL via M0OXO. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.
FINLAND, OH. The Market Reef DX Association station, OH9A
operates with the call sign OH1XMAS until December 26 on all bands and
QSL via Club Log OQRS or direct.
ARGENTINA, LU. Hernan, LU1COP will be active as LP1A/E from
Isla Martin Garcia until December 11, operating SSB and FT8 on 80 to 10
QSL via LoTW or EA7FTR.
BELGIUM, ON. The UBA Section Bruxelles-Est (ON5UB) will be
active as OR78NUTS from December 9 to 11 to commemorate the 78th
anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge during World War II.
The suffix of the special call sign is General Anthony C. McAuliffe's
famous single-word reply in response to a surrender ultimatum.
QSL via ON5UB.
NETHERLANDS, PA. Celebrating Christmas and the New Year,
special call sign PH22XMAS will be active until December 28, while PH23HNY
will be QRV from December 28 to January 31. QSL cards will not be
PODXS 070 Club Triple Play Low Band Sprint, TRC Digi Contest, SKCC Weekend
Sprintathon, ARI 40/80 Contest, International Naval Contest, QRP ARCI
Holiday Spirits Sprint, CQC Great Colorado Snowshoe Run and the 4 States
QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint are all on tap for your contesting
Please see December 2022 QST, page 59 and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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List of SCC qualifying contests expanded
Friday 2nd December 2022
Ofcom has recently authorised an expansion of the list of Special Contest Call (SCC) qualifying contests.
It now includes the World Wide DIGI Contest and the British Amateur Radio Teledata Group Sprint PSK63 Contest.
Full details of how to apply for an SCC can be found on the RSGB website at
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Additional members wanted for ESRG
Friday 2nd December 2022
The RSGB is seeking to appoint additional members to the Exams and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG)—formerly known as the Exams Group.
Membership of the Group now includes places for club tutors who hold a Full amateur radio licence and have taught the Full Syllabus for at least two years.
If you are interested in making an application, or require further information, please email Tony Kent, G8PBH, Examination Standards Committee Chair, at
Further information about the ESRG can be found on the RSGB website at
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Closing date for next BBDL intermediate exam
Friday 2nd December 2022
The closing date for applications for the next Bath-based Distance Learning (BBDL) course for the Intermediate exam is Thursday, 7 December 2022.
Following application, students must complete some short pre-course study and a quiz to ensure they are able to use the BBDL systems, and to see if it suits their needs.
That work must be completed by 21 December 2022.
The course starts on 4 January 2023, with exams expected in May 2023.
For full details and an application form, please email Steve, G0FUW, at
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Also, Essex Ham offer an on-line training course for beginners called Ham Train. Check out their website
As in most walks of life, passing the initial exams is the first stage to proving competence and knowledge to be able to operate responsibly. There then follows the joys of the initial experiences of an exciting hobby. From then on, it is often finding the forum to ask a zillion questions and chat with your peers who can add their life experiences and knowledge .. which can act as a welcome short cut to completely help you fulfil your personal enjoyment. The Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club are unable at this moment in time to offer training opportunities locally and so recommend one of the above courses as an ideal way into the hobby, followed by taking the RSGB on-line exam. After your success, do consider coming along to the Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club for a few evenings (no charge), and I'm sure we will be able to convince you just how fulfilling and rewarding being a member of a good club can be. We have several new members who have joined recently achieving just that. We now interleave ZOOM meetings, introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic with actual face to face club meetings once again. For more information .. contact our Secretary from our "Who to Contact" page, or check-out our Calendar page for more details. Our members operate in a wide range of radio communication modes enhanced with computer activities, including contests and as a club we use many of the modes available to us across much of the amateur radio spectrum allocated for our use. A warm welcome awaits .. come and talk with us !
Keep checking our
"Calendar of Events" on our club website for our latest information
about our meetings. |
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RSGB Convention presentations: Z66DX and Digital ATV
Friday 2nd December 2022
The RSGB have released two further RSGB 2022 Convention presentations this week.
