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This weeks Local, UK and World NEWS
Friday 27th January 2023
Have you been busy making something recently? Don’t forget that you have just five weeks left to enter the RSGB Construction Competition.
The four categories are: Beginners; Construction excellence; Innovation; and Software.
The judges will give special recognition to entries submitted by radio amateurs under the age of 24 and also to those who have just gained their Foundation licence. There are cash prizes in every category.
The RSGB Communications Manager chatted to last year’s winners and runners-up and shared their stories in the January and February editions of RadCom, so take a look and be inspired!
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Friday 27th January 2023
If you are interested in helping to see amateur radio, and the RSGB, continue to thrive over the coming years, this is a final reminder that the closing date for RSGB President, Elected Director and Regional Representative roles is this Tuesday 31 January.
Candidate packs, forms and further details can be found on the RSGB website
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Aged 26 or under? Love amateur radio?
Friday 27th January 2023
Aged 26 or under? Love all things radio?
Why not join the RSGB Youth Team?
The team currently has over 30 members across the UK, who work together to encourage young people into the hobby. You’ll be involved in planning events, attending shows and writing articles. Get involved, gain skills and make new friends!
See the new youth video “Try it!” on the RSGB YouTube channel and find out how to get involved in the Youth Team via our website.
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Special RSL for Coronation celebrations
Friday 27th January 2023
We are delighted to announce that, as part of our Coronation celebration activities, Ofcom has approved “R” as the optional Coronation regional secondary locator prefix for all radio amateurs.
You will be able to use this for the whole of May and June 2023. More information will be reported closer to the date of the Coronation.
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Sunday 12 February – MIDCARS Radioactive Fair
Friday 27th January 2023
Nantwich Civic Hall, Market Street, Nantwich CW5 5DG
Doors open 10am and admission is £5. A wide variety of trader stalls covering every aspect of the radio hobby, new and old radios, computers and electronics and a Bring & Buy platform. Raffles throughout the rally. Refreshments and snacks available in the hall and parking is immediately adjacent to the hall.
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Data from the First SLS Flight to Prepare NASA for Future Artemis Missions
Friday 27th January 2023
NASA continues to
evaluate data and learn more about the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket's
debut performance during the agency's Nov. 16 Artemis 1 Launch.
Following an initial data assessment and review that determined ths SLS
rocket met or exceeded all performance expectations, SLS engineers are now
taking a closer look at the Moon rodket's performance to prepare for the
first crewed Artemis missions.
By Alyssa Lee
Photo Right >
The core stage of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) rocket has more than 1,000 sensors and 45 miles of cabling. The SLS core stage's base heat shield is roughly 1.3 inches thick and was specially designed to protect the 212-foot-tall stage and its two liquid propellant tanks from launch pad temperatures greater than 3,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Date indicates the structure was not affected by temperature that can turn sand to glass.
Four RS-25 engines and two five segment solid rocket boosters provide more than 8.8 million pounds of thrust for SLS during lift off and flight. Thanks in part to development of a new RS-25 engine controller that checks engine health50 times per second, engineers were able to collect more than 100 measurements on pressure, temperature, flows, speed and vibration n the four RS-25 engines that helped power Artemis 1.
Credits: NASA/Joel Kowsky
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2361 for Friday January 27th, 2023
Friday 27th January 2023
The following is a QST. Innovative antenna technology makes its debut on a student CubeSat. A well-loved radio museum reopens in Ireland - and a radio telescope receives a signal from a record-breaking distance. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2361 comes your way right now.
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Friday 27th January 2023
We begin this week's report with a report of a record-breaking signal
from a galaxy far, far away. Here's Graham Kemp VK4BB.
Scientists have captured a faint radio signal from the most distant
galaxy yet - a signal they believe created a chance to look back 8.8
billion years in time when the universe was 4.9 billion years old.
Arnab Chakraborty, a post-doctoral researcher at McGill University, said
the signal was received at a "record-breaking distance."
A news release from McGill university said the signal, which was received
by the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in India, had a wavelength called
the 21 cm line.
The researchers credit a naturally occurring phenomenon known as
gravitational lensing. When that happens, another galaxy that exists
between the radio signal and the telescope bends the signal which
magnifies it, enabling the telescope to detect it. Scientist Nirupam Roy
at the Indian Institute of Science said this process shows great potential
for further study of distant galaxies.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 27th January 2023
Amateurs in Western Pennsylvania are grieving the loss of a valued
friend, mentor and top traffic handler. For that story, we turn to Kevin
Trotman N5PRE.
There was to be a final call and moment of silence for Bob Ketzell, KB3IN,
on Friday evening, January 27th, at the start of the Western Pennsylvania
Phone Traffic Net on 80 meters. Bob became a Silent Key on Tuesday,
January 24th following a long illness.
According to his close friend, Eddie Misiewicz KB3YRU, Bob took great joy
handling the daily Radiogram traffic on the National Traffic System in
western Pennsylvania and serving as net control for the Western
Pennsylvania Phone Traffic Net.
First licensed in 1961 as a junior in high school, Bob most recently had
been Western Pennsylvania section traffic manager for the ARRL and the
Western Pennsylvania representative for the 3rd Region Net Cycle 2 Traffic
Net. A member of the Washington County Amateur Communications Club, he was
a former ARES emergency coordinator for Washington County.
According to Eddie, Bob was well-known for his generosity as a mentor,
having taught traffic-handling and Radiogram classes to fellow amateurs.
He was a retired dispatch supervisor for the Washington County Department
of Public Safety in Pennsylvania.
Eddie said of him: "Our next section traffic manager is going to have big
shoes to fill. There will never be another Bob."
Bob was 76.
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Friday 27th January 2023
A group of hams in Europe will be joining the on-air festivities in
February recognizing the role radio can play as a tool of peace among
nations. Andy Morrison K9AWM brings us that report.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
known as UNESCO, declared World Radio Day to be a celebration of the
contributions this communications medium can make towards peace. This year
marks the 12th such World Radio Day on the 13th of February. Although
there is a separate day set aside to mark World Amateur Radio Day later
this spring, hams with the EA Digital Federation are celebrating the
medium with several special event stations.
Operators plan to be on the air this year with special callsigns between
Friday, the 10th and Monday the 13th of the month. The callsigns are AO (A
OH) one through nine W-R-D. QSL cards will be available for any single
contact and qualify the operator for the Radio Clubs of the World Award,
Meanwhile, on the commercial side of the spectrum in the US, KDKA News
Radio in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is receiving the 2023 World Radio Day
Award for US stations, as the country's oldest licensed broadcast station.
Previous winners include 1010 WINS (TEN-TEN Wins) in New York City,
college radio station WRHU at Hofstra University on Long Island, New York
and the first winner, WTOP in Washington, DC.
This is Andy Morrison K9AWM.
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Friday 27th January 2023
Innovative antenna technology is being featured as part of a CubeSat
project under way in Arizona. Jack Parker W8ISH gives us those details.
Students at the University of Arizona have finished their work on a
CubeSat project that will be launched into low Earth orbit later this
year. One of the innovations the CubeSat will use is inflatable antenna
technology developed by one of the school's astronomy professors.
By striving to stay in a sun synchronous orbit around Earth, the small
satellite, known as CatSat, will remain in daylight through most of the
length of its mission. Its inflatable antenna system was developed by
professor Christopher Walker, who serves as the team's science principal
investigator. The inflatable antenna will be used for high bandwidth
transmission. According to the website of Freefall Aerospace, where Walker
developed the antenna, the system makes use of an ultra-lightweight
inflatable structure that provides a large aperture high-gain antenna that
can be deployed in orbit.
The CatSat's mission will also include detection of HF signals from
amateur radio operators around the world through its use of a WSPR
antenna. Those transmissions will be downlinked to a receiver at the
school's Biosphere 2 facility on the Arizona campus. CatSat will also be
collecting high-resolution images of Earth and providing data on the
The project is part of NASA's CubeSat Launch Initiative.
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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Friday 27th January 2023
An educational satellite built by Swiss students is being prepared for
an important launch in February, as we learn from Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
With the help of a ham radio antenna donated by the Vaudois Amateur Radio
Club, HB9MM, high school students in Switzerland will be learning how to
download telemetry data and photos from a satellite they have helped build
in a laboratory at Orbital Solutions in Monaco.
The RoseyCubesat-1 is the first educational satellite of its kind to be
created through the company’s STEMSAT programme. Le Rosey is the name of
the Swiss learning institute that the students attend. They will be able
to send commands to the CubeSat to select telemetry and picture download
or to switch it into its VU transponder mode so that amateurs around the
world will be able to communicate over the small satellite. The downlink
using BPSK and AX25 is on 436.825 MHz and when the transponder is enabled,
its uplink will be on 145.850 MHz. The launch is expected to take place on
the 14th February at the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 27th January 2023
Are you a satellite enthusiast hoping to go for the big prize with
your contacts? There's an opening at AMSAT for a capable volunteer who can
help with an important tool for chasers. Sel Embee KB3TZD tells us what's
AMSAT's Gridmaster Heat Map has served as an invaluable guide to
grid-chasers using satellites, for those activating hams who need to be
aware of which grids are in greatest need. AMSAT says in a recent weekly
service bulletin that the map may be going away unless a replacement
manager can be found.
Paul Overn, KEØPBR, will be stepping down after three years at the helm of
the project in which he tracked grid rarity based on crowdsourced data
from hams who updated him. Paul's Twitter feed, atgridmasterheat (@GridMasterHeat)
displays a color-coded map of grid rarities ranging from green - the most
common - to red, for rare.
The map plays an especially important role in the pursuit of AMSAT's
prestigious GridMaster Award. This honor is conferred on any amateur
around the world who works all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48
contiguous United States via satellite and has those contacts confirmed in
AMSAT is looking for a volunteer to assume Paul's post. The candidate
should be capable of collecting crowdsourced data and transferring it to a
spreadsheet or some other format and providing updates every week to
satellite users.
For details visit
This is Sel Embee KB3TZD.
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Friday 27th January 2023
A beloved museum for fans of antique radio and gear is finally
reopening its doors in Dublin. We have more details from Jeremy Boot
The doors are reopening at Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum, a vintage
collection of radios and radio-related items housed in a Martello Tower
near Dublin, Ireland. On the weekend of January 14th, the first visitors
were able to step inside after the museum had been closed for two months
for renovation work. Though the initial opening provided some limited
access while the remainder of the work was completed, full access was
expected to be available after January 21st.
The well-loved museum was opened by Pat Herbert in 2003 and the radio
aficionado brought much of his collection to its displays. The museum
continues to have the support of his family and friends following Pat's
death in 2020 at the age of 83
The museum is the home of amateur radio station EIØMAR, which is operated
by the Howth Martello Radio Group. There is more history to this museum
than just the collection it holds: In the mid-19th century, the tower
itself housed the first telegraphy station connecting Great Britain and
Ireland. Lee de Forest, the pioneering radio scientist from the US,
visited the tower in 1903 to conduct experiments in wireless telegraphy.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 27th January 2023
In the world of DX, there's good news for Bouvet Island
Dxpedition 3YØJ (Three Why Zero Jay) watchers: Despite earlier reports to
the contrary, team members are operating /mm from the ship as they make
their way to the island. Be listening for them using their home calls plus
/mm using CW and SSB. Team co-leader Ken LA7GIA said the group has a
dipole with capability of 17m and 20m.
