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This weeks Local, UK and World NEWS
New Distance Record Set with SO-50 Satellite
29th May 2023
During a Summits on the Air (SOTA) activation on May 24th, a new distance record was claimed to have been made between a ham (KE9AJ) in Michigan and another ham (MI0ILE) in Northern Ireland. Contact was made utilizing the SO-50 satellite and covered a distance of 5,584 km. That breaks the previous record by 61 km set back in 2018.
Source: AMSAT open_in_new
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June Tonight@8 webinar – Node-RED for radio amateurs by Mike Richards, G4WNC
Friday 26th May 2023
On Monday 5 June, Mike Richards, G4WNC will be giving a live presentation on Node-RED for radio amateurs.
Node-RED is a visual programming language that is very powerful but surprisingly easy to use. The language has matured over recent years and has the potential to be a valuable tool for radio amateurs.
In this talk, Mike will provide an introduction to Node-RED programming techniques. He will conclude with a live demonstration to show just how easy it can be to add extra facilities to your rig.
Watch and ask questions live on the RSGB YouTube channel or special BATC channel. For more information see the RSGB website
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Friday 26th May 2023
The RSGB’s School Zone web page brings together radio amateurs in schools and colleges. We want to help people to share their experience and expertise of establishing and running a radio club for young people.
We’ve just launched a new page as part of this section called ‘School Zone stories’ where we’re highlighting some of the great amateur radio activities that are happening in these, and other, schools.
If you’re a school with an amateur radio club and want to be added to our list, please get in touch.
If you’re a radio amateur or club that are linking with schools, we’d love to add your stories to this web section.
Go to School Zone to find out more or send your stories and photos to
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RadCom June 2023, Vol. 99, No. 6
Friday 26th May 2023
Yaesu FT-710 review
News and reports
Annual RSGB trophy presentations 68
Around Your Region – Club events calendar 74
Around Your Region – Events roundup 78
British Science Week 2023 22
GB23C Report 54
High-speed Morse system on display at the NRC 83
New products 14
News 11
RSGB Commonwealth Contest 2023 70
RSGB Construction Competition 2023 66
RSGB Matters 6
Special Interest Groups News 15
Advertisers’ index 85
Antennas, Tim Hier, G5TM 18
Contest Calendar, Ian Pawson, G0FCT 65
Contesting, Roger Cooke, G3LDI 64
Data, Andy Talbot, G4JNT 16
GHz Bands, Dr John Worsnop, G4BAO 60
HF, Daimon Tilley, G4USI 56
LF, Dave Pick, G3YXM 39
Members’ ads 86
Propagation, Gwyn Williams, G4FKH 82
Rallies and events 87
The Last Word 88
VHF/UHF, Paul Marks, G8FVK 58
Book reviews 73
Yaesu FT-710 review, Peter Hart, G3SJX 40
Chasing amateur radio awards, Lindsay Pennell, G8PMA 32
Radio blackouts and the severe March storm, Peter DeNeef, AE7PD 28
Technical Features
A DIY vertical antenna for the 2, 4, 6 and 10m bands, John
Hill, G8HUY 50
Design Notes, Andy Talbot, G4JNT 36
EMC, Dr David Lauder, G0SNO 30
Reciprocity of HF radio waves, Gwyn Williams, G4FKH 34
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Fancy an Interesting Radio read ?
Titanic: Amateur radio heard SOS in Welsh town 3,000 miles away !
Friday 26th May 2023
By Neil Prior - BBC News
Self taught Artie Moore was looked upon as a bit of an "oddball" but he actually picked up the distress signals of the Titanic from thousands of miles away in South Wales.
On hearing the signals he rushed to the local police station, but was met with incredulity.
Artie was already well known locally for his radio equipment a year before the Titanic sank.
It makes a great read and was brought to my attention by Simon our Secretary. Thanks Simon.
Read the full story : Titanic: Amateur radio heard SOS in Welsh town 3,000 miles away - BBC News
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2378 for Friday May 26th, 2023
Friday 26th May 2023
The following is a QST. Deadly floods ravage a region in Italy. Hamvention 2023 is just a memory now -- and a tragic antenna accident claims a noted contester's life. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2378 comes your way right now.
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Friday 26th May 2023
Our top story this week takes us to Italy where deadly
floods in one region have displaced and disrupted lives and the economy.
This is to be the location of the World Radiosport Team Championship later
this summer, as we hear from Graham Kemp VK4BB.
Besieged by flooding that displaced more than 36,000 people and killed at
least 14, Italy's Emilia-Romagna region has received some limited support
from amateur radio. Greg Mossop, GØDUB, emergency communications
coordinator for IARU Region 1, told Newsline that hams made use of local
VHF repeaters to resume communications within affected towns until mobile
and landline phone networks could be put back into service. He said the
failures were not severe enough for local authorities to ask regional ham
radio emergency networks to activate. Hams did remain on standby, ready to
use HF, VHF and digital voice if necessary.
Greg said the IARU received the information from Alberto Barbera IK1YLO
(Eye Kay Won Why El Oh) of the RNRE radio communications network. Alberto
said the affected area asked for additional support from other countries
in the region to provide extra pumping capacity and those teams made use
of VHF/UHF commercial communications supported by Starlink satellite
Separately, organisers of the World Radiosport Team Championship, to be
held this summer in Bologna - in this flood-impacted region -- were
keeping an eye on the challenging conditions. Luca Aliprandi, IK2NCJ, who
handles media and communications for the event, said on the WRTC
list that if some sites for WRTC are unusable, competitor stations may
need to be relocated farther north of Bologna. He wrote [quote] "Our will
and dedication to organising WRTC2022 will be stronger than any
adversity." [endquote]
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 26th May 2023
As Newsline went to production, the Australian Maritime
College announced that it was severing its relationship with the
Australian regulator for providing amateur licensee services. The
college and the Australian Communications and Media Authority will go
their separate ways in February 2024. Before the college's selection in
2019, services such as exams and callsign recommendations were provided
through the Wireless Institute of Australia. The ACMA is to take the role
of call sign allocation and examination syllabus control "in-house" to go
with the licensing role which it already fulfills -- and to do this under
the new class license framework. The ACMA said it would release a
consultation on the new accreditation scheme this coming August at the
same time as the new class licensing arrangements take effect.
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Friday 26th May 2023
In the US, the FCC has a busy June ahead of itself:
It's taking a second and perhaps a third look at spectrum allocations --
and there's a new candidate nominated to join them, as we hear from Paul
Braun WD9GCO.
In June, the US Federal Communications Commission will revisit ways the
radio spectrum can be utilized more efficiently and study the propose
testing of a few uses on part of the 42 GHz band in the so-called "greenfield
spectrum." Greenfield spectrum refers to the part of the spectrum that is
unutilized. The FCC's focus has been intensifying on this along with other
parts of the spectrum because of the growing demand for its use by
emerging wireless services -- and limited places to authorize their
FCC chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced this plan in the commission's
June agenda, posting her message on the agency website on May 17th. She
said the 42 GHZ band was an apt place for conducting experiments with
various spectrum-access models because of the absence of licensed users
Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has nominated a longtime telecom lawyer
for the government, to join the FCC. Anna Gomez must still be confirmed by
the Senate. The president's previous nominee, Gigi Sohn, withdrew from
consideration several months earlier.
This is Paul Braun WD9GCO.
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Friday 26th May 2023
This year's Dayton Hamvention was another success, with
several vendors returning after an absence along with some great weather.
The rain was mostly overnight on Friday and caused minimal disruptions.
The main buzz was about 2 new handheld radios being announced, one from
ICOM America and another from JVC/Kenwood who returned to Hamvention after
being absent since the start of the pandemic.
2023 Hamvention Amateur of the Year Carsten Dauer, DM9EE, received a
standing ovation in front of a large crowd attending his forum about his
work to house evacuated Ukrainian family members as well as shipping
donated radio gear, power banks, solar panels, and first aid kits for use
to assist operators despite the partial Russian invasion.
Steve Morgan, W4NHO, was recognized with the Spirit of Amateur Radio award
for his work in coordinating disaster relief communications during the
recent Eastern Kentucky flooding. The Voice of America Museum in nearby
West Chester, Ohio, had expanded hours during Hamvention and reported
record attendance of nearly 400 visitors.
The youth socials at the YOTA booth were standing room only. And, many
hams were greeted by the first known live duck to attend Hamvention, Mochi,
accompanied by Junie, N1DUC who was promoting her new YouTube channel and
educating people about domesticated ducks.
Finally, 2023 marked the return of our own Newsline Town Hall. Attendees
heard international updates from Tim Ellam, VE6SH, the president of IARU.
Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, returned to the town hall to talk about the
ARRL Volunteer Monitoring program, while Mark Smith, N6MTS proposed a new
open headset interconnect standard to assist with group activities and
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Friday 26th May 2023
AM radio isn't quite dead yet among those selling cars
in the US. One carmaker has shifted gears into reverse - literally.