The first wasn’t part of the Convention livestream so is brand new to
people watching online. In this presentation Werner Hasemann, DJ9KH talks
Z66DX – Activating Kosovo under special circumstances
In Digital ATV – Opening New Horizons Dave Crump, G8GKQ gives an interesting talk in which he describes how easy it is for the home constructor to transmit and receive digital ATV without the need for the specialist camera or receiving equipment that used to be required.
These and other presentations are on the RSGB YouTube channel in the RSGB 2022 Convention playlist.
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RSGB National Radio Centre hosts GB22YOTA
Friday 2nd December 2022
The RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) will be hosting GB22YOTA on Saturday 17 December as part of YOTA Month. Any young amateurs or youngsters who are interested to get started or to learn more about amateur radio are welcome.
The NRC is located within the grounds of the Bletchley Park Museum – entry details and opening times can be found on the Bletchley website.
Remember that RSGB members can download a free entry voucher to the NRC and Bletchley Park from the members’ portal on the RSGB website.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2353 for Friday December 2nd, 2022
Friday 2nd December 2022
We begin this week in space, where a troubled orbit has detoured a
Japanese amateur radio project that was heralded as the world's smallest
moon lander. Jason Daniels VK2LAW brings us that report.
OMOTENASHI, developed by the JAXA Ham Radio Club in Japan, carried the
promise of putting amateur radio on the moon's surface when it launched on
November 16th from Kennedy Space Center in the US. Now the chance to
transmit a beacon in the amateur radio 70cm band from a lunar QTH has been
put into question.
The CubeSat was a secondary payload aboard NASA's Artemis 1 mission. In
English translation from Japanese, the ham radio club's website for JAXA,
Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency, reports that orbital errors have
resulted in an unstable radio signal for its communications. The website
also reports that the solar cells face away from the sun, making it
problematic to charge OMOTENASHI's batteries.
Having missed the chance for a moon landing, organisers are regrouping.
The website reports that data from OMOTENASHI will be analysed to unearth
a possible cause of what happened. The report said that the team believed
that the axis of rotation is stable and that the spacecraft will get
sunlight when the direction of the sun changes. They expect that will
happen next March.
This is Jason Daniels VK2LAW.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
Indian radio amateurs and space enthusiasts had a proud
moment when a rocket launch for an ocean-monitoring satellite had a pair
of homegrown amateur radio CubeSats along for the ride. Here's Jim Meachen
ZL2BHF with details.
Members of the Star Fleet Amateur Radio Club, National Institute for
Amateur Radio, Indian Institute of Hams, West Bengal Radio Club and the
Indian Academy of Communication and Disaster Management were among the
hundreds of amateurs across India watching eagerly on Saturday, November
26th as an Indian Space Research Organisation mission lifted off from the
Satish Dhawan Space Centre. Although the primary payload was an ocean
observation satellite, the varied secondary payload also included two
satellites that Indian news media were praising as the nation's first
homegrown amateur satellites to be launched aboard an Indian space
The nanosatellites had been built in Hyderabad (Hy-Dra-Bod) by Druva
Space, founded by four radio amateurs 10 years ago. The CubeSats have a
combined mass of 1.45 kilograms and each is no larger than 10 by 10 by 5
centimeters. Hams will be able to use their store-and-forward messaging
Dhruva's CEO Sanjay Nekkanti AB3OE / VU3ISS told one news outlet that this
mission was extremely important to those who designed and built the
satellites and said the hams will be testing them out following their
deployment into low earth orbit. Sanjay said [quote] "This is a way for us
to give back to the ecosystem." [endquote] He said he hoped the mission
would also encourage more people to get involved in amateur radio and the
This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
Just as the nature and the technology of amateur radio
keeps evolving so too is the landscape changing for broadcast FM. Jeremy
Boot G4NJH has that story.
Switzerland is preparing for the shutdown of its FM radio services as
Swiss listeners join the ranks of those in Norway and in the UK who now
tune into DAB+
The nation's switchover from FM/analogue to DAB+/digital radio was the
subject of discussion at the recent WorldDAB Summit, a digital radio
industry forum held in London in early November. Norway's P4 radio led the
charge in that nation more than five years ago, embracing the multiple
channels from one transmitter, a lower cost way to keep station
programming on the air.