Juan, LU8DBS, is on the air in his spare time as LU1ZV at Esperanza Base,
Antarctica, IOTA number AN-016. Listen for him on 40, 20 and 10 metres
where he is using SSB through to the end of January. In February, he will
be adding CW and digital modes. Send QSLs direct to LU4DXU.
Be listening for Robson, PY6TV, who will be using CW and SSB with the
callsign PT6D from Ilha da Mare, IOTA Number SA-023 from the 2nd to the
5th of February. QSL direct to his home call and see his page for
PayPal details. Robson will upload his log to Club Log.
Adam, VK2YK, Chris, VK5FR, Ivan, VK5HS and a team of other VK hams will be
using the callsign VK5TIL from Troubridge Island, IOTA number OC-139, on
the 7th, 8th and 9th of February. They will operate CW, SSB and digital
modes on various bands. QSL via MØOXO's OQRS, LoTW and eQSL.
Be listening for John, W5JON, who will be on the air as V47JA from St.
Kitts, IOTA number NA-104, from the 31st of January to the 15th of
February. He will be using SSB and FT8 on the HF bands and 6 metres. QSL
via LoTW, or direct to W5JON.
(425 DX Bulletin)
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Friday 27th January 2023
Speaking of chasing DX and DXpeditions, a group of amateurs is hosting
a DXpedition bootcamp in the South Pacific offering the expertise of
experienced ops to help those who hope to do it for real sometime. The
station on Norfolk Island offers CW and SSB from 160m through 10m with
dedicated stations for FT8 and 6m along with a variety of dipole and
vertical antennas. A short drive from the DXpedition station is Mount
Bates where interested operators can try their hand at a SOTA activation.
Norfolk Island National Park is also adjacent to the DXpedition station.
The camp will take place from March 17th to the 31st. For information
about costs or other details, visit the website dxpeditionbootcamp -
that's one word - dot net. Yes, meals are included.
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Friday 27th January 2023
Finally, we end with a story about gratitude. There are lots of ways
to say thank you of course but in amateur radio some gestures go beyond
mere words or even certificates. Here's Ralph Squillace KK6ITB to tell us
about a group of hams here in the US who turned a "thank you" into a
special event.
How exactly do you say thank you to your mentor, the ham who patiently
answered your questions - all of them - helped with your studies, guided
you with your shack, handled questions about on-air protocol and.....well,
you name it. The simple answer is: you get on the air. For a group of
radio operators in New England that translated into creating a special
event thank you to their Elmers late last year. Using the callsign
W1E/ELMER, six of them got on the air for a few days late last year,
telling stories - and hearing stories - about those all-important hams who
made a difference in their lives. In all, there were a little more than
300 QSOs, each one an audio thank-you card offered as a tribute.
However, the Elmer event doesn't end there. Two of the organizers, Bill
W1FMX and Rich KB1FGC, know there are more stories out there and lots of
thank yous to share. This year it will be happening again, starting on
September 29th, and Rich hopes that hams everywhere - not just in New
England - will join them on the air. So if you've been thinking about
"why" and "how" of where you are now in amateur radio, now is the time for
Rich to hear from you. His email address is in the text version of this
week's newscast at
Rich's first special event was a few years ago in honor of his father who
had owned a trucking business and was on the board of the Department of
Transportation in Connecticut -- but at the time Rich had never heard of a
special event that let hams honor other hams. He believed that an
on-the-air event honoring radio mentors would provide an appropriate means
for celebrating those who made it possible for many of us to get on the
air in the first place.
As the participants' certificate states clearly, Elmers help to keep ham
radio strong.
This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
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Friday 27th January 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think
Newsline would be interested in? We are not talking about advertising your
club's upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but something that is
out of the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the contact page
at If it's newsworthy and we would like to cover it, we'll
get back to you for more details.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly; AMSAT News
Service; the ARRL; CBS News; CQ magazine; David Behar K7DB; DXPedition
Bootcamp; Eddie Misiewicz, KB3YRU; 425 DX News; EA Digital Federation;
Jenny Tupper; Mc Gill University; Rich Guerrera, KB1FGC; Sean Kutzko,
KX9X;; UNESCO; Wireless Institute of Australia; and you
our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our
listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit
organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish
to support us, please visit our website at and know that we
appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our
newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us.
For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and
our news team worldwide, I'm Neil Rapp WB9VPG in Union Kentucky saying 73.
As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is
Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Keplerian Data - 24th January 2023
Friday 27th January 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 6 ARLK006
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT January 24, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 7530U 74089B 23024.86632346 -.00000039 00000-0
47276-4 0 9995
2 7530 101.9334 10.6553 0012189 339.0240 84.5769
1 25544U 98067A 23024.86609220 .00024425
00000-0 43305-3 0 9999
2 25544 51.6453 318.4386 0004806 275.3528 188.4572 15.50095477379567
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23024.15166773 .00002799
00000-0 39915-3 0 9991
2 27607 64.5572 346.3182 0079278 252.6995 106.5424 14.76654401 81167
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23023.80944531 .00007933 00000-0
91513-3 0 9998
2 39444 97.6541 353.3056 0055888 30.3164 330.1264
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23024.71161135 .00099444
00000-0 81781-3 0 9999
2 40903 97.1453 90.0648 0006328 19.8533 97.8307
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23024.41030053 .00001595
00000-0 13186-3 0 9999
2 40931 5.9979 32.7120 0013410 58.0357 302.1300
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23024.56947866 .00008964
00000-0 49379-3 0 9996
2 42759 43.0153 192.2139 0011475 255.7026 217.4662 15.14171385309845
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23024.58689493 .00011651
00000-0 63513-3 0 9993
2 42761 43.0150 190.7399 0012064 257.6007 187.5154 15.14316758309850
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23024.11550730 .00009143
00000-0 66428-3 0 9992
2 43017 97.6510 274.2144 0241359 183.6874 176.2572 14.83560990279801
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23024.57414954 .00002744
00000-0 27154-3 0 9998
2 43678 97.9970 165.9286 0008527 278.8549 81.1671
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23024.75692061 .00000138
00000-0 00000+0 0 9990
2 43700 0.0135 78.8529 0002174 265.9055 77.3336
1.00269825 15491
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23023.40809184 .00008170 00000-0
68362-3 0 9993
2 43803 97.5952 89.7624 0012225 246.7832 113.2104
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23024.51598825 .00001837
00000-0 23741-3 0 9990
2 44881 97.8757 105.3808 0014627 181.3806 178.7372 14.82077038167517
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23022.64824090 .00000040
00000-0 11272-3 0 9993
2 44909 82.5197 84.6580 0217836 166.9862 193.6987
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23024.49441913 .00000863
00000-0 29625-3 0 9999
2 50466 98.5636 106.4631 0004438 197.3348 162.7689 14.38643457 56695
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 22354.08419093 -.00000003 00000-0
00000+0 0 9990
2 53106 70.1702 21.9397 0008914 226.9685 182.2049
6.42557326 10248
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23024.47976875 .00015293
00000-0 94921-3 0 9997
2 54684 97.5389 163.6878 0015367 106.9889 327.0138 15.09693322
1 55124U 98067UR 23024.22320559 .00144489 00000-0
20210-2 0 9993
2 55124 51.6414 321.1213 0001113 170.1078 189.9935 15.55821713
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, January 27, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 27th January 2023
DX Bulletin 4 ARLD004
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT January 26, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
GU4YOX, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
BOUVET, 3Y. A large group of operators will be QRV as 3Y0J.
Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via
SRI LANKA, 4S. Peter DC0KK and Wolfgang DK9DR will be QRV as
4S7KKG and 4S7DRG, respectively, from the Sri Lanka Broadcast SLBC
transmitting site from January 29 to February 7. Activity will be in
their spare time on 80 to 10 meters using mostly SSB with FT8 and FT4.
QSL to home calls.
TIMOR-LESTE, 4W. Satoshi, JH2EUV is QRV as 4W/JH2EUV.
Activity of late has been on 17, 15, and 10 meters using FT8. QSL
via LoTW.
TOGO, 5V. Filippo, IK4ZHH is QRV as 5V22FF. Activity is
on 40 to 10 meters using mainly CW with some SSB. QSL to Club Log.
KENYA, 5Z. Rick, M0LEP is QRV as 5Z4/M0LEP from Nairobi until
January 30. Activity is in his spare time on 20 to 6 meters using CW
and SSB. QSL to home call.
LESOTHO, 7P. Yuris, YL2GM is QRV as 7P8WW until February 4.
Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. QSL
via YL2GN.
THE GAMBIA, C5. Andre, ON7YK is QRV as C5YK from Bijilo until
February 24. Activity is on 20 to 10 meters using all modes.
QSL direct to home call.
FW1JG and expects to be here until January 2024. He is active on 40
to 6 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW.
FRENCH GUIANA, FY. Contest station FY5KE will be QRV as TO1A
in the CQ World Wide 160-Meter CW and French CW contests. QSL via
operators' instructions.
JERSEY, GJ. Bob, GU4YOX will be QRV as MJ5E in the CQ World
Wide 160-Meter CW contest. QSL direct to home call.
DL7CX plan to be QRV as HB0DX in the CQ World Wide 160-Meter CW contest as
a Multi/Single entry. Outside the contest they are active as
HB0/home calls. QSL HB0DX via DL3DXX and all others to home calls.
PANAMA, HP. Members of the Panama Canal Amateur Radio
Association will be QRV as 3E30PCARA from February 1 to 28 to celebrate
the club's 30th anniversary.
QSL direct.
ALASKA, KL. Brandon, KL7BSC will be QRV from Denali State
Park, POTA K-1641, during Winter Field Day. QSL via LoTW.
ANTARCTICA. Juan, LU8DBS is QRV as LU1ZV until February from
the Argentine Esperanza Antarctica Base located at Hope Bay, Trinity
Peninsula while on work assignment. Activity is in his spare time on
40, 20, and 10 meters using SSB, and soon with CW and FT8. QSL via
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. Alberto, P29LL has been QRV on 20
meters using CW around 0800z, and then around 1400z. QSL via EA7FTR.
SEYCHELLES, S7. Kazik, DL2SBY is QRV as S79/DL2SBY until
February 4. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using some CW, FT8, and
possibly SSB. QSL to home call. In addition, Peter, G4HSO will
be QRV as S79/G4HSO from February 1 to 21 as a holiday operation from
three different locations. QSL via LoTW.
ST. KITTS AND NEVIS, V4. John, W5JON will be QRV as V47JA
from St, Kitts, Calypso Bay, IOTA NA-104, from January 31 to February 15.
Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL direct to
home call.
CANADA, VE. Special event station VB3CAM50 will be QRV from
February 1 to 15 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the city of
Cambridge in Ontario.
QSL via operator's instructions.
MEXICO, XE. Garcia, XE1CIC will be QRV from Bicentenario
State Park, POTA XE-0252, on January 28 and 29. Activity will be on
20 to 10 meters using SSB.
QSL direct to home call.
ALBANIA, ZA. Ron, NS5K is QRV as ZA15K from Lushnje until
November 15 while performing missionary work. Activity is in his
spare time on 40 and 20 meters.
QSL via operator's instructions.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The CQ World Wide 160-Meter CW Contest,
Winter Field Day, BARTG RTTY Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW Fox
Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, REF CW Contest and the UBA
DX SSB Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test,
OK1WC Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox
Hunt, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops CW Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity
Contest, Mini-Test 40, Mini-Test 80 and the UKEICC 80-Meter Contest are on
tap for January 30 to February 1.