Here's Kent Peterson KCØDGY with an update.
KENT: In the United States, the Ford Motor Company has reversed an earlier
decision to eliminate AM radios in its new cars, trucks and SUVs. The
carmaker's announcement was made on Tuesday, May 23rd, on the heels of a
bipartisan bill introduced in Washington, D.C., pressing for AM broadcast
radio's retention as a public safety measure.
Ford CEO Jim Farley announced on social media that the reversal comes came
after discussions with government policy leaders who believe the
elimination of AM broadcast radio in vehicles will cut motorists off from
essential emergency alerts transmitted on those frequencies.
The CEO wrote on Twitter that all 2024 Ford and Lincoln vehicles would
include AM radio. He added: [quote] "For any owners of Ford's EVs without
AM broadcast capability, we'll offer a software update." [endquote] The
update would restore AM functionality.
The US Federal Communications Commission has also thrown its support
behind the proposed legislation that seeks to halt the trend toward
automakers' removal of AM broadcast in US vehicles. The bill, introduced
May 17th, is known as the "AM for Every Vehicle Act." The FCC cannot
regulate what automakers do but was nonetheless vocal about the value AM
radio has to motorists who may need to receive emergency alerts while on
the road.
Other manufacturers, including Volvo, Tesla and BMW, have indicated they
were dropping AM radio from their new electric cars because of
interference between the vehicles' electrical operating systems and the AM
broadcast band. The Associated Press did not immediately receive comment
from the other carmakers.
The bill's opponents, including The Alliance for Automotive Innovation,
which represents US automakers, called the AM radio proposal unnecessary.
They said that the US warning system, operated by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, can also deliver safety warnings by other means, such
as FM broadcast, satellite and cellular networks.
This is Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
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Friday 26th May 2023
Emergency preparedness got a needed boost in South
Carolina and Kevin Trotman N5PRE has those details.
Dorchester County, South Carolina is getting ready for hurricane season on
the ground and in the air. High atop a 226-foot tower, members of the
county's emergency management office have been installing an antenna
system that will allow the county's amateur radio response team a wider
communication range with first responders during emergencies. The hams are
members of DART, or the Dorchester Amateur Radio Team.
County officials told the local CBS TV station that the installation is
designed to close a communications gap between Columbia and as far away as
Charleston, South Carolina - a need that became apparent after Hurricane
Ian struck the region last autumn. As storm season approaches again, the
emergency management office is supplementing this antenna work high in the
air by taking on some serious training on the ground. Emergency officials
will soon be teaching classes to help get more volunteers prepared for
their amateur radio technician license.
This is Kevin Trotman N5PRE.
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Friday 26th May 2023
An antenna accident has claimed the life of another ham
- a well-known DXer and contester. We have those details from Jeremy
Boot G4NJH.
A noted DXer, contester and CW enthusiast from Germany has become a Silent
Key. Bernhard Buettner, DL6RAI, who was known to everyone as Ben, was
killed following an accident while doing antenna work at his QTH in Aruba.
Writing about his friend's death, Martin DL5RMH, said that they were
working together to prepare to change one of the antenna masts when the
mast Ben was tending to buckled unexpectedly and Ben fell to the ground.
He could not be revived despite immediate first aid and the work of an
ambulance rescue crew.
Ben's own account of his ham radio life reflects a long and enduring love
for active radio operation around the world. He fell in love with CW as a
shortwave listener in 1978 after decoding a message he copied from a local
ham. He worked to gain proficiency in Morse and by March of 1980, the
16-year-old radio enthusiast passed his license test, qualifying at 12
words per minute.
An avid traveler, he operated from at least 45 countries around the globe
and became a serious contester using CW, RTTY and the digital modes.
Between 2002 and 2005, he was the WAE DX contest manager for the DARC.
From 2007 to 2019 he was president of the prestigious Bavarian Contest
He purchased the QTH in Aruba in 2014 from another ham and was operating
from there intermittently as P4/DL6RAI or P44X. His widow, Luise, is also
an amateur, with the callsign DL2MLU.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
NEIL/ANCHOR: Newsline takes this opportunity to remind listeners to please
follow safety precautions always when doing antenna work or any other
radio activity that presents a potential hazard such as this.
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Friday 26th May 2023
In one Massachusetts community, amateur radio is helping
shine a brighter spotlight on a public event for cancer-awareness. We
have those details from Andy Morrison K9AWM.
While participants in the annual Relay for Life take thousands of steps
around a college athletics track during a two-day fundraiser for cancer
research, the Mohawk Amateur Radio Club will be taking steps too: These
Massachusetts amateurs will be on the air as the two-day event steps off
on Friday, June 9th, at 6 p.m. local time. They will be on the campus of
the Mount Wachusett Community College, reaching out globally over the
airwaves to raise awareness of the lifesaving work of the American Cancer
The hams will be on 20 and 40 meters during the day and will switch to 80
meters at night.
As in the past, many of those answering the call of station N1WW are
likely to have cancer survival stories of their own -- and some of the
operators, such as Jack Burgoyne, W1PFZ, will be sharing theirs.
Jack and club president Kevin Erickson, N1ERS, spoke to the Gardner News
website recently about the event and the club's history of providing
support to it.
With a big turnout of spectators expected as individuals and teams in the
relay make their rounds on the track, the ham club will also be raising
its own profile. Kevin said the club hopes people will take a moment to
visit the club trailer and check out the radios that are carrying that
important message around the world.
This is Andy Morrison K9AWM.
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Friday 26th May 2023
The power of QRP isn't always measured in watts or even
milliwatts. Jim Meachen ZL2BHF explains.
It started as a long-ago suggestion from the New Zealand Association of
Radio Transmitters, which suggested to IARU Region 3 in 1997 that QRP
operation be given its day in the sun - literally. Since then, Region 3
societies have helped advance involvement in such QRP activities as QRP
field days, QRP contests, instructions for QRP kit-building and
publication of articles about QRP operating. That's all about to get even
more intense on June 17th, which will once again be QRP Day throughout
IARU Region 3.
Writing to IARU member societies' directors and liaison officers, Yuki
JH1NBN, Region 3 secretary, encouraged promotion of QRP operation,
particularly when it is highlighted on that day. He wrote in his letter
that QRP [quote] "offers advantages
concerning, among others, the reduction of QRM on the amateur bands." [endquote]
The day promises a powerful outcome.
This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
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Friday 26th May 2023
The 100 Watts and a Wire community, which has been around since 2015, has chosen the weekend of June 9th, 10th and 11th as its Tune-Up weekend, its annual spring operating event. That means that operators will be on the air calling "CQ Tune-up" on June 9th, 10th and 11th on any band at anytime during those three days - and in any mode, including digital. If you're a member of the 100 Watts and a Wire community, exchange your membership numbers with one another - and if you're not a member, you can still make a contact and then check out the 100 Watts and a Wire podcast. Membership is free. As podcast producer Christian Cudnik KØSTH notes, the weekend event is a perfect time to test your equipment and operating skills in preparation for Field Day - and to get out of the shack for some fresh air while ON the air!
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Friday 26th May 2023
In the World of DX, be listening for members of the
Rockall DXpedition, MMØUKI. They are hoping to set a new record on the
air from the uninhabitable granite islet in the North Atlantic Ocean. This
rare location has the IOTA designation of EU-189 and is Grid Square IO37DO
(Eye Oh Three Seven Dee Oh). The team departed for the island on May 25th
and will be on the air around the clock using SSB, CW and FT8 on 40
through 10m as well as 2m. Details and QSL information are on
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Friday 26th May 2023
We remind our listeners that the window closes on May 31st to nominate a promising young radio amateur for this year's Amateur Radio Newsline Bill Pasternak Memorial Young Ham of the Year Award. Young hams who live in the continental United States have an opportunity to make news of their own in the world. Think of an amateur radio operator 18 years of age or younger -- someone who has talent, promise and a commitment to the spirit of ham radio. Find the nomination form on our website under the "AWARDS" tab. Time is about to run out!
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Friday 26th May 2023
For our final story, we ask you to imagine being missing
and lost for three decades. Listen to this story of an older man's
30-year journey back to his family - thanks to ham radio. Jason Daniels
VK2LAW has his story.
For one homeless grandfather from Nepal, this was a homecoming that was
three decades in the making, with the help of a merchant in a busy Bengali
business district and a group of ham radio operators in West Bengal.
The man, identified as Bir Bahadur Singh, had been spotted as a vagrant by
a Bengali businessman who reached out to the West Bengal Radio Club. He
knew the club's reputation of using their wide-ranging amateur radio
network to reunite family members. Club secretary Ambarish Nag Biswas
VU2JFA contacted hams in Nepal who were able to locate the man's village,
and eventually his wife. They learned that Bir Bahadur Singh had
apparently fallen ill 30 years ago while he was transporting his son from
Nepal to Delhi. From there, the man somehow disappeared.