Switzerland's move comes just as the broadcast licences for the nation's
radio stations expire at the end of 2024. Broadcasters see the switch as a
way to save money while increasing the reach and the variety of the
programme content. There will be no simulcasting on FM and digital.
In a report in Radio World magazine, Swiss broadcaster Nicola Bomio said
he was worried that the change would cost the stations listenership.
Others said they wondered whether listeners living on the border with
France would simply tune in to stations there.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
If you're counting down the days until Christmas, here's a
little help with counting things down. Just count to twelve - for the
return of the popular 12 Days of Christmas Special Event. Mike Askins
KE5CXP tells us how to get in on the action.
Is that a partridge in the pear tree, or did someone just hang a dipole in
its place? And are those nine drummers really drumming....or are they
actually DXing? With the return of the 12 Days of Christmas Special Event
this year, you just can't be sure what those nine drummers, ten pipers or
seven swans are up to, but we do know that hundreds of hams around the
world will be listening for them. Their special-event call signs will be
on the air for a fourth year starting on December 14th and ending on
Christmas Day, December 25th. Operators will be using CW and SSB and
making use of one satellite. As in previous years, they will be using 1 x
1 calls that begin with either a W or a K -- but this year things will be
easier for those who wish to rotate their beams: The calls will also
contain a stroke and the operator's numerical call area. So get ready to
start listening for all those calling birds -- and earn a downloadable
certificate to make the season as bright as those five golden rings.
This is Mike Askins KE5CXP.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
December is going to be a busy month for the younger
generation of amateur radio operators around the world. Using the YOTA
suffix - Y O T A - in their call signs, hams ages 25 and younger will be
on all the bands using all the modes at various times of the day and
night. At any given time you will be able to hear Argentina's young
amateurs using LR1YOTA, hams in Honduras using HQ2YOTA or young operators
in El Salvador calling QRZ as YS1YOTA. Here in the United States, the call
signs will be K8Y, K8O, K8T and K8A, with the single-letter suffixes
spelling "YOTA."
Last year's young amateurs logged 119,516 QSOs. Can they top that this
The month will also present them with challenge of Round 3 of the YOTA
contest, which will take place on the 30th of December from 1200 to 2359
For more details, follow the link in the text version of this week's
newscast script at
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Friday 2nd December 2022
Amateur radio can be very portable and very public, as we
know. Now an awards program created by a group of amateurs in Australia
combines both -- in a very practical way. John Williams VK4JJW explains.
You can trade the trails and the treetops for trains and trams thanks to
an awards programme from the School Amateur Radio Club Network, VK3SRC.
It's called Public Transport On The Air - PTOTA (pronounced "puh-toe-tah")
- and it encourages students and other commuters to grab their handhelds
and call CQ while enroute to their destination on some means of public
transportation. Contacts can be made via digital or analogue voice modes
and can utilise any netwok or device. The only requirement is to have the
QSO on an amateur band.
Based in Australia, the club network unites schools in which students
belong to an amateur radio club. The clubs are promoted and assisted by
Julie VK3FOWL and Joe VK3YSP. SARCNET administers a number of programme
awards, including PTOTA. PTOTA awards are issued as annual certificates.
Participants' points are re-set every 1st of the year.
The SARCNET website encourages students to make ham radio visible to the
public in this way but does offer two important caveats: Before leaving
the train or tram, check your seat for any equipment you may have left
behind -- and perhaps, more importantly, try to avoid morning and
afternoon rush hour.
Additional details are available at
This is John Williams VK4JJW.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
Young amateur radio operators in North, Central and South
America are being invited to plan for a memorable time in Canada this
coming July: Applications are now open for the third Youth on the Air
camp, which is open to licensed radio amateurs between the ages of 15 and
25. The camp will be held on the campus of Carleton University in Ontario,
Canada from July 16th through to July 21st.
The application process is free and allocations are being held for campers
from each of the three Americas to allow for attendance from countries
throughout IARU Region 2. For the best chances at being chosen,
prospective campers are being encouraged to apply by January 15th. The
application process will however continue through to May 31st.