Please see January 2023 QST, page 74, February QST, page 69, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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DXCC most Wanted List
Friday 27th January 2023
The 'DXCC Most Wanted' Top 20 entities list has been updated on Clublog as of Monday 23rd January 2023.
The list contains a total of 340 entities
1. | P5 | DPRK (NORTH KOREA) |
9. | 3Y/P | PETER 1 ISLAND |
12. | YV0 | AVES ISLAND |
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Friday 20th January 2023
Could you help to shape the future of amateur radio?
The RSGB is looking for volunteers who are willing and able to give their time and enthusiasm to ensure that amateur radio and the Society continue to develop and thrive.
There is still time to stand for the eight elected roles. Would one of these roles suit your skills, experience and enthusiasm?
You can stand for RSGB President, elected Board Director or for one of the five Regional Representative roles.
The closing date is the 31 January 2023 and the results of the elections will be announced at the AGM on the 15 April 2023.
Candidate packs and information about the nomination process can be found on the RSGB website
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Friday 20th January 2023
The 2023 RSGB Band Plans are now available online and in the February edition of RadCom.
Whilst there are no formal changes compared to 2022, an accompanying background article explains what may be in prospect in the year ahead, which has both major IARU and World Radio Conference events.
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RSGB Convention videos for members
Friday 20th January 2023
As a benefit for our members, we have released two Convention 2022 videos just for members to view.
1. Peter Duffett-Smith, GM3XJE talks about the input impedance of feeder
2. ‘Sprinkles or Mirrors’, the presentation by Chris Deacon, G4IFX, discovers the true nature of six-metre sporadic-E
Both videos are available in the RSGB online members’ portal.
Over the next few weeks we will release more videos into this portal so RSGB members have the benefit of watching these presentations first.
Log into the RSGB website, go to the videos tab and then choose the Convention lectures section. You will also find links to all of the Convention 2022 videos we have made available on YouTube.
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RadCom February 2023, Vol. 99, No. 2
Friday 20th January 2023
Portable VHF Operating:
A rough guide to VHF operating from a vehicle
News and reports
Around Your Region – Club events calendar 76
Around Your Region – Events roundup 80
Essex CW Amateur Radio Club, Boot Camp 2022 50
Andy Kersey, G0IBN
New products 14
News 12
RSGB Band Plan 40
RSGB Honour Roll 32
RSGB Matters 6
RSGB Trophy Winners for 2021/22 72
Special Interest Groups News 15
Advertisers’ index 85
Antennas, Matthew Smith, M0VWS 18
Contest Calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 23
Contesting, Chris Tran, GM3WOJ 66
Data, Andy Talbot, G4JNT 28
GHz bands, Dr John Worsnop, G4BAO 64
HF, Daimon Tilley, G4USI 60
LF, Dave Pick, G3YXM 59
Members’ ads 86
Propagation, Gwyn Williams, G4FKH 88
Rallies and events 87
The Last Word 89
VHF/UHF, Paul Marks, G8FVK 62
Book Review 70
Comet CAT-300 ATU, Tim Kirby, GW4VXE 55
MYDEL Windcamp Gipsy HF antenna, Steve Nichols, G0KYA 51
Amateur radio in the media 2022, Heather Parsons, RSGB Communications
Manager 52
A rough guide to portable VHF operating from a vehicle, Andy Gilfillan,
G0FVI 24
Radio blackouts and solar storms, Peter DeNeef, AE7PD 22
RSGB Construction Competition Heather Parsons, RSGB Communications Manager
Wokingham u3a open day, Colin Ashley, M0XCA 35
Technical features
A lightning detector, Erich Heinzle, VK5HSE 68
An improved Antenna Rotator Controller: Part two, Tim Forrester, G4WIM 56
Design Notes, Andy Talbot, G4JNT 36
EMC, Dr David Lauder, G0SNO 30
Wireless Morse Keys: Part two, Ray Scrivens, G3LNM 46
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Like to Join the RSGB ?
Ready to join and make the most of membership benefits?
Want to find out more?
Watch the video below to discover the great benefits you will receive being a member.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2360 for Friday January 20th, 2023
Friday 20th January 2023
The following is a QST. Ten meters wakes up in time for popular events. Puerto Rico gets new tools for disaster communications -- and get ready for Bouvet Island on the air. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2360 comes your way right now.
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Friday 20th January 2023
We begin this report with encouraging and long-awaited news for DXers. The latest report from the Bouvet Island DXpedition, 3YØJ [THREE WHY ZERO JAY], is that radio operations could start sometime between the 27th of January and the 4th of February. The team intends to stay on the remote island for three weeks. According to a post on DX-World.Net, Kenneth Opskar, LA7GIA, has reported that the sail from Port Stanley began on the 17th of January, just one day behind schedule. The operators said they are not planning any /MM activity on the way; however you can track them using the Garmin link shown on the Newsline website.
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Friday 20th January 2023
Meanwhile, even with the big world radio championship
coming to Italy later this year, the event's organizing committee is
already looking for host venues for 2026. Graham Kemp VK4BB tells us
what's involved.
While much of the amateur radio world awaits the start of the World
Radiosport Team Championship in Bologna, Italy this coming July, the WRTC
Sanctioning Committee is already looking forward to hearing from
prospective host sites for this prestigious event to be held in 2026.
Groups interested in serving as hosts for WRTC 2026 should submit a
summary proposal and a letter of intent. The information should include
details about principals in the committee making the proposal and a
description of how the competition will be conducted, including the number
of entrant teams to be allowed and the means by which competitors will be
chosen. Details must also be provided about housing arrangements
available, travel options and a tentative schedule. Although it is not yet
necessary to submit a budget, prospective hosts should provide an outline
of expenses and their fundraising plan. The proposal should also discuss
the means by which the event will be publicized and what kind of regional
support the event will have from regulators as well as amateur radio
organisations in the area.
The deadline to submit letters of intent is March 31st. Send details
directly to Tine Brajnik, S5ØA, by email. The address is tine dot brajnik
at gmail dot com (
The committee hopes to announce the venue for the 2026 event at the
conclusion of the competition in Bologna.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 20th January 2023
In India, the ham radio community has lost two well-respected veteran hams
who became Silent Keys this month. Jason Daniels VK2LAW tells us about
Two amateurs in the Indian radio community have become Silent Keys. S,
Venkataraman, VU2SV, was described in many online tributes as a "homebrew
legend." People posting their condolences in a number of online forums
expressed their gratitude for the assistance he gave them in many of their
own projects and for serving as an inspiration. A ham since 1962, he died
on January 3rd at the age of 88.
Amateurs in India and Sri Lanka were also grieving the loss of "Sun"
Shanmugasundram, VU2FOT. A well-known amateur, he was part of the team
that created a popular Sunday morning net in 1988. In the beginning it was
known as the SWL DX Net but on its tenth anniversary was renamed the BC DX
Net, a name that continues to this day. He died on January 12th at the age
of 61.
This is Jason Daniels VK2LAW.
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Friday 20th January 2023
Disaster drills are supposed to prepare radio operators for
the real thing - so imagine how hams felt in one California county when
one of their more recent drills played out as a real-life emergency. Randy
Sly W4XJ shares that experience.
When Sacramento County ARES was invited to participate in an in-person
training exercise last summer, they had no idea that a few months later
the drill would play out as a real-life event. Most in-person emergency
training had come to a halt nationwide over the past few years due to the
pandemic, but Sacramento County emergency managers wanted to return from
table-top scenarios to in-person training with deployed incident command
posts. This in-person drill focused on the levee system of the delta for
the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. At one point, there was a simulated
communications blackout and ARES was called in to establish contact
between the EOC, command posts and people in the field using FM and
Now fast forward to early January. This time, what was happening was not a
training exercise: a winter storm with pounding rain was wreaking havoc
throughout the coastal counties of central and southern California.
Sacramento County activated and included ARES to assist in reporting
flooding of the rivers, particularly in the delta region. Sacramento
County EC, Jay Ballinger, N6SAC, told AR Newsline that, thanks to the
drill, the familiarity the hams had gained with roads around the river
region as well as with county emergency management allowed ARES to
effectively deploy and report.
This is Randy Sly, W4XJ
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Friday 20th January 2023
So have you started planning for this year's Field Day? You
may be thinking to yourself, there’s plenty of time for that. Right? But
that’s not what Amateur Radio Newsline’s Mark Abramowicz (Abram-o-vich)
tells us as US ham clubs and groups are already planning for a different
kind of Field Day – Winter Field Day.
I’d be willing to wager a lot of hams listening to this report haven’t
ever heard about Winter Field Day.
Sure, maybe a few have read stories in the magazines over the years about
groups of amateurs going out somewhere in the woods during the winter –
especially in snow - and setting up tents with one or two stations, wire
antennas and gathering a hardy group of “polar bears,” I mean operators,
to activate them.
But there really is a Winter Field Day and it’s coming up fast – Saturday,
Jan. 28 and Sunday, Jan. 29.
You may be surprised to know it’s an activity that dates back to 2007.
That year, a group of Texas hams came up with a plan to stir up some
activity on the bands during the winter while challenging operators to set
up stations similar to those activated for the ARRL’s Field Day in June.
A loosely knit group calling itself The Society for the Preservation of
Amateur Radio was behind the first few Winter Field Day events. But, its
small group of members quickly realized they needed some help and handed
over the activity in 2015 to the newly formed Winter Field Day
That group set up some basic rules and categories that have led to a
blizzard of competition that has spread across the U.S. and beyond.
The Winter Field Day Association’s mission is simple: It believes hams
should practice portable emergency communications in winter environments
because of the special challenges presented by freezing temperatures,
snow, ice and other hazards. WFD is designed to sharpen preparedness under
those subpar conditions.
Last year, more than 2,500 logs were submitted. This year, the 16th year
for the event, the organizers are hoping for at least that or more.
You can find more at the Winter Field Day website included in the script
for this story at our website,
Oh, and one more thing. As with the ARRL’s Field Day, you don’t have to
actually leave your home shack to take part.
Make yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate or your favorite hot beverage,
fire up the HF radio, and get on the air and contact those stations that
are “out there in the cold” looking for you and other “polar bears” during
this 24-hour event.
I’m Mark Abramowicz, NT3V.
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Friday 20th January 2023
Hams operating in natural settings or chasing QSOs there
have just embarked on a year-long challenge to score big. Stephen Kinford
N8WB tells us about this radio marathon.
The fourth annual KFF Marathon Challenge kicked off on the first of
January, encouraging participants in the Worldwide Flora and Fauna awards
program to strive for their best scores once again this year, either as
activators or hunters. KFF is the designation of the WWFF program for
activation sites within the United States and its territories. Awards are
available for the Top North American Hunters, Top DX Hunters, and Top
Activators. Some of the more interesting sites include the Hawaiian
Islands National Wildlife Refuge, the Guam National Wildlife Refuge, Yukon
Flats National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and Choctaw National Wildlife
Refuge in Puerto Rico. Other parks, islands, caverns and protected areas
are located throughout the United States mainland.
For details visit the WWFF-KFF page on Facebook.
This is Stephen Kinford N8WB.
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Friday 20th January 2023
A massive religious pilgrimage in India has just concluded and as always
the safety of the thousands attending was assured with the help of amateur
radio as we hear from Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
A record number of pilgrims turned out this year for the largest religious
gathering in India, the Gangasagar Mela, and the West Bengal Radio Club
was there as always to assist with public safety, communications and
coordination for individuals who fell ill and needed airlifting from the
island to area hospitals. More than a dozen people were reported missing
at the massive gathering and the hams assisted in reuniting them with
their families on the island. Officials told the Hindu newspaper that they
had the support of about 42 amateur radio operators.