The son, now grown and working in Delhi, was overjoyed his father had been
found so many years later, according to media reports. He has been
coordinating with the Nepal Consulate to bring his father home. Ambarish
Nag Biswas told the Indo-Asian News Service: [quote] "He never doubted his
father and always knew that the man must have suffered from some sort of
mental illness to have left him alone." [endquote]
This is Jason Daniels VK2LAW.
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NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Amateur News Weekly; the American Cancer Society; ARRL; Associated Press; Australia Communications and Media Authority; CQ Magazine; David Behar K7DB;; 425 DX News; FCC; Gardner News;; IARU Region 1; IARU Region 3; Indo-Asian News Service; News2; 100 Watts and a Wire; QRZ.COM;; SOTA Reflector; Variety; West Bengal Radio Club; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our website at and know that we appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Neil Rapp WB9VPG in Union Kentucky saying 73. As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Latest Keplerian Data - 23rd May 2023
Friday 26th May 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 38 ARLK038
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT May 23, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 7530U 74089B 23143.46275087 -.00000043 00000-0
16490-4 0 9997
2 7530 101.9462 129.9741 0012601 110.1885 14.2105 12.53664261220314
1 25544U 98067A 23143.83525416 .00015072
00000-0 27034-3 0 9991
2 25544 51.6410 89.2422 0005352 13.7851 79.6848
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23142.84716593 .00001416
00000-0 21106-3 0 9997
2 27607 64.5550 342.6136 0071309 229.7385 129.7469 14.77236862 98483
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23143.42491694 .00005687 00000-0
63262-3 0 9990
2 39444 97.6705 108.4897 0053077 356.6581 3.4273
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23112.43632650 .18814400
25108-5 15498-3 0 9990
2 40903 97.0819 181.5568 0011783 175.5276 309.8044 16.51931608427640
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23142.70555987 .00001250
00000-0 83501-4 0 9997
2 40931 6.0000 268.4069 0013591 293.2401 66.6296
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23143.50158277 .00009729
00000-0 49285-3 0 9998
2 42759 43.0154 252.8783 0011819 299.9073 60.0600
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23143.51777397 .00008469
00000-0 43040-3 0 9995
2 42761 43.0150 251.3213 0012632 301.3383 58.6228
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23142.93364258 .00006218
00000-0 43657-3 0 9990
2 43017 97.6333 28.2748 0235173 152.3285 209.0681
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23143.46462407 .00001796
00000-0 17697-3 0 9991
2 43678 98.0197 286.9424 0008425 239.0411 120.9981 14.93349724248570
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23142.89459088 .00000147
00000-0 00000-0 0 9997
2 43700 0.0148 330.4904 0001266 120.9181 136.6772
1.00270672 16430
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23142.91132409 .00006490 00000-0
51798-3 0 9998
2 43803 97.5686 206.1344 0012487 177.5498 182.5789 15.00558081243905
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23143.45880045 .00001267
00000-0 16414-3 0 9999
2 44881 97.8616 222.3311 0015411 154.0552 206.1437 14.82484089185131
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23142.89125592 .00000017
00000-0 30857-4 0 9999
2 44909 82.5236 4.7579 0216407 246.0285 111.8023
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23143.55355395 .00000713
00000-0 24580-3 0 9995
2 50466 98.5515 225.1754 0003908 197.0128 163.0929 14.38890902 73813
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 23139.88081682 -.00000003 00000-0
00000-0 0 9990
2 53106 70.1627 329.5611 0008345 191.2921 168.7552 6.42557176
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23143.55227629 .00010661
00000-0 59706-3 0 9990
2 54684 97.5596 281.3138 0014425 63.9947 296.2768 15.13517490
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, May 26, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 26th May 2023
DX Bulletin 21 ARLD021
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT May 25, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
HA7VK, OZ2I, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and
the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
BAHAMAS, C6. Sergei, KN4NTX is QRV as C6AWA from Bimini, IOTA
NA-048, until May 28. Activity is on the HF bands using CW.
This includes being an entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
QSL direct to home call.
HUNGARY, HA. Sanyi, HA7VK will be QRV as HG23TISZA as a
Single Op/All Band/High Power entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
QSL via LoTW.
SVALBARD, JW. Rafal, SQ9CNN is QRV as JW/SQ9CNN from
Spitsbergen Island, IOTA EU-026, until May 29. He will be active as
JW5E on either 20 or 15 meters during the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
QSL to home call and JW5E via OH6VDA.
MONGOLIA, JT. Dima, RA9USU will be QRV as JT5DX in the CQ
World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL direct.
HAWAII, KH6. A group of operators will be QRV as NH6T during
the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via operators' instructions.
AMERICAN SAMOA, KH8. Oliver, W6NV and Lloyd, KH6LC plan to be
QRV as KH8W as a Multi/Single entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
After the contest, they may be active as home calls/KH8. QSL via
ARUBA, P4. John, W2GD is QRV as P40W until May 30.
Activity is in his spare time on 30, 17, and 12 meters. This
includes activity in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via LoTW.
CURACAO, PJ2. Jim, WI9WI and Annette, KA9DOC are QRV as
PJ2/home calls until May 29. Activity is on the HF bands, and
possibly 6 meters, using CW and RTTY. Look for Jim to be QRV as PJ2T
as a Single Op/All Band entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
QSL direct to home calls, and PJ2T direct to W3HNK.
ICELAND, TF. Chris, DL1MGB is QRV as TF/DL1MGB until May 29.
Activity is on 80 to 10 meters and includes being an entry in the CQ World
Wide WPX CW contest. QSL to home call.
ST. KITTS AND NEVIS, V4. John, W5JON is QRV as V47JA from St.
Kitts, IOTA NA-104, until June 7. Activity is on the HF bands and 6
meters using SSB and FT8. QSL direct to home call.
MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Bob, N7XR is QRV as V7/N7XR from
Kwajalein, IOTA OC-028, and is here until the end of June. Activity
is in his spare time on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL
via LoTW.
MONTSERRAT, VP2M. George, K2DM is QRV as VP2MDM until May 29.
Activity is on the HF bands and 6 meters using SSB and FT8. This
includes being an entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via
Providenciales, IOTA NA-002, until May 30. Activity is on the HF
bands. He and others will be QRV as VP5M in the CQ World Wide WPX CW
contest. QSL to home call, and VP5M direct to K4QPL.
VIET NAM, XV. Tom, DL7BO is QRV as XV9K near Phan Thiet.
Activity is on 6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL to home call.
MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until
the end of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using
Z38EE from Tetovo until May 30. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters
using CW. This includes being active in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
QSL to home call.
KOSOVO, Z6. Rene, DL2JRM is QRV as Z68XX from Gjilan until
May 29. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW. This includes being
an entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL to home call.
SOUTH SUDAN, Z8. Diya, YI1DZ is QRV as Z81D from Juba.
Activity is in his spare time on 40 to 6 meters, and possibly 80 and 60
meters, using SSB and FT8. QSL via OM3JW.
FT4 Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint and K1USN Slow Speed CW Test
will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend.
The QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC Memorial,
Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops
Test, Mini-Test 40 and Mini-Test 80 are on tap for May 29 to 31.
Please see May QST, page 73, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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This weeks Latest NEWS from NASA W/e 26th May 2023
Friday 26th May 2023
Florida Students to Hear from NASA Astronauts Aboard Space
May 24, 2023 - NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station will
speak to students from St. Mark’s Episcopal School in Palm Beach Gardens,
May 24, 2023 - NASA and the U.S. Department of Education signed a memorandum of understanding on Wednesday, strengthening the collaboration between the two agencies, including efforts to increase access to high-quality STEM and space education to students and schools across the nation.
May 22, 2023 - NASA has selected a new mission to help humanity better understand Earth’s dynamic atmosphere – specifically, ice clouds that form at high altitudes throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions. The PolSIR instrument – short for Polarized Submillimeter Ice-cloud Radiometer – will study such ice clouds to determine how and why they change throughout
May 22, 2023 - NASA will provide live launch and docking coverage of the Roscosmos Progress 84 cargo spacecraft carrying about three tons of food, fuel, and supplies for the Expedition 69 crew aboard the International Space Station.
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Friday 19th May 2023
We are pleased to announce the team of young RSGB members who will be representing the Society and the UK at this summer’s Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) camp.
The event, hosted by the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society (MRASZ), will take place in Gyor, Hungary between 5 and 12 August 2023.
The team is made up of Alexander, 2E0FMZ (Team Leader); Henry-James, M7HJR; Hannah, M7YYQ and Jake, M7JNS.
Read more about the team on our website.
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Friday 19th May 2023
The RSGB Board has decided to co-opt Ian Shepherd, G4EVK as a Board Director until the 2024 AGM.
Please see the Board’s explanation of this appointment on the Society’s website.
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Friday 19th May 2023
The RSGB is sad to report that RadCom Basics Editor Lee Aldridge, G4EJB wishes to retire later this year.