To apply - and to read details about making separate arrangements for
transportation - visit YouthOnTheAir dot org (
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Friday 2nd December 2022
The telecommunications regulator in the UK delivered some
good news to amateurs who enjoy experimenting on the air. Jeremy Boot
G4NJH tells us what they learned.
Amateurs who hold a Full licence in the UK will be eligible to use the
frequencies between 146 to 147MHz after receiving a Notice of Variation
from Ofcom. In some restricted areas operational limitations exist. The
notice is available on a temporary basis only and is subject to a 30-day
notice period that it is being changed or withdrawn.
By making this part of the spectrum available, Ofcom is hoping to
encourage experimentation by radio amateurs, allowing them to experiment
with new technologies such as digital voice and data transmissions having
moderate bandwidth. Ofcom defines "moderate" as being up to 500 kHz wide.
The one-year Notice of Variation was first made to full licensees in
October 2014. The Radio Society of Great Britain said that it is pleased
that Ofcom has accepted its latest request to extend the agreement. NoV
applications are made via the RSGB website at rsgb dot org slash nov (
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
The Museum of Information Explosion in Huntsville, Alabama,
is getting a modernized amateur radio station that will feature digital
technology to complement the more traditional gear being showcased in the
museum's other exhibits. The station is being established with the help of
a $16,000 grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications and is designed
to show how ham radio is surviving by changing with the times. The museum
is set to open early next year. Various local ham radio clubs, including
the Radio Club of the Museum of Information Explosion, will serve as
docents for visitors and will also go on the air from the station.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
An amateur radio operator from Ottawa, Canada has just been
chosen for the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame. Dave Parks, WB8ODF,
tells us about him.
The name of Bryan Rawlings, VE3QN, is being added to the roster of those
who have contributed to amateur radio consistently over the years as both
an advocate and a participant. First licensed in 1959 as VE2AME, Bryan
returned to active participation in Canadian amateur radio in 2002 after
years of living overseas. Radio Amateurs of Canada cites his consistent
work in the preparation for and attendance at the International
Telecommunications Union's World Radio Conferences in 2012, 2015 and 2019.
The RAC has credited him with being a key member of the Canadian
delegation at ITU meetings. The Hall of Fame chairman of the board Frank
Davis VO1HP, writes on the RAC website that Bryan's work on the national
and international levels involved helping hams gain access to frequencies
at both 60 meters and 630 meters. Frank acknowledges Bryan's successes as
well in establishing and maintaining a good working relationship with
Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada, the nation's
Congratulations to Bryan.
This is Dave Parks WB8ODF.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
In the World of DX, listen for Tony, JH1FFW, on the air
from Palau as T88RC until December 5th. You can hear him on the HF bands,
using SSB and FT8. QSL via eQSL or LoTW.
Look for Giorgio, 5UA99WS, who will be on the air from Niger (nye-Jeer)
until the 23rd of December. He will be on 15 and 20 metres using SSB when
time permits. QSL via his LoTW manager, IK5SRF.
Listen for Sergey, RX3APM, on the air from the Maldives as 8Q7BB from
December 4th through to the 17th. He will participate in the ARRL 10m
contest which is taking place on December 10th and 11th. At other times he
will be operating on 80 through 10 metres. QSL to his home call.
Be listening for Joe, VE3BW, operating from Costa Rica as TI7/VE3BW
between December 23rd and January 4th. He will be on the air on 160-6m,
using CW, SSB and FT8. See his page on for details.
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Friday 2nd December 2022
Sometimes the best movies are the ones in which it's
impossible to guess the ending. Our final report in this week's newscast
tells us about one such movie, a documentary, and the student filmmaker
who created it. Ralph Squillace KK6ITB brings us her story.
The 30-minute documentary that made its TV premiere on Montana Public
Broadcasting on Thanksgiving Day was a production by Grace Wolcott, a
University of Montana student working with Media Arts students at the
school. The film has a one-word title: "Ham." Grace told Newsline it was
inspired by a class assignment and, in part, by the small portable
shortwave radio she listens to. It's the story of Montana's ham radio
community and the reason for radio operators' devotion.