The mela began on the 5th of January and ended on the 17th.
While they were there, the hams were also able to make contacts as part of
Islands on the Air from the island, which is in the Bay of Bengal and has
the designation of AS-153. They used the callsign AT2WBRC.
This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
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Friday 20th January 2023
In the UK, broadcast radio isn't about to start getting rid
of its voice programming and replacing it with CW but this month, the BBC
embraced the mode gladly. Twice, in fact. Jeremy Boot G4NJH tells us about
The BBC has run programming before that examined Morse Code as a form of
communication but this month the broadcaster revisited the subject with
one ham from the United States who is a leading CW educator. On the
afternoon current affairs programme, PM on BBC Radio 4, Howard Bernstein,
WB2UZE, cofounder of the Long Island CW Club, spoke with presenter Evan
Davis about the mode's growing popularity in the United States and
people's efforts to learn it. The LICW has membership around the world
availing themselves of the club's free instruction.
Meanwhile, the voice of CW enthusiast Mervyn Foster, G4KLE, can be heard
on BBC Three Counties Radio. Mervyn, a volunteer at the National Radio
Centre, appeared on the breakfast programme of Andy Collins on the 13th of
January. A lifelong fan of CW, Mervyn told Andy about its resurgence in
the UK and its usefulness even outside amateur radio.
To hear either or both of these interview, visit the links that appear in
the text version of this week's newscast at
I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
[Howard interview: ]
[Mervyn interview: ]
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Friday 20th January 2023
Puerto Rico just got another safety net to protect the
island when disaster strikes, as we hear from Christian Cudnik KØSTH.
The global ham radio emergency-response network known as Radio Relay
International has expanded to provide crisis communications in Puerto
Rico. RRI announced that the expansion of its Digital Traffic Network
infrastructure into the island comes after a year of working with
volunteers there to upgrade emergency preparedness through training
courses. The area digital coordinators for RRI have also been giving the
volunteers one-on-one assistance and technical support.
RRI's Digital Traffic Network is a modified hybrid mesh network that uses
primarily HF but is also involved in creating VHF and UHF gateways for
local support. The system has the advantage of universal interoperability
between voice and CW and digital platforms. RRI handles traffic as
radiograms in voice, CW and digital modes via the Digital Traffic Station
function. Message traffic can also be routed between Winlink and RRI's own
James Wades, WB8SIW, RRI's emergency management director, credited Victor
Rivera, WP4QZH, and Emmanuel Cruz, NP4D, for their work in Puerto Rico,
along with numerous other team members. Puerto Rico becomes part of a
larger service of RRI's Digital Traffic Network connections that also
include Asia, Oceania and Europe.
This is Christian Cudnik KØSTH.
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Friday 20th January 2023
Is there a trip to Curaçao in the future for a young
hopeful DX adventurer you may know? If so, you will want to hear this
report from Andy Morrison K9AWM.
The Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure group is returning to Curaçao
this year and is inviting young amateurs to be part of the operation. The
application period has opened. The trip will take place between July 13th
and 18th with the goal of forming a DX team of amateurs between the ages
of 12 and 17.
This year, the timing of the trip has an added bonus: Because this year's
DX adventure overlaps somewhat with the Youth on the Air Camp taking place
in Canada in July, the young hams in Curaçao can expect to have some
scheduled contacts with the YOTA campers as well. The PJ2T site in Curaçao
will once again be the QTH for the Caribbean activation. According to the
Youth DX Adventure website, the team is applying to once again use the
call sign PJ2Y
Application forms can be downloaded from the website that appears in this
week's text version of Newsline.
This is Andy Morrison K9AWM.
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Friday 20th January 2023
A stretch of days with great conditions on 10 meters has
provided a bonus for a number of events on the band lately. In Germany,
the DARC held its 10-meter contest on January 8th with hams getting on the
air using CW and SSB. The Nordic Radio Amateur Union's 10m activity
contest will be held on February 2nd, with CW ops on the air from 1800 to
1900 UTC; SSB users on from 1900 to 2000 UTC; FM users competing between
2000 UTC to 2100 UTC and Digital competitors getting in on the action from
2100 to 2200 UTC.
Just two days later, entrants in this year's Ten-Ten International Winter
QSO Party will hope to make good use of favorable band conditions for
operators using SSB on February 4th and 5th. The nonprofit organization,
the Ten-Ten International Net, was created in 1962 to encourage activity
on the 10m band and promote good operating practices.
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Friday 20th January 2023
We end this week's newscast with the story of a net that
puts squirrels on the air. Not flying squirrels on the air. These are
radio squirrels. Graham Kemp VK4BB tells us about their chatter.
As anyone who lives in Australia knows, there are no native squirrels
living here. Or.....are there? If you ask Linda GØYLM, a member of the
North West Fusion Group in the UK, she might insist there are - and for
good reason: She has had plenty of QSOs with them. Linda and her husband,
Ian, GØVGS, participate in the group's daily morning Squirrel Net, where
Linda is net control. The squirrels are all the hams who check in starting
at 0700 UTC from New Zealand, Australia, The Netherlands, Ireland, Sri
Lanka and even the United States.
Ian told Newsline that the net was inspired by early-morning walks the
couple would take in the local park in the early days of the pandemic.
Radios in hand, they would chat with friends as they strolled. Ian said:
[quote] "From time to time we would see a squirrel and mention it on the
air. This moved to logging the first squirrel sighted each morning, and
the Squirrel Net was born." [endquote]
Conversation topics vary from day to day and the chatter often gets as
lively as the group's furry little namesakes. Because hams are almost
always in danger of timing out, the award of the Golden Acorn is conferred
virtually on any ham who passes the conversation along just in time.
You can find the Squirrel Net in WIRES-X room 41755 and on the GB-NWFG
reflector, YSF 26499. As Ian told Newsline, everyone is welcome to join
the peanut gallery - even those elusive Australian squirrels.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly; Ambarish Nag Biswas, VU2JFA; the BBC; CQ magazine; David Behar K7DB; the 425 DX News; The Hindu newspaper; Ian Maude, GØVGS; Jim Storms, AB8YK; North West Fusion Group;; 3YØJ (THREE WHY ZERO JAY) Website; Wireless Institute of Australia; Winter Field Day Association; Worldwide Flora and Fauna; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our website at and know that we appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Jim Damron N8TMW in Charleston West Virginia saying 73. As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Keplerian Data
Friday 20th January 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 4 ARLK004
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT January 17, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the
following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 7530U 74089B 23017.19396057 -.00000012 00000-0
21429-3 0 9991
2 7530 101.9323 2.9433 0012254 353.6164 17.9285
1 25544U 98067A 23017.68978009 .00020572
00000-0 36302-3 0 9993
2 25544 51.6437 353.9657 0004830 297.5015 56.1209
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23017.10824546 .00003237
00000-0 45858-3 0 9998
2 27607 64.5565 7.8897 0079624 254.0641 105.1678
14.76612106 80127
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23016.86785247 .00009023 00000-0
10419-2 0 9990
2 39444 97.6525 346.6410 0056559 52.5771 308.0572
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23017.44438994 .00100923
00000-0 87787-3 0 9998
2 40903 97.1464 82.6489 0007202 48.6459 78.3737
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23016.98242265 .00001485
00000-0 11652-3 0 9996
2 40931 5.9941 85.6806 0014038 312.7438 47.1541
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23017.50444653 .00010059
00000-0 55454-3 0 9997
2 42759 43.0156 231.2920 0010733 213.6312 224.8947 15.14044504308778
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23017.46013969 .00010491
00000-0 57626-3 0 9990
2 42761 43.0150 230.1629 0010731 216.7662 213.6137 15.14140872308771
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23017.43779931 .00009083
00000-0 66307-3 0 9994
2 43017 97.6516 267.8069 0241132 205.6767 153.2315 14.83439735278818
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23017.66961515 .00002381
00000-0 23670-3 0 9996
2 43678 97.9963 158.9126 0008669 302.9281 57.1164
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23017.29774720 .00000164
00000-0 00000+0 0 9993
2 43700 0.0183 55.4966 0001893 293.4271 260.4997
1.00270364 15413
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23016.73104205 .00010294 00000-0
86252-3 0 9991
2 43803 97.5958 83.2593 0012055 270.8601 89.1240
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23017.49445060 .00001664
00000-0 21577-3 0 9994
2 44881 97.8762 98.4717 0014182 204.6519 155.4052
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23016.70628340 .00000002
00000-0 -37756-4 0 9998
2 44909 82.5205 88.6071 0217602 180.8670 179.2086
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23017.60893884 .00000924
00000-0 31621-3 0 9999
2 50466 98.5647 99.5929 0004072 218.6835 141.4061 14.38630645
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 22354.08419093 -.00000003 00000-0
00000+0 0 9990
2 53106 70.1702 21.9397 0008914 226.9685 182.2049
6.42557326 10248
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23017.58439083 .00016059
00000-0 10024-2 0 9998
2 54684 97.5402 156.9031 0015416 130.5151 294.0701 15.09477956
1 55124U 98067UR 23017.21741272 .00122105 00000-0
18416-2 0 9999
2 55124 51.6418 356.0800 0000828 348.8887 11.2086 15.53857662
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, January 20, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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![]() |
The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 20th January 2023
DX Bulletin 3 ARLD003
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT January 19, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
JI3DST, LU7AA, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST
and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
TANZANIA, 5H. Ferdy, HB9DSP will be QRV as 5H3FM from
Zanzibar Island, IOTA AF-032, from January 21 to 31. Activity will
be on 20, 15, and 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL to home call.
THE GAMBIA, C5. Andre, ON7YK is QRV as C5YK from Bijilo until
February 24. Activity is on 20 to 10 meters using all modes.
QSL direct to home call.
EASTER ISLAND, CE0. Mario is QRV as CE3WB/CE0 from Isla de
Pascua until the end of January. Activity is holiday style on 40,
20, 15, and 10 meters using SSB.
QSL to home call.
FW1JG and expects to be here until January 2024. He is active on 40
to 6 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW.
ITALY, I. Operators S50O, S50X, S51V, S52OT, S54W, S56N,
S57DX and S59A will be QRV as IG9/home calls from Lampedusa Island, IOTA
AF-019, from January 23 to 31. Activity will be on all bands and
modes. They plan to be QRV as IG9/S59A in the upcoming CQ World Wide
160 CW contest. QSL IG9/S59A via S59A, and all others via operators'
JAPAN, JA. Take, JI3DST will be QRV as JI3DST/6, JS6RRR,
JJ5RBH/6, and JR8YLY/6 from Miyako Island, IOTA AS-079, from January 24 to
March 7. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY,
FM, and FT8. When using FT8, the numeric suffix will be replaced
with the letter /P. This includes being active as JS6RRR in the
upcoming CQ World Wide 160 Meter CW contest. QSL to home call.
GUAM, KH2. Henry, N7JVJ is QRV as N7JVJ from Hagatna until
April 28. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8 with QRP
QSL via operator's instructions.
ARGENTINA, LU. Members of AMSAT Argentina will be QRV as
LU7AA from January 21 to 29 to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the
launch of Satellite LO-19. Activity will be on the HF, and V/UHF
bands using CW, SSB, SSTV, and FT8, and FM/SSB on various Satellites.