The RSGB thanks Lee for all his hard work and effort in the making of RadCom Basics.
If you are interested in taking on the role of RadCom Basics Editor, please email
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National Radio Centre Coronation celebrations
Friday 19th May 2023
Over the Coronation weekend, the RSGB
National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley
Park ran a special event station, call sign GB2DAY.
Running SSB on the 40m band, to give maximum opportunity for everyone to make a contact, over 500 stations were worked. There was a continuous pile-up of stations calling in from around the UK, as well as France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany, all looking to make a QSO.
Steve, G1YBD, Ken, G7FTD and Chris, G7BED worked hard to take the QSOs, manage the logging, provide explanations to visitors, as well as enabling some to pass greetings messages in celebration of the Coronation.
With nearly 900 visitors coming to the NRC over the long weekend, it was indeed a busy but thoroughly enjoyable weekend, made even more spectacular by the Lancaster bomber flypast on the Sunday.
NRC Coordinator Martyn, G0GMB, expressed his thanks to the 23 volunteers who came in over the two consecutive Bank Holiday weekends, all helping keep the NRC open and demonstrating amateur radio to visitors.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2377 for Friday May 19th, 2023
Friday 19th May 2023
The following is a QST. US hams prep for
hurricane season. Getting a stubborn folding antenna to unfold - in space!
And an early net marks 24,000 mornings of check-ins. All this and more as
Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2377 comes your way right now.
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Friday 19th May 2023
As Newsline went to production, hams from all over the world were converging on a busy fairground in the US state of Ohio for Hamvention. Be sure to listen to our newscast next Friday, May 26th, for a Hamvention wrap up.
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Friday 19th May 2023
We begin this week with - what else? - the weather. It's
storm season in many parts of the world and here in parts of the United
States, amateurs are checking their hurricane season preparedness. We
hear more about that from Randy Sly W4XJ.
It’s that time of year again, when amateurs check out their equipment and
get ready for a new season of storms and storm-related activity. This is
especially important for such stations as WX4NHC at the National Hurricane
Center in Florida. Their annual on-the-air communications test will take
place on Saturday, May 27 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
Assistant Amateur Radio Coordinator Julio Ripoll, WD4R, says that the
purpose of the event is to test the station’s equipment and antennas as
well as operators’ home equipment prior to the 2023 Hurricane Season which
runs from June 1st through November 30th.
The station will be operating on HF, VHF and UHF, including 2 and 30-meter
APRS and Winlink.
Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, net manager of the Hurricane Watch Net, told AR
Newsline that they will be active during that time, on or near their
standard frequencies of 14.325 and 7.268 MHz, depending on propagation.
The VoIP Hurricane Net will activate that day too from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern Daylight Time.
Look for WX4NHC on the air or posted on DX Cluster. For more information,
you can visit
This is Randy Sly, W4XJ
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Friday 19th May 2023
A ham who helped build enthusiasm for homebrew and other
amateur radio practices in The Netherlands has become a Silent Key. We
hear more details about him from Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
Peter Stuart, PA3EPX, was well-known for his enthusiasm and creative
spirit within the leadership and membership of VERON, the Dutch amateur
radio society. Peter, who first became active in VERON at the end of the
1970s, became a Silent Key on the 16th of April.
He was remembered by colleagues as an advocate for teaching fox hunting
and for his service on the VERON board as its secretary. An avid do-it-yourselfer,
he was also a proponent of homebrew equipment and he encouraged others to
build a variety of projects including an ATV transmitter.
Peter was 71.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 19th May 2023
There's antenna work..........and then there's antenna
work. If your antenna is a folding antenna that won't unfold - and
it's out in space - you're gonna need to do a little more than just climb
up the tower to fix it. Graham Kemp VK4BB tells us what happened.
With the launch last month of the European Space Agency's JUICE mission -
short for Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer - hopes were high for its antenna,
which had been folded up inside the spacecraft ready for its eventual full
deployment. The 16-metre-long antenna, known as RIME - for Radar for Icy
Moons Exploration - was to completely unfold in its first week after the
launch date and it did - that is, all but one final part.
According to various media accounts, a variety of remedies were tried
without success until the flight control team finally freed the remaining
part by delivering a shock that moved a tiny stuck pin that had left the
antenna section jammed in its folded position. The shock came via a device
known as a nonexplosive actuator that was located inside the bracket. What
happened was disruptive enough to shake things up.
May 12th brought freedom as the stuck part became unstuck.
Now the antenna should be ready for an even bigger challenge - the moons
around the giant planet Jupiter. The mission will use the antenna to study
those icy moons as far down as 9 km, analysing both the surface and
subsurface. What unfolds there may possibly deliver some shocks of its
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 19th May 2023
In the United States, an Arizona lawmaker has renewed
hope for changing what many consider outdated rules by the FCC for digital
communications. Sel Embee KB3TZD has those details.
A bandwidth limit would replace symbol rate limit for HF digital
operations under a bill known as the Amateur Radio Communications
Improvement Act. The bill was introduced on May 11 by Arizona
congresswoman Debbie Lesko, a Republican, and is similar to a bill she had
introduced last year, hoping to update rules by the FCC that focus on
symbol rates. The bill, which is now in the House Committee on Energy and
Commerce, would set a bandwidth limit of 2.8 kHz instead. US advocates of
the bill, including the ARRL, have long argued that a bandwidth limit was
necessary because of crowded conditions on the HF bands. They have been
concerned that protocols might be developed in the future that would
possess wider bandwidth protocols than necessary.
The lawmaker said in a statement that updating the rules to accommodate
modern technology is especially important in times of natural disasters,
such as forest fires, floods and hurricanes, when messages need to be sent
and received efficiently. Faster protocols already accomplish this in
other countries.
This is Sel Embee KB3TZD.
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Friday 19th May 2023
Newton Minow, who had been appointed chairman of the
Federal Communications Commission by President John F. Kennedy in the
1960s, has died. The attorney, who was a vocal critic of the emerging
content of broadcast television in the US, died Saturday, May 6th, at the
age of 97. He was also well-known as an advocate of the US space program.
It was during his tenure in 1962 that the world saw NASA's launch of
Telstar 1, the first communications satellite, developed by the American
Telephone and Telegraph Company, better known as AT&T.
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Friday 19th May 2023
A popular ham radio satellite launched a little less
than eight years ago from China has left its orbit. Stephen Kinford N8WB
brings us that report.
Satellite enthusiasts have one fewer satellite to rely on now. The orbit
has decayed for the popular linear transponder satellite known as XW-2A.
The satellite was sent into space in September of 2015 from China's
Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. The satellite does not leave space
without sharing a little bit of glory: In August of 2022, two amateurs
used XW-2A to achieve communication over a record distance for the 25 kg
microsat. It was a transatlantic QSO between EA4NF in Spain and VE1CWJ in
Nova Scotia, a memorable distance of 4,751 km.
This is Stephen Kinford N8WB.
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Friday 19th May 2023
Hams, start your engines. A big race - and a big
special event station - is getting under way in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Jack Parker W8ISH has the details.
Now that the dust has settled from the Indy Grand Prix race, members of
the W9IMS Special Event Station are gearing up for another week of logging
contacts leading up to the 107th running of the Indianapolis 500 Mile Race
beginning May 22nd.
This is the 20th year for the W9IMS team to reach out and let ham radio
operators be a part of the racing season in Indianapolis. For two decades
they have logged over fifteen thousand contacts a year for the three race
series at Indy. That is a lot of QSL cards.
Check the W9IMS page at for more information.
Reporting from Indianapolis, this is Jack Parker, W8ISH.
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Friday 19th May 2023
If a great QSO feels like poetry to you, you might enjoy
this new challenge from Amateur Radio Newsline. We're inviting
listeners to channel their most creative selves and share the joy of ham
radio in the form of a haiku. On our website,, you will
find a submission form for sending your most inspired offering. All haikus
must follow the traditional form to qualify: The first line is five
syllables, the second line is seven syllables and the finishing third line
has another five syllables.
Our team will pick from the best submissions that follow the 5/7/5
syllable rule and represent the love of amateur radio. Your prize? Glory,
of course! We will share our favorite haiku of the week on the Amateur
Radio Newsline website.
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Friday 19th May 2023
If you're active in AMSAT and know someone who shows
promise in the organization's leadership, consider nominating them for a
spot on the board of directors. Four incumbent seats will soon expire and
voting will be held in the third quarter of this year. Terms are for two
As many as two alternate directors may be chosen to serve one-year terms.
For nominations to be considered, they must be in writing and should be
submitted by either one member society or five individual members who are
in good standing. The nominee's name, callsign and contact information
should be provided along with the same information for those individuals
submitting the candidate. Email nominations are acceptable when sent to - otherwise postal mail may be used. Send to Jeff Davis,
KE9VPO, Post Office Box 11, Yorktown, Indiana 47396.