She called the documentary a learning experience with everyone willing to
work outside their comfort zones. Grace was producer, director and
assistant editor. The production also offered moments of radio magic. In
one of her favorite moments, the crew was interviewing a ham in his shack
when another ham could be heard on the air -- and then there was yet
another. A QSO got under way and each learned that they'd all been
interviewed for Grace's film. Grace told Newsline: [quote] "I felt in that
moment, even if this documentary isn't a masterpiece or nobody sees it, I
am glad that, just like amateur radio, we are bringing people together." [endquote]
So can you guess the ending? Grace, who aspires to be an independent
filmmmaker, now has another goal. She wants to become a ham. She's already
studying with the help of Lance Collister, W7GJ, the amateur seen in the
opening scenes of the film. She said: [quote] "Everyone I met in the
community is patiently waiting for me to get my license and I will not let
them down!" [endquote]
She gets her diploma at the end of this semester and hopes to get on the
air next year.
This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
If you ]'d like to see Grace's documentary, it's available on the Montana
PBS website. See the link in the text version of this week's Newsline
script at
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to the ARRL; CQ magazine; David Behar K7DB;; JAXA Amateur Radio Club; Facebook; Montana PBS; NASA; The Print;; Radio World magazine; the RSGB;
Republic World; SARCNet;; Youth on the Air Camp;
Wireless Institute of Australia; YOTA; and you our listeners, that's all
from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur
Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs
expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please
visit our website at and know that we appreciate you all.
We also remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave
us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve
Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide,
I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB, in Wadsworth, Ohio saying 73. As always we
thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2022. All
rights reserved.
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Keplerian Data - Released 2nd December 2022
Friday 2nd December 2022
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following
Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
1 07530U 74089B 22335.70667806 -.00000024 00000-0
13637-3 0 9998
2 07530 101.9268 316.2286 0012462 81.2665 94.0183
1 25544U 98067A 22336.67294800 .00012597
00000-0 23073-3 0 9994
2 25544 51.6436 221.9239 0004534 116.6109 350.7827 15.49697482371317
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 22335.78051208 .00000729
00000-0 11951-3 0 9991
2 27607 64.5528 149.7479 0081018 262.6711 96.5178 14.76440569
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 22336.36833980 .00001863 00000-0
22258-3 0 9996
2 39444 97.6469 302.9888 0054731 199.4784 160.4341 14.84309522487014
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 22336.54990556 .00038802
00000-0 42419-3 0 9998
2 40903 97.1544 36.0441 0006933 203.5298 264.2798
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 22336.33394350 .00000948
00000-0 42454-4 0 9990
2 40931 5.9956 51.3970 0013722 24.2071 335.8777
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 22336.57857461 .00002924
00000-0 17341-3 0 9997
2 42759 43.0159 125.1185 0011476 274.9327 173.7766 15.13358099301811
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 22336.40795756 .00003274
00000-0 19218-3 0 9994
2 42761 43.0164 124.7264 0011714 276.3771 179.2967 15.13449196301797
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 22335.74968919 .00005701
00000-0 42111-3 0 9996
2 43017 97.6534 223.0273 0244352 359.7689 0.3373
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 22336.41261341 .00001198
00000-0 12233-3 0 9990
2 43678 97.9939 111.9311 0011251 92.2349 268.0195
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 22336.39077104 .00000147
00000-0 00000+0 0 9990
2 43700 0.0195 308.8975 0001205 319.3421 329.4522
1.00269450 14955
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 22335.64959222 .00003058 00000-0
26267-3 0 9991
2 43803 97.6002 38.3890 0015391 69.6060 290.6815
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 22336.58228510 .00000564
00000-0 77673-4 0 9993
2 44881 97.8808 53.2847 0015096 4.5980 355.5376
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 22335.65662086 .00000035
00000-0 10529-3 0 9993
2 44909 82.5191 119.2055 0216453 288.8552 68.9189
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 22336.49604618 .00000205
00000-0 81522-4 0 9992
2 50466 98.5694 53.5707 0004516 22.6849 337.4537
14.38584755 4907
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 2nd December 2022
This week's bulletin, released 1st December 2022 was
made possible with information provided by The Daily DX, the OPDX
Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest
Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
MAURITIUS, 3B8. F6HMQ and F6GWV are QRV as 3B8/home calls
until December 14. Activity is holiday style on 40 to 10 meters
using SSB and various digital modes. QSL to home calls.