QSL via LU7AA.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. David, VK4FABN is QRV as P29DT from
Tabubil in the Star Mounts in the North Fly District of the Western
Province. Activity is holiday style on 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters
using CW and SSB. QSL via LoTW.
POLAND, SP. Special event station HF7SIEMA is QRV until
February 5 recognizing a nationwide Polish charity event. QSL via
operators' instructions.
PALAU, T8. Operators JH3LSS, JA3HJI, JA3IVU, JA3ARJ and
JA3AVO are QRV as T88DK, T88DN, T88ED, T88EF, and T88MB from Koror Island,
IOTA OC-009, until January 27. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using
CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4. QSL to home calls.
TURKEY, TA. Special event stations TC100TC, TC100TA, TC100TR,
and TC100YEAR are QRV during all of 2023 to celebrate the centenary of the
Turkish Republic.
QSL via bureau.
CONGO, TN. A group of operators are QRV as TN8K until January
21. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, FT8, and FT4.
This includes being active on Satellite QO-100. QSL via OK6DJ.
GABON, TR. Roland, F8EN is QRV as TR8CR from Libreville until
March 15, 2023. Activity is on 30 to 10 meters using CW. QSL
via F6AJA.
EL SALVADOR, YS. Roberto, I2JIN is QRV as YS3CW from Corinto,
Morazan until January 29. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW
and FT8. QSL direct to home call.
North American SSB QSO Party, North American Collegiate SSB Championship,
NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow
Speed CW Test, Hungarian DX Contest, PRO Digi Contest, RSGB AFS SSB
Contest and the Feld Hell Sprint will certainly keep contesters busy this
upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, SKCC CW Sprint, QRP
40-Meter CW Fox Hunt, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, Mini-Test
40, Mini-Test 80, UKEICC 80-Meter CW Contest and Australia Day Contest are
on tap for January 23 to 26.
Please see January 2023 QST, page 74, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2359 with a release date of Friday January 13th, 2023 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.
Friday 13th January 2023
The following is a QST. An Indonesian ham satellite scores a first for the
nation. The FCC studies spectrum space for drones -- and hams in Australia
prepare to pay higher fees. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline
Report Number 2359 comes your way right now.
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Friday 13th January 2023
An achievement by Indonesian students is being celebrated
as a "first" for that nation. Jason Daniels VK2LAW has those details.
Congratulations to the students of Surya University in Indonesia following
the deployment of their first satellite from the International Space
Station. Known as SS-1, for Surya Satellite 1, the CubeSat was sent into
space on its own successfully on Friday, January 6th. SS-1 is also
Indonesia's first student-built satellite. The university undergraduates
undertook the project with the support of the United Nations Office for
Outer Space Affairs, which recognised it in a design competition in 2018.
That achievement awarded it the chance to be deployed from the ISS.
The CubeSat's mission is to test communication between an Automatic
Package Reporting System payload and the ground using the amateur radio
frequency 145.825 MHz. The university students were inspired to undertake
the project after seeing a presentation on amateur radio by the Indonesian
Radio Amateurs Organization, known as ORARI.
This is Jason Daniels, VK2LAW.
(AMSAT News Service)
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Friday 13th January 2023
In the US, the FCC is taking yet another look at spectrum
allocation, this time in the 5GHz band. Kent Peterson KCØDGY tells us what
they have in mind.
A portion of the 5GHz spectrum could become available to unmanned aerial
vehicles, such as drones, under a proposal being considered by the US
Federal Communications Commission.
FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel issued a statement saying that an
assessment of spectrum resources dedicated to remote-piloted aircraft was
long overdue. The FCC is studying the range between 5.03GHz and 5.091GHz -
frequencies that are below the range typically used in the US and other
countries for other low-power, unlicensed wireless devices
using frequencies that start at 5.15GHz. In the US, the FCC limits the
maximum channel width used by unlicensed devices to prevent interference
with users on the licensed portion of the spectrum. The frequencies being
looked at by the FCC are not within the amateur band between 5.65 and 5.85
The agency is seeking input on the proposal, which takes on added
importance as the commercial use of drones continues to surge in the
United States. The chairwoman said that the FCC also acknowledges that
unmanned aircraft are also vital to first responders and in
disaster-recovery and wildfire situations. She said the proposal was
developed with input from the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration.
This is Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
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Friday 13th January 2023
It's time to get on the air and celebrate the first voice
mode used by amateur radio. Here's Andy Morrison K9AWM to tell us how.
Anyone who uses Amplitude Modulation on the bands knows the warm sound it
brings to casual conversation and the historical importance of keeping
alive the first amateur voice mode. The AM Rally, an annual celebration of
this mode, is returning to HF and 6 meters from February 3rd through to
the 6th. It's not necessary to have a boat anchor for full carrier
amplitude modulation. Modern radios, including software-defined rigs, as
well as military radios, modified broadcast radios and home brew models
are capable of helping operators take part in this event.
Information about logging your contacts and noting your rig and your
output power class, can be found on the website amrally dot com (
There are suggestions on how to prepare as well as a guide to where and
when you can find the most active AM action going on, from 6 to 160
meters. AM cannot be used on 60 meters in the United States, however.
As organizer Clark, N1BCG, says: [quote] "It's a great opportunity for
newcomers to try the first phone mode and for experienced ops to be AM
Ambassadors." [endquote]
This is Andy Morrison K9AWM.
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Friday 13th January 2023
A fee increase is about to have an impact on amateur radio operators Down
Under. Graham Kemp VK4BB explains what's happening.
Hams in Australia will begin paying higher fees for amateur radio services
from the Australian Maritime College starting on Monday, February 6th. The
Australian Communications and Media Authority approved a fee increase of 5
percent to cover callsign services and amateur qualification procedures.
The fees have been implemented in keeping with the government's Cost
Recovery Guidelines, which permit authorities to charge nongovernment
entities for part or all of the costs involved in certain government
activities, such as regulation or services. The Australian Maritime
College manages amateur radio exam services for the ACMA at the
proficiency levels of Foundation, Standard and Advanced licence classes.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 13th January 2023
An event known as Winterheat started on January 1st and is
going on all month here in the US. If you have a Technician class license,
you're especially welcome to join in, as we hear from Jack Parker W8ISH.
The very word itself - Winterheat - would suggest a name that contradicts
itself. Instead Winterheat has grown to stand for an event that presents
increasing opportunities for all amateur radio operators in the United
States, most especially those with a Technician class license.
Now in its fourth year, the month-long Winterheat challenges amateurs to
become active in the FM simplex band segments on VHF and UHF. The activity
also attracts operators on simplex DMR, D-STAR and Fusion. One of the
organizers, John Fulton, K9AI, told Newsline that Winterheat started
modestly in Illinois in 2019 but has since spread to other midwestern
states and outward toward both coasts. John said that last year's event
drew amateurs' participation in 38 states for a total of 134,000 contacts.
Winterheat makes its web-based logging and reporting system available to
registered operators and those operators can also view real time
statistics and propagation.
Licensed hams who are interested in being a part of Winterheat can
register to participate by signing up at
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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Friday 13th January 2023
A well-known contester and leader in the amateur radio
community has become a Silent Key. We hear more about him from Kevin
Trotman, N5PRE.
Known worldwide for personal contributions to groups advancing amateur
radio, Fred Laun, K3ZO, was also an accomplished contester who was
inducted into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame in 1993. Fred, a resident of
Temple Hills, Maryland, became a Silent Key on January 3rd, after falling
ill in mid-December. According to various reports, at the time of his
death he had been diagnosed with an infection and COVID.
A member of the ARRL's Maxim Society and a Life Member of the league, Fred
had been a director of the Yasme Foundation, which helps fund projects
advancing amateur radio. His lifelong commitment to ham radio began in
1952, when he got his first license and was assigned WN9SZR as his call. A
retired foreign service officer, Fred was a member of the First Class CW
Operators' Club and the A1 Operator Club. He was also president of the
National Capitol DX Association and the Potomac Valley Radio Club.
RAST, the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand, penned a tribute on its
website to Fred, who also held the callsign HSØZAR. Fred had been a
longtime advisor to RAST. He became one of the young organization's
earliest supporters after its creation in the late 1960s when his work as
a United States Foreign Service Officer assigned him to a post in
Tributes poured in on other websites too. Writing on the Reflector of the
Potomac Valley Radio Club, Ken K4ZW, said: "There was just something about
tuning the bands during a contest and hearing K3ZO. You knew everything
was right with the ham radio world." [endquote]
Fred was 85.
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Friday 13th January 2023
A noted Cuban journalist and amateur radio operator has
also become a Silent Key. Arnaldo Coro Antich, CO2KK, died on January 8th.
According to the Shortwave Listening Post, his death was the result of
complications of various chronic illnesses. Hams around the world also
knew him as Arnie Coro.
Arnie was active in amateur radio since the age of 12 when he joined an
organization that was then known as the Radio Club de Cuba. He pursued a
career in journalism and carved out a strong reputation in both radio and
in print media. Even at his current age of 80, he remained an active part
of the team at Radio Habana Cuba with an English-language program known as
DXers Unlimited, which had a worldwide amateur radio listenership. In
addition to teaching journalism at two institutes in Cuba, he was active
in the Cuban Radio Amateurs Federation, which was formed in 1966.
Committed to emergency response work, he was the emergency coordinator for
Area C of Region 2 of the International Amateur Radio Union. Arnie was 80.
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Friday 13th January 2023
Amateur Radio Digital Communications invites everyone to
its next community meeting, which is being held on the Zoom platform on
Saturday, January 21st. Attendees will meet the new advisory committee
members, learn about grants given in 2022 and hear about the recently
concluded 44Net Assessment. To attend, you must register. See the link in
the text version of this week's Newsline script for the registration link.
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Friday 13th January 2023
The popular annual event known as Ham Radio University
returned this year as an online event and attracted international
attendance. Paul Braun WD9GCO has the wrap-up on that.
Saturday, January 7th, was a back-to-school day for more than 1,000 radio
amateurs who signed up for a seat in the virtual classrooms of Ham Radio
University. The day of education and fellowship marked the third time this
event has been held online since the first one was held on Long Island,
New York 23 years ago. The fact that it was held in a virtual space meant
it could open its doors to visitors beyond the New York metropolitan area
and welcome amateurs from Bulgaria, Germany, Lebanon, Greece, Thailand and
Korea as well as many other nations.
Organizers said that in all, 1,662 hams registered and of those, 1,082
attended the free event, taking advantage of the various forums, which
included Software Defined Radios, Parks on the Air, grounding in the ham
shack and the role of Raspberry Pi Computers in amateur radio.
Did you miss a forum or perhaps you weren't available to attend at all?
This year's presentations were recorded and will soon be available for
viewing on Ham Radio University's YouTube Channel. Meanwhile, the hard
work has already begun on next year's event, which organizers hope will be
available as a combination of virtual and in-person classes.
This is Paul Braun WD9GCO.
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Friday 13th January 2023
Parks on the Air administrators have spent the past few
days tallying up activator totals for 2022. Matt Heere, N3NWV, is here to
share the final numbers.
Howdy POTA Folks I'm Matt, N3NWV and this is the December 2022 monthly
POTA update which is our 2022 year-end wrap-up so instead of December
statistics let's talk about how 2022 stacked up against 2021. In terms of
total activations there were 141,477. That's 195 percent increase over the
previous year. Seven thousand one hundred eighty-seven activators
participated in these activations, which is 171 percent increase over
In total, 14818 parks were activated, a 134 percent increase over 2021.