The nomination deadline is the end of the day on June 15th. The four
incumbents leaving behind vacancies are Jerry Buxton, NØJY (En Zero Jay
Why), Joseph Armbruster, KJ4JIO, Robert Bankston, KE4AL and Zach Metzinger,
NØZGO (En Zero Zed Gee Oh)
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Friday 19th May 2023
If you're still feeling festive after the coronation of
King Charles and Queen Camilla, Jeremy Boot G4NJH offers some ways to
keep celebrating.
Coronation weekend has come and gone in the UK but the Radio Society of
Great Britain believes in keeping a good moment alive. Special event
callsigns are still on the air through to the end of June. Individual
radio amateurs and clubs are eligible to use the GB23C callsign which was
used first by the Cray Valley Radio Society which activated it in
Greenwich. Information on how to obtain and use the call on the RSGB
Hams are also being encouraged to use one of hundreds of callsigns Ofcom
is making available to celebrate the historic fire beacon network
throughout the UK. Callsigns such as GB23BIR was activated by the Furness
Amateur Radio Society and according to RSGB district representative Martyn,
MØTEB, it was quite popular as a contact.
Visit for other details and to find out more about
getting a Coronation QSL card or one of three RSGB Coronation awards.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 19th May 2023
Ever have a QSO with a vampire? It's not so hard as
you might think. Richard, VK2SKY, brings us this story about an Australian
warship that makes it possible.
G'day, Amateur Radio Newsline listeners, this is Richard VK2SKY in Sydney,
Australia, with a little vampire story for you. Yes, I know, Halloween is
months away, but I think you’ll like this story anyway.
A team of amateurs, led by Colin VK2JCC, has set up shop in the radio room
aboard HMAS Vampire. “HMAS” stands for His Majesty’s Australian Ship, and
the Vampire is located at the Australian National Maritime Museum here in
Sydney. The radio room is part of the museum, and thus open for visitors
to learn about the importance of radio communications, both in wartime and
in peace.
The Vampire team has been active for a few weeks now, using the callsign
Victor Kilo Two Victor Mike Papa (VMP - Vampire, get it?). If you’ve never
worked a warship before, now is a great time to start!
So far, eight amateurs are on the roster to keep Vampire on the air, using
CW and Sideband on 20 and 40 metres, and the station is now a permanent
fixture on the ship.
But wait, there’s more! Over the weekend of the 3rd and 4th June, the
Vampire will be active for 24 hours for a special event, Museum Ships on
the Air. You’ll find the station on or near 14.250 MHz. Vampire will join
many other ships around the world for this fun event.
So, listen out for Victor Kilo Two Victor Mike Papa on board HMAS Vampire
in Sydney, Australia. And check out the VK2VMP page on Hope to
catch you on the air!
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Friday 19th May 2023
We remind our listeners that you still have an opportunity to nominate a promising young radio amateur - but time runs out at the end of this month. Young hams who live in the continental United States have an opportunity to make news of their own in the world, if they aren't already doing so, by being a recipient of this year's Amateur Radio Newsline Bill Pasternak Memorial Young Ham of the Year Award. Think of an amateur radio operator 18 years of age or younger -- someone who has talent, promise and a commitment to the spirit of ham radio. This is your chance to help honor and acknowledge that person who will, no doubt, go on to teach and inspire others. Find the nomination form on our website under the "AWARDS" tab. Nominations close on May 31st.
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Friday 19th May 2023
In the World of DX, be listening for special event
station GBØAEL which is on the air until May 26th. Hams with the North
West Group Amateur Radio Club are marking the anniversary of Amelia
Earhart's transatlantic flight. In May of 1932 she became the first woman
to make that trip solo and nonstop, departing from Canada and landing 15
hours later in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. QSL instructions are on
Listen for Vincent, HB9VCJ, using the callsign 8Q7VJ from the Maldives,
IOTA Number AS-013 from May 20th through to June 4th. His QRP operation
will be SSB and various digital modes on 40-6 metres, and FM on 10 metres.
QSL instructions are on
Ivan, YT4RA/IV3CTS, and his brother Goran, YT7AW/SA7DXR will be operating
from Malta, IOTA Number E U-023, from the 24th to the 29th of May, with
their biggest activity to be during the CQ WW WPX CW Contest. They plan to
use the callsign 9H6WPX. QSL via LoTW.
Be listening for T41DX on the island of Cuba, IOTA Number NA-015, from May
18th through to the 22nd. The Guani DX Group will be operating CW, SSB and
various digital modes on 80-10m. QSL manager is RW6HS.
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Friday 19th May 2023
We end this week with an installment from our occasional series, Nets
of Note. We revisit a very proud group of early morning radio
enthusiasts who Newsline first interviewed back in 2017. Jim Damron N8TMW
tells us why they're so proud right now.
The early risers who have been meeting on 80 meters at 6 a.m.. local time
since 1957 are about to celebrate a milestone and this isn't exactly
chicken feed. The Rooster Net, as the group is known, will be marking
24,000 daily sessions on the air on May 26th.
The check-ins - that's check-ins, NOT chickens - can expect to get pretty
lively that day on 3.990 MHz. The rooster roster claims amateurs from as
far north as Canada, as far south sometimes as South America and as far
west as Arizona and Montana. So congratulations to these hams who leave
the nest early to get up with the sun - and with one another. That's
something to crow about.
This is Jim Damron N8TMW.
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Friday 19th May 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think Newsline would
be interested in? We are not talking about advertising your club's
upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but something that is out of
the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the contact page at If it's newsworthy and we would like to cover it, we'll
get back to you for more details.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Amateur News Weekly; the American
Cancer Society; AMSAT News Service; ARRL; Australian National Maritime
Museum; CAMSAT; CQ Magazine; David Behar K7DB;; 425 DX News;
Gardner News; IARU Region 3; QRZ.COM; Manly Warringah Radio Society;
National Public Radio; Radio Society of Great Britain;;
and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We
remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer
non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation.
If you wish to support us, please visit our website at and
know that we appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you
like our newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe
to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York,
and our news team worldwide, I'm Don Wilbanks AE5DW in Picayune
Mississippi saying 73. As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio
Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Latest Keplerian Data - 16th May 2023
Friday 19th May 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 36 ARLK036
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT May 16, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 07530U 74089B 23136.51745979 -.00000031 00000-0
91614-4 0 9995
2 07530 101.9461 122.9826 0012541 123.0604 349.1913 12.53664236219200
1 25544U 98067A 23136.61813858 .00012913
00000-0 23168-3 0 9994
2 25544 51.6405 125.0040 0006442 354.5246 117.9986 15.50256007396897
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23136.00966480 .00001145
00000-0 17459-3 0 9995
2 27607 64.5556 3.5735 0071864 231.0805 128.3878
14.77217306 97475
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23136.49142293 .00004899 00000-0
54643-3 0 9994
2 39444 97.6690 101.7976 0053962 19.3491 340.9757
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23112.43632650 .18814400
25108-5 15498-3 0 9990
2 40903 97.0819 181.5568 0011783 175.5276 309.8044 16.51931608427640
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23136.42664755 .00001385
00000-0 10212-3 0 9990
2 40931 5.9994 313.3055 0012612 207.8826 152.0758
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23136.54308830 .00011311
00000-0 57302-3 0 9995
2 42759 43.0169 291.5317 0011851 260.5355 213.7836 15.16934914326837
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23136.55384029 .00010025
00000-0 50879-3 0 9996
2 42761 43.0170 290.0061 0012749 261.4581 182.6380 15.16961656326842
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23136.19848801 .00004977
00000-0 35177-3 0 9990
2 43017 97.6355 21.8068 0234927 174.4975 185.8910
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23136.42907067 .00002585
00000-0 25218-3 0 9990
2 43678 98.0172 279.7695 0008093 265.7027 94.3280
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23136.54016749 .00000141
00000-0 00000-0 0 9999
2 43700 0.0133 278.1269 0001497 171.6154 4.5073
1.00273319 16376
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23136.10939235 .00005790 00000-0
46367-3 0 9992
2 43803 97.5699 199.5112 0011904 203.6340 156.4338 15.00478844242881
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23136.43920401 .00001462
00000-0 18849-3 0 9991
2 44881 97.8611 215.4306 0014731 176.1690 183.9629 14.82468267184094
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23136.16758740 .00000030
00000-0 82785-4 0 9991
2 44909 82.5246 9.2254 0216324 261.8331 95.8183
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23136.53018476 .00000626
00000-0 21787-3 0 9990
2 50466 98.5515 218.1743 0003484 220.3311 139.7618 14.38880778 72809
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 23130.54224914 -.00000003 00000-0
00000-0 0 9991
2 53106 70.1661 332.8054 0008272 193.3243 166.7199 6.42557278
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23136.56801736 .00014179
00000-0 79561-3 0 9999
2 54684 97.5573 274.3867 0014856 86.0717 45.5097
15.13370592 23893
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, May 19, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 19th May 2023
DX Bulletin 20 ARLD020
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT May 18, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
AB2E, W2GD, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and
the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
MALDIVES, 8Q. Vincent, HB9VCJ will be QRV as 8Q7VJ from
Lhaviyani Atoll, IOTA AS-013, from May 20 to June 4. Activity will
be on 40 to 6 meters using SSB. QSL to home call.