ROTUMA, 3D2. Tony, 3D2AG is QRV as 3D2AG/p until December 20.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters, with a focus on 15, 12, and 10 meters,
using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. QSL via operator's instructions.
TANZANIA, 5H. Ferdy, HB9DSP is QRV as 5H3FM from Zanzibar
Island, IOTA AF-032, until December 13. Activity is holiday style on
20, 15, and 10 meters using SSB and some FT8. QSL via LoTW.
SAMOA, 5W. Sigfrido, HB9FFN is QRV as 5W0RS from Apia, IOTA
OC-097, while working as an agronomist for the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. Activity is in his spare time on
40, 20, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL direct to IT9YVO.
MALDIVES, 8Q. Sergey, RX3APM will be QRV as 8Q7BB from
December 4 to 17. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters. This
includes being an entry in the upcoming ARRL 10 Meter contest. QSL
to home call.
NEPAL, 9N. Robert, 9N7AA is QRV until December 14.
Activity is generally on 160 to 6 meters using FT8. QSL direct to
THE GAMBIA, C5. Andre, ON7YK is QRV as C5YK from Bijilo until
February 24, 2023. Activity is in his spare time on 20 to 10 meters
using SSB, RTTY, FT8, and FT4. QSL direct to home call.
MOROCCO, CN. Special event station CN22JIM will be QRV on
December 5 to 18 from Imlil in the High Atlas mountain range of Morocco in
recognition of the Journee Internationale de la Montagne. QSL via
SOLOMON ISLANDS, H4. Remo, HB9SHD will be QRV as H44SHD from
Uepi Island, IOTA OC-149, from December 6 to 19. Activity will be on
40 to 6 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL to home call.
GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5GQA until
December 15 while on work assignment. Activity is in his spare time
using only FT8. QSL to home call.
JAPAN, JA. Special event station 8J1H90T is QRV until March
31, 2023 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the city of Hiratsuka. QSL
via bureau.
PALAU, T8. Tony, JH1FFW is QRV as T88RC until December 5.
Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL to home call.
WILLIS ISLAND, VK9W. Sands, VU2WXW is QRV as VK9WX while
working at the Meteorology Weather Station here until the end of April,
2023. Activity of late has been on 20 meters using SSB around 1300 to
1400z. QSL via operator's instructions.
MEXICO, XE. A group of operators will be QRV as XF1S from
Tiburon Island, IOTA NA-167, from December 4 to 9. Activity will be
on 160 to 6 meters, including Satellites, using CW, SSB, and various
digital modes. QSL via IT9EJW.
INDONESIA, YB. Indra, YB8QT is QRV from the Sangihe Islands,
IOTA OC-210, until 2024 or 2025. QSL via IK2DUW.
VANUATU, YJ. Chris, VK2YUS is QRV as YJ0CA from Efate, IOTA OC-035,
until December 9. Activity is in his spare time on 40 to 10 meters
using SSB.
QSL direct to home call.
ALBANIA, ZA. Burkhard, DL3KZA is QRV as ZA/DL3KZA from Vlora
and his here until December 13. Activity is on 40 to 17 meters using
mostly FT8. QSL to home call.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. ARRL 160-Meter Contest, Walk for
the Bacon QRP Contest, CWops Test, RTTYOPS Weeksprint, NRAU 10-Meter
Activity Contest, SKCC CW Sprint Europe, NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW
Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, Kalbar SSB Contest,
UFT CW Meeting, Wake-Up. QRP CW Sprint, PRO CW Contest, INORC CW Contest
and FT Roundup are scheduled for this upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, ARS Spartan CW Sprint,
RTTYOPS Weeksprint, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox Hunt, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club
AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test 40 and Mini-Test
80 are all on tap for December 5 to 7.
Youngsters On The Air stations are active during the month of December.
Please see December QST, page 59, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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