These parks are spread out across 72 DXCC entities, a 147 percent increase
over 2021.
And drum roll please; we logged over 6.26 million QSOs in 2022. That's a
220 percent increase, more than double what we logged in 2021.
And as you might expect with the maturity of the POTA program a lot of the
growth is happening outside of the United States. In IARU Region 1 we had
5,940 activations. That's a 418 percent increase over 2021. Fantastic
numbers for Region 2 outside of the Continental US as well. Eleven
thousand six hundred thirty activations represents a 267 percent increase
over 2021.
Last, but by no means least, Region 3's 8,780 QSOs represents a 283
percent increase over 2021.
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Friday 13th January 2023
Amateur radio operators in the UK have become very involved
in planning for the coronation of the next king. Jeremy Boot G4NJH tells
us about one award group that has launched an event that continues right
through to the end of the year.
The Coronation of King Charles III in Westminster Abbey in May has
inspired the Worked All Britain awards group to create a year-long event
honouring the new monarch of the United Kingdom and her Commonwealth
realms. The King Charles III Coronation Award is open to any amateur radio
operator who is able to log contacts within the various geographical
squares inside the UK throughout 2023. Hams may operate on all licenced
frequencies and modes, to qualify. According to the group's website, the
initial certificate will be awarded for 10 points. There are endorsements
for each 10 after that. Finally, each multiple of 100 points earns the
operator a new certificate and a trophy.
Details about the scoring methods are available on the website at the
address that appears in the text version of this week's newscast at
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 13th January 2023
In some parts of North America, where winter has taken
hold, many people are making plans to go into the mountains for a weekend
of hiking or skiing. Then there are the hams who activate summits and look
at those same mountains as places they'll activate this spring and summer.
Sel Embee KB3TZD tells us what they've got planned.
We may only be in January, but two clubs in the northeastern United States
are already deep in the planning stages of campouts that combine eyeball
QSOs with summit activations. The Northeast SOTA Club has scheduled its
first campout for this spring. Hams will be meeting up in Woodstock, New
York, which is nestled in the Catskill Mountain region. The campout will
take place between May 19th and May 22nd; amateurs will be able to use one
of the 45 campsites available at the Woodland Valley Campground. There is
also an option to bring an RV. The club is advising early reservations for
those planning to attend. Contact AJ at the email address found in the
text version of this week's newscast.
Meanwhile, east of the Catskills, campers are looking forward to returning
to the White Mountains of New Hampshire for the sixth annual W1 SOTA
campout. These SOTA enthusiasts will be gathering from June 1st to June
5th. One of the organizers, Bob, A-C-one-Zed, writes on the SOTA
Reflector: [quote] "Join in for the entire four-night campout or for as
many nights as you can or just stop by for a while!" [endquote] Email Bob
for details or to let him know your plans. His email address can be found
in the text version of this week's newscast.
This is Sell Embee KB3TZD.
This is Sel Embee KB3TZD.
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Friday 13th January 2023
In the World of DX be listening for AT18BSG, a special
event station that will be on the air until the 15th of January in India.
The station is marking the 18th National Jamboree of the Bharat Scouts and
Guides. According to the event's page on, thousands of scouts,
guides and adult leaders will be active. QSL via VU2NRO.
Whether or not you are a soccer fan, be listening for special callsign
7U7C being used by operators who belong to the Great Desert Djelfa Radio
Amateur Club 7X2VFK. The club is on the air marking the seventh African
Nations Championship taking place in Algeria from the 13th of January
until the 4th of February. This biennial football tournament is organized
by the Confederation of African Football. See for details.
In central Africa, Roland F8EN is operating as TR8CR from Gabon until
March 15, 2023. He is on the air using CW on 30 to 10 meters. QSL via
Many special event stations are on the air announcing the upcoming World
Radiosport Team Championship to be held in Italy. Here are two in
particular to listen for as they operate in Indonesia and New Zealand.
Listen for 8BØRARI and ZL6WRTC on various HF bands where operators will be
using CW and SSB. See for QSL details.
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Friday 13th January 2023
For our final story we ask: how does a radio operator
pursue 3 SOTA summits, 6 island activations and 2 lake activations in the
space of seven days? Answer: he goes with the flow - in this case, the
flow of a river in New Zealand. Jim Meachen ZL2BHF takes us on that ride.
It was a seven-day journey along the length of the Clutha River in New
Zealand and Matt ZL4NVW was more than up to the challenge. He had his
packraft, his kayak, his radio and his gameplan. Writing on the SOTA
reflector later, Matt shared the details of how he collected peaks and
some summit-to-summit contacts along the way. He battled band conditions
as well as scrub from the wild landscape. Entering the river south of
Alberttown with his gear safely packed and waterproofed, he braced for the
river equivalent of a solar storm: rapids, whirlpools and boils. The trip
afterward was marked by alternating moments of extreme peace and
temperamental waters -- though he suffered a wrist injury at one point.
He advised readers to file his story [quote] "under the lengths someone
will go to activate a 1-point summit." [endquote] That would be one of the
stops he made to climb Tyrwhitt Peak on Mou Waho island in Otago, the
summit designated ZL3/OT-493.
Perhaps just a single point earned here, but the total adventure points
for this trip were off the charts.
This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
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Friday 13th January 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think
Newsline would be interested in? We are not talking about advertising your
club's upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but something that is
out of the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the contact page
at If it's newsworthy and we would like to cover it, we'll
get back to you for more details.
thanks to Amateur Radio Weekly; AMSAT News Service; the ARRL; ARDC; CQ
magazine; David Behar K7DB; Diane Ortiz, K2DO; the K8CX Ham Gallery; FCC;
the 425 DX News; John Fulton, K9AI; Parks on the Air; the Register;
Shortwave Listening Post;; the SOTA Reflector; Tom
Carrubba, KA2D; Wireless Institute of Australia; Worked All Britain; and
you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind
our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit
organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish
to support us, please visit our website at and know that we
appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our
newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us.
For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and
our news team worldwide, I'm Don Wilbanks AE5DW in Picayune Mississippi
saying 73. As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm)
is Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Keplerian Data
Friday 13th January 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 3 ARLK003
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT January 13, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 07530U 74089B 23013.54622965 -.00000025 00000-0
13009-3 0 9995
2 07530 101.9320 359.2769 0012288 0.6450 115.0259
1 25544U 98067A 23013.75672454 .00014894 00000-0
26669-3 0 9997
2 25544 51.6445 13.4824 0004570 263.6558 85.3468
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23013.51872801 .00002408
00000-0 34652-3 0 9995
2 27607 64.5565 18.8828 0079805 254.7738 104.4531 14.76588084
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23013.43054873 .00006080 00000-0
70532-3 0 9997
2 39444 97.6530 343.3411 0056745 63.4956 297.2063
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23013.48850860 .00077228
00000-0 69564-3 0 9992
2 40903 97.1468 78.6181 0007717 57.8045 69.5161
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23013.13338889 .00001348
00000-0 97633-4 0 9990
2 40931 5.9948 113.1318 0013751 259.9364 99.7696
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23013.54490310 .00007797
00000-0 43397-3 0 9996
2 42759 43.0171 253.1883 0009816 189.0735 243.2396 15.13953794308177
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23013.50093608 .00008080
00000-0 44804-3 0 9994
2 42761 43.0169 252.0604 0010496 190.3090 234.3748 15.14047487308177
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23013.18807145 .00008148
00000-0 59713-3 0 9995
2 43017 97.6510 263.7302 0241076 219.7187 138.6160 14.83358374278180
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23013.64745917 .00001515
00000-0 15278-3 0 9999
2 43678 97.9968 154.8270 0008906 319.3227 40.7333
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23012.49214928 .00000162
00000-0 00000-0 0 9998
2 43700 0.0166 39.5749 0001954 302.8700 332.2796
1.00272475 15124
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23013.05842436 .00007608 00000-0
64009-3 0 9999
2 43803 97.5949 79.6829 0012300 284.0866 75.8989
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23013.44350395 .00001204
00000-0 15806-3 0 9999
2 44881 97.8769 94.4865 0013886 218.7345 141.2879
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23013.50075338 .00000030
00000-0 73641-4 0 9999
2 44909 82.5209 90.7374 0217488 188.3518 171.3942
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23013.57499223 .00000644
00000-0 22484-3 0 9996
2 50466 98.5652 95.5677 0003874 232.3087 127.7749 14.38622120
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 22354.08419093 -.00000003 00000-0
00000+0 0 9990
2 53106 70.1702 21.9397 0008914 226.9685 182.2049
6.42557326 10248
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23013.61301219 .00010959
00000-0 68858-3 0 9999
2 54684 97.5391 152.9974 0015142 143.0455 315.0671 15.09329697
1 55124U 98067UR 23013.29292538 .00113659 00000-0
17837-2 0 9999
2 55124 51.6419 15.6189 0001680 323.4718 36.6157
15.52797320 2368
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 13th January 2023
DX Bulletin 2 ARLD002
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT January 12, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
W2APF, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
UGANDA, 5X. Anders, SM0HPL is QRV as 5X7W from Kampala until
January 23. Activity is on the HF bands using QRP power. QSL
via M0OXO.
ALGERIA, 7X. Members of radio club 7X2VFK are QRV with
special event call sign 7U7C during the Africa Cup of Nations football
tournament. QSL direct.
QATAR, A7. Tony, RN1B is QRV as A75GC from Doha until the end
of January. QSL via RW3RN.
CAPE VERDE, D4. Harald, DF2WO is QRV as D44TWO from Sao Tiago,
IOTA AF-005, until January 21. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using
CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4, as well as on Satellite QO-100. QSL via
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, DA. Special event station
DR100XRAY is QRV until June 30 to commemorate the 100th anniversary since
the death of Wilhelm C. Roentgen, the physicist whose discovery of X-rays
revolutionized diagnostic medicine. QSL via bureau.
ETHIOPIA, ET. Ken, K4ZW, Bob, W9XY, and Nodir, EY8MM plan to
be QRV from the Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society's club station ET3AA from
January 14 to 21. As part of their activity, they will also try to
mentor newcomers to amateur radio. QSL via N2OO.
GUADELOUPE, FG. Herve, F5HRY will be QRV as FG/F5HRY from
Marie Galante Island from January 19 to February 2. Activity is
holiday style on 80 to 10 meters, including 30, 17, and 12 meters, using
CW, with SSB on request. QSL direct to home call.
August 15. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using SSB. QSL to home
CROZET ISLAND, FT/W. Station FT8WW is QRV until January 26.
THAILAND, HS. Jack, F5LIT will be QRV as HS0ZPU from January
17 to February 6. From January 17 to 20, he will be active from
Krabi Island, IOTA AS-053.
QSL direct to home call.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. David, VK4FABN is QRV as P29DT from
Tabubil in the Star Mounts in the North Fly District of the Western
Province. Activity is holiday style on 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters
using CW and SSB. QSL via LoTW.
ARUBA, P4. Jeff, VA3QSL is QRV as P4/VA3QSL until February 8.
Activity is holiday style on 40 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and various
digital modes. QSL via LoTW.
PALAU, T8. Operators Mike, JA6EGL, Kuzo, JH6WDG, and Mune,
JR6DRH are QRV as T88SM, T88AQ, and T88RH, respectively, from Koror
Island, IOTA OC-009, until January 19. Activity is on 160 to 6
meters using CW, SSB, and various digital modes. QSL to home calls.