QATAR, A7. Anton, RN1B is QRV as A71/RN1B and is here for
several weeks. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.
QSL via RW3RN.
ARMENIA, EK. Abie, AB1F is QRV as EK/AB1F from Stepanavan,
Lori Marz. Activity is on 20, 15, and 10 meters, and possibly on 80
and 40 meters using SSB. QSL via LoTW.
Huahine Island, IOTA OC-067, until October 25. Activity is on 80 to
6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via F6EXV.
NORTHERN IRELAND, GI. Members of the North West Group ARC are
QRV with special event station GB0AEL until May 26 to commemorate the 91st
anniversary of Amelia Earhart's transatlantic flight. QSL via
from National Marine Park, POTA HL-0004, until May 21. Activity is
on 40 to 10 meters using CW with some SSB. QSL via LoTW.
GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5JUA until the
end of May. Activity is on 15 to 10 meters using mostly FT8.
QSL to home call.
MARKET REEF, OJ0. Look for operators LA1UW, LA3WAA, LB5SH,
and LB0VG to be QRV as OJ0/homecalls from May 20 to 27. Activity
will be on 80 to 4 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8 with three stations
active. QSL to home calls.
FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Alberto, IW1PRT plans to be QRV as OY/IW1PRT
from May 22 to 25. Activity will be in his spare time on 12 and 10
meters using SSB, FM, and FT8. QSL vis LoTW.
ARUBA, P4. John, W2GD will be QRV as P40W from May 23 to 30.
Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using CW. This includes being
an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide WPX CW contest as a Single Op/All
Band entry. QSL via N2MM.
MARSHALL ISLANDS, V7. Bob, N7XR is QRV as V7/N7XR from
Kwajalein, IOTA OC-028, and is here until the end of June. Activity
is in his spare time on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL
via LoTW.
ANGUILLA, VP2E. Rich, KE1B and Anna, W6NN will be QRV as
VP2EAQ and VP2EAR, respectively, from May 25 to June 1. Activity
will be on 40 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. This includes
being an entry as VP2EAQ in the upcoming CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.
QSL via LoTW.
BERMUDA, VP9. Darrell, AB2E will be QRV as AB2E/VP9 from May
24 to 29. Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters, with a focus on 30,
17, and 12 meters, using CW, SSB, and FT8. This includes being an
entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide WPX CW contest as a Low Power entry.
QSL via LoTW.
INDONESIA, YB. Huzen, YE3BYE is QRV as YE3BYE/p from Gili
Ketapang Island, IOTA OC-027, until May 21. Activity is on 40, 20,
15, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL direct to home call.
SOUTH SUDAN, Z8. Diya, YI1DZ is QRV as Z81D from Juba.
Activity is in his spare time on 40 to 6 meters, and possibly 80 and 60
meters, using SSB and FT8. QSL via OM3JW.
K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, SARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest, UN DX Contest,
NZART Sangster Shield 80-Meter CW Contest, His Majesty King of Spain CW
Contest, EU PSK DX Contest, Arkansas QSO Party, Feld Hell Sprint, Baltic
80-Meter Contest and the FISTS Sunday CW Sprint are scheduled for this
upcoming weekend.
The Run for the Bacon QRP CW Contest, QRP ARCI Hootowl CW Sprint,
K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial,
RSGB FT4 Contest, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, SKCC CW Sprint,
Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, Mini-Test 40 and the Mini-Test
80 are all on tap for May 22 to 24.
Please see May QST, page 73, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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Latest NEWS from NASA W/e 19th May 2023
Friday 19th May 2023
NASA Selects Blue Origin as Second Artemis Lunar Lander Provider
Artist's concept of the Bue Moon Lander : Credits Blue Origin
"Today, we are excited to announce Blue Origin will build a human landing system as NASA's second provider to deliver Artemis astronauts to the lunar surface"
said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. "We are in a golden age of human spaceflight, which is made possible by NASA's commercial and international partnerships.
Together we are making an investment in the infrastructure that will pave the way to land the first astronauts on Mars"
Read further NASA Selects Blue Origin as Second Artemis Lunar Lander Provider | NASA
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Latest NEWS from AMSAT UK W/e 19th May 2023
Friday 19th May 2023
WRC23: 23cm (1240 - 1300 MHz) Amateur/RNSS Coexistance
ITU-R WRC-23 Agenda Item 9.1b: Measures to be applied in the frequency band 1240-1300 MHz to ensure the protection of the radionavigation-satellite service (RNSS) in accordance with Resolution-774.
This presentation on 23cm Amateur/RNSS Coexistence was given by the IARU Region 1 Spectrum Regulation and Liaison Committee (SRLC) Chair Barry Lewis G4SJH to the Martlesham Microwave Round Table on April 16, 2023.
If you operate on 23cms this report is worth a read because it will almost certainly effect us all soon.
Read the presentation mentioned above :
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RSGB Coronation activities still running
Saturday 13th May 2023
Although the Coronation itself has taken place, our Coronation activities run until the end of June 2023.
After the successful Special Special Event Station run by Cray Valley Amateur Radio Society, the GB23C callsign is now open for individual radio amateurs and clubs to use. You can find out how to register via the GB23C web page on the RSGB website.
You can also get involved in Beaconnect using one of the hundreds of call signs that Ofcom has made available for this activity.
RSGB District Representative Martyn, M0TEB activated GB23BIR with Furness Amateur Radio Society and said the call sign attracted a lot of interest, so they would encourage others to get involved too!
You can also download a special Coronation QSL card and work towards three different RSGB Coronation awards.
Details of all of these activities are on the RSGB website at
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Saturday 13th May 2023
After serving for nine years, the RSGB Trophy Manager is retiring and so we are looking for a new volunteer for this role.
The position is part of the RSGB Volunteer Leadership Team, reporting to the Board.
Working in close relationship with the three Contest Committees and the RSGB General Manager, the Trophy Manager looks after the RSGB trophies, arranges for their engraving and presentation to recipients, and maintains the trophies’ history.
Currently the trophies are stored in a commercial storage facility, paid for by the RSGB.
This facility can be close to your location, so you don’t need to live close to RSGB headquarters.
The Trophy Manager needs to communicate clearly with trophy winners, trophy donors and RSGB staff and volunteers.
You will also need IT skills to prepare the required documents for trophy engraving, maintain various trophy records, and prepare information for use by the RSGB.
You will need to be adaptable, being both proactive and reactive, in order to manage the preparation of trophies for presentation at the AGM and the Convention.
You will need to attend both of those RSGB annual events.
If you are interested in applying for the role or would like to find out more, please email
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International Women in Engineering Day
Saturday 13th May 2023
We know that amateur radio is a great foundation for STEM careers.
With that in mind, why not help us celebrate International Women in Engineering Day this June?
We would love to share your stories of women in engineering roles to inspire future generations.
If you, or a girl or woman you know, aspire to work in engineering, are currently working as an engineer, or are retired from the profession, do get in touch with the RSGB comms team.
Please send a photo and a brief story to by Monday, 22 May 2023.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2376 for Friday May 12th, 2023
Saturday 13th May 2023
The following is a QST. Hams in the Caribbean gear up for storm season. Amateurs help a woman in India reconnect with her family -- and the ARRL offers US hams assistance in evaluating their RF emissions. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2376 comes your way right now.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
Our top story takes us to the Caribbean, where hams
await the storm season ahead with formal training and an emerging disaster
response network. John Williams VK4JJW brings us those details.
With the approach of this year's hurricane season in the Caribbean region,
emergency training exercises have got underway again for amateurs in the
Youlou Radio Movement/Rainbow Radio League in St. Vincent and the
As always, amateurs will be relying largely on HF communications because
the mountainous terrain of the islands in the region provides challenges
for successful VHF signal paths. Youlou has been in the process of growing
its emergency network and now has 10 stations based on the main island,
including one near the airport.
The league's director, Donald de Riggs, J88CD, told local media outlets
that the hams are closer than ever to creating the island-wide HF
emergency network they have long envisioned. They are also looking to
support a more robust maritime rescue and air response network for
disasters throughout the region.
New equipment has been donated and one of their biggest benefactors has
been Australia-based Barrett Communications. The most recent of three
shipments from that company arrived in February, bringing SDR transceivers
and sturdy antennas, hopefully capable of surviving the coming season of
This is John Willliams VK4JJW.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
It took 10 years for a woman in India to find her way
back to the family she left behind when she married. Jim Meachen
ZL2BHF tells us how hams assisted her in her journey.
An early marriage and separation from her family kept Rubina Begum apart
from her family in Bengal for more than a decade. With the help of police
and the West Bengal Radio Club, the relatives have found one another
According to reports in the Times of India and the Millennium Post, the
National Commission for Women, a government entity that advocates for
women, had been trying to assist her in tracing the family she had lost
touch with after marrying into a Kashmiri family at the age of 14. The
media reports said that the woman, who is now 24 years old, was originally
brought to the Baramulla sector in Jammu and Kashmir to be married because
her father was unable to bear the expense of raising four children at
The woman's brother, Hassan Ali Sheikh, told the Times of India that in
the ensuing years they believed she was lost to them forever. But he spoke
with her, at long last, on Wednesday, May 3rd, after the women's
commission contacted state police who reached out to the hams in West
Bengal. The club has a long track record of facilitating such reunions.
After contacting the woman with the phone number provided, club secretary
Ambarish Nag Biswas, VU2JFA, reached out to a colleague proficient in
Hindi and Kashmiri and details of her story finally emerged. Her brother
is expected to travel and bring her home to Bengal soon to be with the
family she has missed so much.
This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
If you haven't already checked your station to evaluate
its compliance on RF exposure, the ARRL is offering some help. Dave
Parks WB8ODF has that story.
The ARRL has reminded amateurs in the United States that it is making its
resources available to help licensees comply with FCC rules on RF exposure
limits. Those limits went into effect in 2021 and a two-year transition
period was granted to permit hams to conduct evaluations and make
necessary changes for stations that do not conform to the exposure rules.
The ARRL issued its reminder to hams just as the transition period ended
on May 3rd. Hams are not exempt from conducting such evaluations even if
they transmit at very low power.
The league's resources include a video about RF exposure and evaluation;
an RF exposure calculator and an RF safety section excerpted from the ARRL
Perhaps most importantly, the league is encouraging all hams to make use
of these resources whether or not they belong to the ARRL or have
established a website account.
Visit for more details.
This is Dave Parks WB8ODF.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
This year's Dave Kalter Memorial Youth Adventure has
been cancelled. Organizers at the Dayton Amateur Radio Association
said there was insufficient time for the kind of planning that would have
allowed everyone to obtain their necessary passports. No other details
were immediately available and there was no indication when the next trip
would be scheduled. This year's DX adventure was to have taken place in
The annual trip, which has brought young amateurs to the Dutch Caribbean,
Costa Rica and Curacao, is named in memory of Dave, KB8OCP, who became a
Silent Key in November of 2013.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
A popular, lively voice in amateur radio in Argentina
has become a Silent Key. We learn more about her from Graham Kemp
In the final year of her life Azucena Albarracin, LU9OY, was no longer
able to be on the air -- but until then, the 95-year-old was a well-known
and well-recognised voice in her home country of Argentina, as well as in
Chile and Uruguay. She became a Silent Key on Thursday, the 13th of April
at her home.
According to a news article in the YL Beam newsletter, she was an almost
constant presence on the air during the last 50 years and many heard her
exchanging greetings and information on 20 meters. Her introduction to
amateur radio came during the early 1960s and she embraced operating on
AM. She and another amateur Nelly Lopez, LU5OX, now a Silent Key, were
considered pioneers in being the first women amateurs in the region. By
the time she retired as a teacher, she had become a major presence on
sideband where she was well-respected as an operator.
According to the news article, her 90th birthday was a great occasion
inspiring amateurs who had worked her from DX locations to travel and
attend the celebration.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB
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Saturday 13th May 2023
AMSAT supporters who are deepening their commitment to
amateur radio in space by joining the President's Club have a special
commemorative coin that says "thank you." We hear more from Neil Rapp
The AMSAT President's Club has released its commemorative coins for 2023,
with this year's coin marking the 40th anniversary of the launch of the
AMSAT OSCAR 10 satellite. The German amateur radio microsatellite took to
the sky from French Guiana aboard an Ariane 1 rocket on June 16th, 1983.
According to the AMSAT-DL website, the star-shaped satellite had an
elliptical orbit that made it possible for radio communications of several
hours' duration to take place around the world.
Members of the AMSAT President's Club will be receiving the coin along
with other recognition, including mention in the AMSAT Journal. The
President's Club is an annual membership organization and each year’s
2-inch metal coin honors a different OSCAR satellite.
Visit and look for details about the President's Club.
This is Neil Rapp WB9VPG.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
This week, in our occasional series, Nets of Note,
Newsline takes a look at one net that provides an opportunity for all
licensed hams anywhere in the world to learn more about APRS. Patrick
Clark K8TAC has that story.
For one very enthusiastic group of amateurs worldwide, every Thursday is
net day. Check-in time on that day between 0000 and 2359 UTC and ensures
that every amateur will receive all APRS net traffic from any stations
checking in during the 24-hour period that follows their own check-in.
Organizers call it APRS Thursday and it's been going strong since December
of last year. The net is conducted over the Announcement server service of
KJ4ERJ and it is managed by Michael KC8OWL and Angelo DU2XXR/N2RAC.
Angelo, in the Philippines, is also the net manager of a separate net,
known as the APRSPH net.
Both Michael and Angelo hope that the Thursday check-ins will increase
familiarity with APRS for hams and grow this kind of message activity
around the world.
If you're curious about APRS or want to learn more, you can email Michael
This is Patrick Clark K8TAC.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
The deadline is coming up fast for a chance to nominate your choice for Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Pasternak Young Ham of the Year award. Candidates must reside in the continental United States and be a licensed ham 18 years of age or younger. We are looking for someone who has talent, promise and a commitment to the spirit of ham radio. Find application forms on our website under the "YHOTY" tab. Nominations close on May 31st.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
The numbers just keep growing into the tens of thousands
in the Internet Archive’s Digital Library of Amateur Radio &
Communications. Jack Parker W8ISH gives us those details.
It's a virtual bookshelf of radio that seems to go on into infinity: The
addition of new documents from the Anchorage Amateur Radio Club in Alaska,
the Worldwide TV-FM DX Association, the Irish Radio Transmitters Society
and the Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association in Colorado has expanded a
digital collection of shortwave and amateur radio history to more than
75,000 items. This is the work-in-progress known as the DLARC Radio
Library. The library also contains more than two dozen episodes of the
RAIN Report that were believed to have been lost. Yes, you will also find
archived newscasts from Amateur Radio Newsline.
Program manager of special collections Kay Savetz, K6KJN, said the most
recent additions include recorded presentations and talks, including those
from the MicroHams Digital Conference and the Radio Amateur Training
Planning and Activities Committee, known as RATPAC. The library is
especially pleased to have added episodes of International Radio Report
dating back 23 years. The collection also features Continent of Media,
which focuses on the range of media throughout the American Continent.
Many amateur clubs' newsletters which were never posted online before are
now available and are full text-searchable and available for download. The
library, which was created with a grant from Amateur Radio Digital
Communications, is always looking for new material to add to the
collection. See the link in the text version of this week's newscast at
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
Congratulations to Ohio's new amateur radio museum. It's
the Waller-McMunn Museum in Cambridge that has opened to visitors in a
restored radio station building after years of work by volunteers
assembling the collection of ham radio gear and related items. The museum
is the pride of the Cambridge Amateur Radio Association, W8VP. The name of
the museum honors Homer McMunn who built the first radio receiver in
Cambridge in 1912; it also pays tribute to his brother-in-law, Roy Waller
who is credited with being the first to copy signals from a US Navy
station operating in Arlington, Virginia that year. The two men were known
as experimenters who built receivers and transmitters and operated a
wireless station in town. Their enthusiasm eventually led to the creation
of the Wireless Association of Cambridge.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
Researchers in the United States have created thinner,
denser computer chips with big possibilities. We learn more from Kent
Peterson KCØDGY.
Denser and more powerful computer chips may soon be possible thanks to
findings in a laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Researchers there have developed a means of working with 2D materials so
slender that they are no more than three atoms thick. By layering them
atop a fully fabricated silicon chip, they are able to create a denser
According to the MIT news website, this low-temperature growth and
fabrication technology does not result in damage to the chip. Damage was a
major concern during previous attempts to achieve this integration atop a
silicon CMOS wafer because the process customarily requires temperatures
of 600 degrees Celsius. Temperatures above 400 degrees Celsius could cause
the transisitors and circuits to break down.
The news website also reported that this technology reduces the growth and
integration process on an 8-inch wafer from more than a day to less than
an hour. A shortened growth time is seen by researchers as particularly
attractive for industrial fabrications because of its efficiency.
Researchers also said they want to explore use of this process for such
flexible surfaces as textiles, polymers or papers, raising the prospect of
integrating semiconductors into clothing, paper notebooks and other
everyday items.
This is Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
In the world of DX, be listening for Harold, DF2WO, on the air as 9X2AW
from Rwanda until the 15th of May. Harold will be using CW, SSB and the
digital modes on the HF bands and 6 metres. QSL via MØOXO's OQRS.