CONGO, TN. A group of operators are QRV as TN8K until January
21. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, FT8, and FT4.
This includes being active on Satellite QO-100. QSL via OK6DJ.
MONTSERRAT, VP2M. Thaire, W2APF is QRV as VP2MDX until March
28. Activity is on 80, 40, and 30 meters using CW and SSB. QSL
direct to home call.
as ZC4GR. Activity is on 40, 30, and 10 meters using FT8. QSL
via EB7DX.
NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow
Speed CW Test, YB SSB DX Contest, UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest, WAB 1.8 MHz
Phone, NRAU-Baltic SSB Contest, NRAU-Baltic CW Contest, RSGB AFS Data
Contest and the Run for the Bacon QRP CW Contest are scheduled for this
upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC
Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox Hunt,
Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest,
Mini-Test 40 and the Mini-Test 80 are on tap for January 16 to 18.
Please see January 2023 QST, page 74, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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Marconi international amateur radio award
Friday 6th January 2023
Marconi Was Here! is an international amateur radio award organised by ARI Fidenza Radio Club.
The main objective of the award is to commemorate historically some of the most important and significant Italian cities where Marconi performed scientific experiments in radio engineering, long distance communications, radio direction-finding and others; experiments that, in the following periods, revealed themselves to be crucial for technical and scientific advancement and the progress of wireless communications.
The award period lasts the whole of 2023.
Each month is dedicated to a specific Italian city connected to the story of Guglielmo Marconi and is paired to a different special callsign.
Further details, special callsigns and award rules can be found on the ARI Fidenza Radio Club website.
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Friday 6th January 2023
The Spring 2023 series of Tonight @ 8 webinars kicks off Monday, 9 January 2023 when Ben Lloyd, GW4BML talks about portable operating in his presentation Radio and Rucksack.
As well as explaining briefly the definition and benefits of portable operating, Ben will also share a little about his amateur radio adventures.
These focus mainly on SOTA, working DX and contesting, but all by operating portable.
Ben will run through everything that is packed away in his rucksack to enable successful activation.
You can watch and ask questions live on our YouTube channel or the special BATC channel.
You can also watch the presentation live, and find further information about this and other webinars, on the RSGB website at
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Direct to Full exam bookings to open
Friday 6th January 2023
Following the introduction of the Direct to Full syllabus in July 2022, bookings for the Direct to Full exam begin next week.
You can only take the exam online but you can book as an individual or through your club on the RSGB website.
The first exam slot will be on Saturday, 21 January 2023 and the exam will last for two-and-a-half hours.
The bookings page will be updated with the Direct to Full information on Wednesday 11 January 2023, when you will be able to make a booking on the RSGB website.
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Sunday 12 February – MIDCARS Radioactive Fair
Friday 6th January 2023
Nantwich Civic Hall, Market Street, Nantwich CW5 5DG
Doors open 10am and admission is £5. A wide variety of trader stalls covering every aspect of the radio hobby, new and old radios, computers and electronics and a Bring & Buy platform. Raffles throughout the rally. Refreshments and snacks available in the hall and parking is immediately adjacent to the hall.
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Sunday 26 Feb – Red Rose Rally
Friday 6th January 2023
St. Joseph’s Hall, Leigh WN7 2PJ
Free parking, café services and a raffle are among the attractions on offer. For further information visit:
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2358 with a release date of Friday January 6th, 2023
Friday 6th January 2023
The following is a QST. There are two more callsigns to listen for from Bouvet Island. Smartphones are gaining increased satellite capability -- hams in Ohio get an exemption from a new distracted-driving law. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2358 comes your way right now.
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Friday 6th January 2023
We begin this week with a Bouvet Island Dxpedition update. As if the 3YØJ
team itself weren't generating enough buzz in the ham radiosphere, two
additional callsigns are expected to be on the air from that coveted DX
location. John Williams VK4JJW gives us those details.
The long-awaited Bouvet Island Dxpedition team has a new twist to its
plans. Two Norwegian radio operators who are part of the Dxpedition team
intend to operate from the island under their own calls for a limited
time. It is intended to happen toward the end of the 3YØJ team's expected
22-day activation late this month. The development was reported on January
1st on the website DX-WORLD.NET, which gave confirmation from Ken, LA7GIA,
co-leader of the main Bouvet activation. Ken said that this would be the
first time any Norwegian with an LB callsign activated from Bouvet. The
gameplan is apparently to have the 3YØJ pilot stations inform eager DX
hunters when the pair get on the air. Be listening for the callsigns used
by Gjermund, 3Y/LB5GI, and Erwann, 3Y/LB1QI.
This is John Williams VK4JJW.
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Friday 6th January 2023
In this new year, sat-phone users and amateur radio
operators won't be the only ones who can bounce radio signals off
satellites. Here's Kent Peterson KCØDGY with that story.
Some smartphones are gaining a new capability in the new year: direct
satellite access. Text-messaging that uses satellite communications will
be possible for some consumers using Hauwei and Apple devices, according
to a recent report in the IEEE Spectrum. While Apple and Hauwei expect to
use older satellites that are already in orbit by putting new chips in
their flagship handsets, new low-Earth-orbit satellite networks are also
being built. Those are in the works from startup companies Lynk Global and
AST SpaceMobile, which hope to provide service to 5G phones in areas
without terrestrial coverage.
Observers note that this satellite functionality on smartphones will not
include the ability to make phone calls or to stream data but its added
capacity of texting will provide another means of calling for help in an
emergency in regions where the caller has a clear view to the sky.
Working in partnership with Globalstar, Apple devices have offered a
service called Emergency SOS via satellite since last November. Huawei
however has not yet announced the date of its rollout. Meanwhile, Lynk
Global expects to begin operations in the new year and AST SpaceMobile
expects to launch five of its satellites later this year.
This is Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
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Friday 6th January 2023
It's not just a new year, it's Straight Key Month,
according to the calendar of the Straight Key Century Club. Randy Sly W4XJ
keys in on the action for us.
With the ARRL's Straight Key Night, a January 1st event, already in the
books, the Straight Key Century Club is keeping the fun going for CW
operators around the world through to the end of the month. On January
2nd, operators who are club members began calling CQ with various
callsigns starting with K3Y from the 10 US call areas, as K3Y/Ø through
K3Y/9. Outside of the continental United States, club members are calling
as K3Y/KH6, KL7 and KP4.
Across six continents, operators will be on the air with stations for the
special event, You will hear them calling "CQ SKM," using their own
callsigns. These are stations in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America,
Oceania and South America.
This annual event celebrates the founding of the SKCC in 2006 and pays
tribute to the earliest telegraphy keys - the straight key, the bug and
the sideswiper, also known as the cootie.
This is Randy Sly W4XJ.
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Friday 6th January 2023
Another popular CW activity has just been given a new name. We have those
details from Neil Rapp WB9VPG.
What began as AMSAT Straight Key Night eventually became AMSAT's CW
Activity Day, an event devoted to amateurs who enjoy CW operating via
linear satellites. The event was held this year on January 1st - but even
while it was still in the planning stages, it underwent yet another name
change: This year it became the W2RS Memorial AMSAT CW Activity Day. The
new name honors satellite pioneer Ray Soifer, W2RS, who became a Silent
Key in March 2022 at the age of 79. The CW activity day had been his
project and he organized the New Year's Day event for AMSAT with great
enthusiasm. He encouraged hams to make good use of their straight keys and
bugs and report their progress on the AMSAT Bulletin Board mailing list.
As always, this activity is held at the same time the ARRL holds its own
Straight Key Night.
For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Neil Rapp WB9VPG.
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Friday 6th January 2023
Amateur radio operators are getting a break in Ohio under a
new law restricting the use of handheld electronic devices by drivers.
Jack Parker W8ISH has those details.
Under a new law taking effect in Ohio, if you are holding a cellphone or
similar device in your hands while operating a motor vehicle, that is
sufficient reason for you to be stopped by the police: It is considered a
primary offense.
Hams, however, needn't worry. The distracted-driving law exempts radio
amateurs as well as utility workers and first-responders, such as police.
Penalties are increasing for those drivers found to be engaged in
so-called distracted driving but with the new law, the next six months
will provide a grace period. Drivers who are not eligible for the
exemption will only be issued warnings while the state launches a
public-education campaign about the change in enforcement.
With this law, Ohio joins the ranks of other states where exemptions were
granted for amateur radio use while driving, including Indiana, Minnesota,
Wisconsin and Washington state.
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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Friday 6th January 2023
If you know a young amateur radio operator who's been
especially generous in giving time to assist an older person, a military
veteran or the community-at-large, you might know a candidate for the
Radio Club of America's "Young Ham Lends a Hand" award. Candidates may
also be youth involved in recruiting others to get their licenses. Carole
Perry, WB2MGP, is accepting nominations until April 1st for the award,
which will be presented, along with a $100 stipend, at the Youth Forum
during Dayton Hamvention. Email your nominee's name, callsign, age,
address and phone number to her at Be sure to include
your reasons for the nomination.
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Friday 6th January 2023
AM enthusiasts who belong to Amplitude Modulation
International have welcomed a new leader. Andy Morrison K9AWM tells us
about him.
The torch has been passed at Amplitude Modulation International: John
McGrath N9AMI has become executive director, succeeding Dale Gagnon, KW1I,
(K W One Eye). In 1993, Dale was one of the group's founders who announced
AMI's formation during Dayton Hamvention. The founders created a group
that would both celebrate and advocate for AM, the original voice mode on
the amateur bands. According to the AMI website, members are encouraged to
participate in all kinds of activity within the group's 10 regions and to
be active in annual operating events and contests. AMI also monitors all
FCC and ARRL activity that could have an impact on operators using AM.
Writing on the recently updated website, Dale tells members that there are
some new changes in the works. An online forum has been added to the
website to give amateurs a greater voice in the issues they care about. He
writes that the forum is open to anyone interested in AM operation and not
limited to AMI membership only. He will also be introducing a new program
called AMI On Ten and intends to bring back the Thanksgiving Jamboree.
Dale is encouraging visitors to the website. You can visit AM
International at aminternational dot club (
This is Andy Morrison K9AWM.
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Friday 6th January 2023
With a new year, comes the change in leadership at the
Radio Society of Great Britain. The nomination period continues this
month, as we hear from Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
Although the window has closed for nominations for board director of the
Radio Society of Great Britain, the nomination period continues through to
the end of January for other roles, such as regional representative,
elected director and president. The current president, Stewart Bryant,
G3YSX, is completing his two-year term in April. There are nine volunteer
roles in all that need to be filled. Regional representatives are needed
for England South-West and the Channel Islands, England North-West, East
Midlands, Northern Ireland, South Wales. Details can be found on the
Society's website at rsgb dot org stroke election. (
The Society will be holding its annual general meeting on April 15th and
the results of the election will be announced then.
Only members of the RSGB are able to nominate candidates.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 6th January 2023
The next QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo takes place on March
24th through to the 26th, asking the question: "New Ham radio license, now
what?" Organizers are looking for speakers who can address this topic in
particular, whether the new license is at entry level, such as Technician
class here in the United States, or perhaps at a higher level with more
Organizer Eric Guth 4Z1UG is asking amateurs with expertise in certain
areas of amateur radio to consider newcomers in particular and to offer
presentations at the Expo this spring. There is a link to an online
application form and additional details in the text version of this week's
newscast script at
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Friday 6th January 2023
A celebrated antenna expert from West Bengal, India, has
just been granted yet another honor. We hear more about him from Graham
Kemp VK4BB.
Srikanta Pal, the scientist who was recently granted a patent for the
world's smallest antenna has been given an honorary life membership in the
West Bengal Radio Club. Born in West Bengal, he is a research professor at
Birla Institute of Technology in Kolkata.
He was presented with the honour on Wednesday, December 28th, by the
club's secretary, Ambarish Nag Biswas, VU2JFA, who told Newsline in a text
message that the professor has taken a keen interest in amateur radio
antennas. After learning more details about the kind of work the club is
involved in, he said that, as an honorary life member, he would study some
useful types of antennas that hams could use for emergency response in
In 2009, the professor was credited with having helped solve satellite
signal interference problems at the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank telescope at
the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia. Later, he
assisted astronomers in solving interference issues at the Jodrell Bank
Radio Telescope site in the UK.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 6th January 2023
In the World of DX, be listening for VI10SOTA (VEE EYE TEN SOTA) which is
on the air in Australia to celebrate the 10th year of Summits on the Air
in the VK1 region. The station will be active through to the end of the
year and any amateur with an Australian licence who is activating a VK1
SOTA peak may use it.
Logs of all activators will be found under each activator’s log in their
Be listening for Harald, DF2WO, using the call sign D44TWO from Sao Tiago
(AF-005), Cape Verde until the 21st of January. He is on 160 through 6
metres, using FT8 with some SSB and CW. He is also using the QO-100
satellite. QSL via MØOXO's OQRS.
Listen for Darren, VK4MAP, who is working holiday style as FW/VK4MAP from
Wallis & Futuna in the South Pacific through the first half of January.
Listen for him on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres where he will be operating
SSB. QSL direct to his home call.
The special call sign DB100RDF is on the air to mark 100 years of
broadcasting in Germany. This commemorates the fact that the first
official radio entertainment in Germany went on the air on the 29th of
October, 1923. QSL direct to DO2PZ or via the bureau.
You can hear the special call sign EG1NMP from the 7th to the 10th of
January. The station is on the air to remember the wreck of the Monte
Palomares, a Spanish freighter that sank in the North Atlantic on the 10th
of January, 1966. QSL only via LoTW and eQSL.
(425 DX NEWS)
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Friday 6th January 2023
Our final story has a little bit of magic in it. Some of it
is amateur radio magic and the rest is simply New Year's magic -- because
we can't put a final ribbon on the holiday season without this story of a
QSO that happened in two countries across the change of the year. John
Williams VK4JJW explains.
With poor conditions on the bands, the 10-minute QSO between one ham in
Australia and another in Thailand might have felt more like it lasted for
a year. a way, it actually did.
Supoj (Sue Podge) E25JRP was on 20 metres at 2130 local time in Bangkok in
the final hours of the old year, but very few CW operators responded to
his call in that first half-hour. At 2200 local time, someone more distant
came back to him - like the others, his call began with a V - perhaps it
was VR, from Hong Kong, or VU, from India. Battling serious QSB, Supoj
asked for a repeat - and then another.
He told Newsline: [quote] "After a couple of question marks and 'again,' I
got all of his callsign." [endquote] It was VK5PL, Dave, a colleague from
the Long Island CW Club in the United States. Dave was at home in
Australia and recognised Supoj's callsign when he heard it on the air. Two
thousand twenty-three was already well underway at his QTH. The
year-change had started two hours earlier.
Riding the fickle QSB, the two had just enough time to exchange new year's
wishes - and for Dave to log his first QSO of the new year and Supoj to
log one of his final ones of the old year.
Dave wrote on the club's forum on [quote] "I had a great start
to the year." [endquote]
Supoj told Newsline: [quote] "I turned off my rig with a big smile." [endquote]
Now, of course, with everyone properly settled into 2023, the only thing
that needs to get in sync are those band conditions.
This is John Williams VK4JJW.
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Friday 6th January 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think Newsline would be
interested in? We are not talking about advertising your club's upcoming
hamfest or field day participation, but something that is out of the
ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the contact page at If it's newsworthy and we would like to cover it, we'll
get back to you for more details.
With thanks to the Alexanderson Association; Amateur Radio Weekly; the
ARRL; Birla Institute of Technology; CQ magazine; Dave, VK5PL; David Behar
K7DB; the 425 DX News; IEEE; Radio Society of Great Britain;; Springfield News-Sun; Supoj, E25JRP; Straight Key
Century Club; 3YØJ Website; West Bengal Radio Club; Wireless Institute of
Australia; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio
Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an
all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its
continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our website
at and know that we appreciate you all. We also remind our
listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating
wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the
news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Paul Braun WD9GCO
in Valparaiso Indiana saying 73. As always we thank you for listening.
Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Keplerian Data
Friday 6th January 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 1 ARLK001
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT January 3, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 07530U 74089B 23002.85283750 -.00000022 00000-0
15122-3 0 9997
2 07530 101.9304 348.5298 0012358 20.8067 94.1660
1 25544U 98067A 23003.52502237 .00016767
00000-0 30219-3 0 9999
2 25544 51.6453 64.1711 0005004 218.5032 238.7671
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23003.56266476 .00001465
00000-0 21908-3 0 9996
2 27607 64.5552 49.3717 0080215 256.6162 102.5989 14.76544680
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23003.18543697 .00003780 00000-0
44197-3 0 9997
2 39444 97.6505 333.5085 0056930 96.1399 264.6306
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23003.45155417 .00061749
00000-0 58927-3 0 9996
2 40903 97.1503 68.4050 0008278 95.1829 322.5712
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23003.67854831 .00001033
00000-0 54333-4 0 9999
2 40931 6.0006 180.6453 0012231 124.3268 229.4532
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23003.32967458 .00007539
00000-0 42214-3 0 9994
2 42759 43.0182 309.6646 0008729 115.5758 19.8308
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23003.35520428 .00007573
00000-0 42276-3 0 9998
2 42761 43.0184 308.1613 0009154 118.0918 25.4789
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23003.13642344 .00005037
00000-0 37295-3 0 9992
2 43017 97.6527 254.0868 0241186 252.9639 104.5024 14.83208534276698
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23003.59187133 .00001002
00000-0 10307-3 0 9991
2 43678 97.9957 144.6117 0009686 353.5551 6.5549
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23003.31125247 .00000156
00000-0 00000+0 0 9996
2 43700 0.0187 30.9438 0001812 287.5872 281.9579
1.00272220 15272
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23003.10831767 .00003866 00000-0
32874-3 0 9996
2 43803 97.5963 69.9961 0013460 318.8991 41.1217
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23003.51854201 .00000905
00000-0 12051-3 0 9997
2 44881 97.8778 84.7190 0013519 253.9251 106.0482
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23002.71142441 .00000016
00000-0 21100-4 0 9997
2 44909 82.5217 97.9065 0217061 213.6080 145.1096
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23003.62915367 .00000357
00000-0 13099-3 0 9996
2 50466 98.5665 85.6426 0003534 268.2014 91.8768
14.38609959 53697
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 22354.08419093 -.00000003 00000-0
00000+0 0 9990
2 53106 70.1702 21.9397 0008914 226.9685 182.2049
6.42557326 10248
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23003.46724219 .00009491
00000-0 60065-3 0 9991
2 54684 97.5384 143.0245 0014711 177.8422 271.1454 15.09113273
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, January 6, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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![]() |
The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 6th January 2023
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT January 5, 2023
To all radio amateurs
ARLD001 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by The
Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest
Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
KENYA, 5Z. Scott, WA5A is QRV as 5Z4/WA5A and is active on
40, 20, 17, and 10 meters. QSL to home call.
QATAR, A7. Anton, RN1B is QRV as A75GC from Doha until the
end of the month. Activity is in his spare time on the HF bands
using CW and SSB. QSL direct to RW3RN.
CHINA, BY. Special event station BY1CRA/WRTC is QRV during
the January 2023 WRTC 2023 special event.
CAPE VERDE, D4. Harald, DF2WO is QRV as D44TWO from Sao Tiago,
IOTA AF-005, until January 21. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using
CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4, as well as on Satellite QO-100. QSL via
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, DA. Special event call sign
DB100RDF is QRV during all of 2023 to celebrate the 100 years of radio
broadcasting in Germany
QSL via bureau
PHILIPPINES, DU. Marc, ON5SM is QRV as DU9/ON5SM from Mindanao, IOTA OC-130, until January 21. Activity is on the HF bands using SSB, SSTV, and FT8. QSL to home call.
KYRGYZSTAN, EX. Bob, WT3A is QRV as EX0ET from Bishkek.
Activity is on 20 to 10 meters. QSL direct to home call.
FRANCE, F. Special event station TM80NT is QRV until January
15 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the death of inventor, engineer,
and futurist Nikola Tesla
QSL via F8GGZ.
CROZET ISLAND, FT/W. Station FT8WW is QRV until January 26.
FW/VK4MAP until the middle of January. Activity is holiday style on
80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL direct to home call.
SCOTLAND, GM. Special event station GB2KW is QRV until
January 28 near Inverness using vintage equipment. QSL via LoTW.
SAUDI ARABIA, HZ. Samir, HZ1SK plans to be QRV as HZ1WRTC
during the January 2023 WRTC 2023 special event.
NORWAY, LA. Special event station LA100K is QRV from
Trondheim during all of 2023 to commemorate 100 years of the Akademisk
Radioklubb, one of the oldest ham clubs in the country. QSL via
LITHUANIA, LY. Special event station LY700VLN is QRV during
all of January to celebrate 700 years of the capital city of Vilnius.
QSL via bureau.
will also be active as PJ4JP during the ARRL RTTY Roundup. QSL both
calls via LoTW.
SWEDEN, SM. Special event station 8S80AA is QRV during all of
2023 to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Vasteras Radio Klubb, SK5AA.
QSL direct to SM5FUG.
CONGO, TN. A group of operators are QRV as TN8K until January
21. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, FT8, and FT4.
This includes being active on Satellite QO-100. QSL via OK6DJ.
GABON, TR. Roland, F8EN is QRV as TR8CR from Libreville until
March 15, 2023. Activity is on 30 to 10 meters using CW. QSL
via F6AJA.
AUSTRALIA, VK. Special event station VI75G is QRV during all
of 2023 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Geelong Amateur Radio
Club. QSL via LoTW.
INDIA, VU. Special event station AT18BSG is QRV until January
15 celebrating the 18th National Jamboree of the Bharat Scouts and
Guides. QSL via VU2NRO.
INDONESIA, YB. Special event station 8B0RARI is QRV during
the January 2023 WRTC 2023 special event.
NEW ZEALAND, ZL. Special event station ZL6WRTC is QRV during
the January 2023 WRTC 2023 special event.
Day, NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN
Slow Speed CW Test, PODXS 070 Club PSKFest, Marconi Club ARI Loano CW QSO
Party Day, SKCC CW Weekend Sprintathon, World Wide PMC Contest, RSGB AFS
CW Contest, Original QRP Contest, EUCW 160-Meter CW Contest and the DARC
10-Meter Contest are all scheduled for this upcoming weekend.
K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint,
ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity
Contest, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox Hunt, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops
Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test CW 40 and Mini-Test CW 80
are all on tap from January 9 to 11.
Please see January 2023 QST, page 74, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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