Look for Pete M1PTR, Tom MØDCG and Kieron M5KJM on the air from Great
Basket Island, IOTA Number EU-007, using the callsign EJ6KP/p until the
18th of May. They are using SSB on the HF bands during local daylight
hours. Check for QSL details.
Listen for Giorgio, IU5HWS, using the callsign 5UA99WS from Niger until
the 15th of June. He will be on 40 through 10 metres using FT8 and SSB.
QSL via LoTW, or via EA5GL.
You have until May 31st to log the special event callsign VI2Ø23HRH in
Australia. Members of the Wireless Institute of Australia are calling QRZ
with that call, through the end of the month, to celebrate the coronation
of King Charles III of England. QSL via the operator's instructions.
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Saturday 13th May 2023
OK, grab a cup of hot coffee for this week's final story. Sit back
and let's listen to Randy Sly W4XJ.
For many of us there’s nothing better than working DX or calling CQ in a
contest while sipping on a fresh hot cup of coffee. But what if that
coffee was known as “Ham Shack House Blend,” “Key Up Cowboy,” or “Morse
Code Mocha?”
Steve Eilers, W3BIZ, believes we can have our ham radio and drink it too!
Early in 2023, Steve began the Homebrew Coffee Company, combining his love
for coffee with his love for ham radio. This coffee is not someone else's
brand that he re-labeled but his own original coffee blends that are
roasted and shipped the same day -- no matter the propagation. He is an
entrepreneur who takes his business seriously:
"We source our beans from Bali, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, you
name it… Ethically sourced beans, fair trade… that’s a huge thing for me,
is to make sure we’re doing it right. These people are getting compensated
for their farms and everything’s fair…."
His blends are made to resonate with a variety of tastes, from a donut
shop style to a dark Italian roast or something with a french vanilla or
mocha flavor. All these and more await you at
When he’s not making coffee, you can find Steve hunting POTA, chasing DX,
rag chewing or operating SKYWARN and ARES in Kent County, Michigan -- and
of course, drinking coffee.
This is Randy Sly, W4XJ
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Saturday 13th May 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think
Newsline would be interested in? We are not talking about advertising your
club's upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but something that is
out of the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the contact page
at If it's newsworthy and we would like to cover it, we'll
get back to you for more details.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Air Force Technology; MSAT News
Service; the APRS Net; ARRL; CQ Magazine; CNN.COM; Dave Altman, KO4YLZ;
David Behar K7DB; The Daily Jeffersonian; 425 DX News;;
the IEEE Spectrum; Kay Savetz, K6KJN; Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; the Millennium Post; QRZ.COM;; the Times of
India; the Vincentian; the YL Beam; and you our listeners, that's all from
the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio
Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses
for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our
website at and know that we appreciate you all. We also
remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a
5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray
KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm
Stephen Kinford N8WB in Wadsworth Ohio saying 73. As always we thank you
for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2023. All rights
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Latest Keplerian Data - 12th May 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 35 ARLK035
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT May 12, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Saturday 13th May 2023
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 07530U 74089B 23132.19803453 -.00000019 00000-0
16719-3 0 9995
2 07530 101.9461 118.6344 0012503 131.1528 294.9669 12.53664042218669
1 25544U 98067A 23132.42640824 .00014922
00000-0 26744-3 0 9995
2 25544 51.6400 145.7781 0006355 339.7698 124.4230 15.50147384396243
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23132.28623884 .00001515
00000-0 22443-3 0 9999
2 27607 64.5559 14.9868 0072177 231.8303 127.6284 14.77207108
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23131.84645901 .00007912 00000-0
87915-3 0 9999
2 39444 97.6694 97.3154 0054489 34.5062 325.9672
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23112.43632650 .18814400
25108-5 15498-3 0 9990
2 40903 97.0819 181.5568 0011783 175.5276 309.8044 16.51931608427640
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23132.37572076 .00001435
00000-0 10915-3 0 9990
2 40931 6.0005 342.1939 0012493 146.0485 214.0525
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23132.52290049 .00011134
00000-0 56590-3 0 9992
2 42759 43.0181 313.8556 0011099 238.8141 216.5264 15.16840374326224
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23132.47296751 .00010662
00000-0 54166-3 0 9997
2 42761 43.0166 312.6716 0012214 237.9524 214.9387 15.16878882326223
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23132.42665102 .00007378
00000-0 52028-3 0 9995
2 43017 97.6347 18.1845 0234674 186.9332 172.8622
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23132.34170816 .00001904
00000-0 18740-3 0 9997
2 43678 98.0165 275.6021 0008215 282.3283 77.7034
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23132.31065840 .00000139
00000-0 00000-0 0 9993
2 43700 0.0022 103.2214 0001607 340.0920 284.1317
1.00271608 16328
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23132.17478379 .00007079 00000-0
56659-3 0 9999
2 43803 97.5695 195.6806 0011748 219.3348 140.7023 15.00427367242298
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23132.45690048 .00001427
00000-0 18421-3 0 9997
2 44881 97.8611 211.5163 0014289 189.4023 170.6945 14.82455928183506
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23132.18031426 .00000013
00000-0 14418-4 0 9993
2 44909 82.5250 11.8745 0216317 271.2084 86.4245
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23132.42740378 .00000829
00000-0 28385-3 0 9993
2 50466 98.5515 214.0845 0003274 235.4958 124.5920 14.38874852 72217
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 23130.54224914 -.00000003 00000-0
00000-0 0 9991
2 53106 70.1661 332.8054 0008272 193.3243 166.7199 6.42557278
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23132.52225442 .00015224
00000-0 85659-3 0 9992
2 54684 97.5569 270.3756 0014777 98.8948 325.5982 15.13256881
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Saturday 13th May 2023
DX Bulletin 19 ARLD019
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT May 11, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by The
Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest
Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
KENYA, 5Z. Vladimir, UA4WHX is currently QRV as 5Z4/UA4WHX.
Activity is on the HF bands. His length of stay is unknown.
QSL to home call.
WEST MALAYSIA, 9M2. Team 9M4KI is QRV from Pulau Songsong
Island, IOTA AS-058, until May 14. Activity is on 40 to 10
meters using SSB. QSL via 9M2YGF.
RWANDA, 9X. Harald, DF2WO is QRV as 9X2AW until May 15.
Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using CW and FT8. QSL via M0OXO.
PHILIPPINES, DU. Look for DV1ODC to be QRV on May 14 from the
Makiling Forest Reserve Laguan Park, DU-0036. Activity will be on 40
and 15 meters using SSB. QSL via bureau.
ARMENIA, EK. Abie, AB1F is QRV as EK/AB1F from Stepanavan,
Lori Marz. Activity is on 20, 15, and 10 meters, and possibly on 80
and 40 meters using SSB. QSL via LoTW.
POLYNESIA, FO. Didier, F6BCW is QRV as FO/F6BCW from Huahine
Island, IOTA OC-067, until October 25. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters
using CW and SSB. QSL via F6EXV.
LIECHTENSTEIN, HB0. Look for stations HB0/PH0NO/p,
HB0/PE5TT/p, and HB0/PD7YY/p to be QRV on May 13 and 14 from at least four
different nature reserves. Activity will be on 80 to 6 meters using
CW with two stations active. QSL via bureau.
GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5JUA until the
end of May. Activity is on 15 to 10 meters using mostly FT8.
QSL to home call.
BELGIUM, ON. Members of UBA Mechelen are QRV with special
event station OS23SOM until May 31 in celebration of the Special Olympics
Belgium's annual National Games being held this year in Mechelen. QSL via
NETHERLANDS, PA. Special event call signs PA100K, PA100M, and
PA100PCG are QRV until June 30 to commemorate the two-way telegraph
service that started up from Radio Malabar to Radio Kootwijk. QSL
via bureau.
PALAU, T8. Operators JA6EGL and JH6HZH are QRV as T88SM and
T88ZH, respectively, from Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, until May 17.
QSL to home calls.
AUSTRALIA, VK. Members of the Wireless Institute of Australia
are QRV with special event call sign VI2023HRH until May 31 to celebrate
the coronation of King Charles III. QSL via operator's instructions.
INDONESIA, YB. Special event station 8A100K is QRV until May
13 to commemorate the 100 years of long-range telegraph communications in
the Netherlands. QSL via operators' instructions.
GIBRALTAR, ZB. Special event station ZQ2HRH is QRV until May
31 to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III. QSL only
direct, see .
Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, Portuguese Navy Day Contest/CT1DBS
Memorial, VOLTA World Wide RTTY Contest, CQ-M International DX Contest,
SKCC Weekend CW Sprintathon, FISTS Saturday CW Sprint, Canadian Prairies
QSO Party and the 50 MHz Spring Sprint are scheduled for this upcoming
The 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW
Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, Worldwide Sideband
Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8
Activity Contest, Mini-Test 40, Mini-Test 80 and the RSGB 80-Meter Club
Data Championship are all on tap for May 15 to 17.
Please see May QST, page 73, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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