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This weeks Local, UK and World NEWS
Tonight @ 8 events – Ofcom amateur radio consultation
Friday 28th July 2023
The RSGB is holding two special live Tonight @ 8 events focused on the Ofcom amateur radio consultation, and it encourages all radio amateurs to take part.
On Monday, 31 July 2023, the session will look at contests, operating and callsign policy, in an event that might be of particular interest to Full licensees.
On Monday, 7 August 2023, the focus will be on Foundation and Intermediate topics including callsign and exam changes, as well as the consultation clauses that might lead to new opportunities for outreach activities for everyone.
Instead of the usual webinar style, these events will be forums where, after a short introduction, a panel of RSGB experts will answer your questions.
Questions can be submitted on the night of the event via the live chat, or you can send in a question in advance.
Advance questions can be by email or a short, clear video of you asking your question.
In either case, please keep the question short and include your name and callsign.
Send questions, by 12 noon on the Friday before the event, to and find out more about the events and the consultation on the RSGB website at
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Friday 28th July 2023
From 31 July 2023, you should not apply non-barcoded stamps with Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s image to any mail.
In doing so the sender or recipient may have to pay a surcharge.
This news is highlighted to radio amateurs who use stamped-addressed QSL card envelopes.
Please ensure all stamped-addressed envelopes have valid barcoded stamps on them.
This only applies to stamps with Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s image on them and does not apply to stamps which have other pictures on them.
These can continue to be used.
Royal Mail will exchange all non-barcoded stamps with new barcoded ones for free.
To do this, download a form from the Royal Mail website, complete it and include it alongside the stamps that are being returned.
For more information, and to download a form, visit the Royal Mail website.
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Friday 28th July 2023
GB2RS newsreader Graham, G4JBD, has developed an online tool which plays Morse code based on the current GB2RS News script at a variety of different speeds.
To help simulate a realistic HF-operating environment, the system can be set to include manmade band noise (QRM) as well as natural band noise (QRN).
To try it out for yourself, visit the GB2RS in Morse! webpage.
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RadCom Plus & RadCom Basics – new editions
Friday 28th July 2023
The RSGB are pleased to announce that new editions of RadCom Plus and RadCom Basics were released today
RadCom Plus, Vol. 8, No. 1
RadCom Plus is the RSGB’s digital technical supplement and RSGB members can read it in HTML5 flipbook, PDF and EPUB formats.
This issue includes an article on a compact broadband active antenna for VHF/UHF and another on operating on the 30THz band.
Go to to read this edition.
RadCom Basics, July 2023, Edition 35
RadCom Basics is a bi-monthly digital publication that explores key aspects of amateur radio in a straightforward and accessible way, and is targeted at anyone new to amateur radio or just wanting to refresh their knowledge of the basics.
RSGB Members can read it in HTML5 flipbook or PDF formats.
In this issue you’ll find articles on the RSGB Construction Competition; repairing circuit board tracks; building a simple multi-band vertical for HF; basic fault-finding; and a visit to the National Radio Centre.
Go to to read this edition.
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RSGB Islands on the Air (IOTA) Contest
Friday 28th July 2023
The RSGB Islands On The Air (IOTA) Contest runs from 1200UTC on Sat 29th to 1200UTC on Sun 30th July.
Using CW and SSB on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report, serial number and IOTA reference.
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RE Seeks Community Assistance with URESAT-1
Friday 28th July 2023
The URE of Spain recently launched and deployed a pocketQube satellite into orbit and now they're seeking assistance from the community.
While the satellite is operational and sending signals, the antennas have so far failed to deploy. The URE is requesting help from groups that can provide a powerful VHF station capable of transmitting a strong enough signal to overcome the weak receive state of the satellite.
The goal is to transmit a request to once again attempt to deploy the satellite's antennas.
URESAT-1 is currently transmitting telemetry, CW, and SSTV images despite the reduced capability of the antenna system.
Source: AMSAT
Amateur Radio Daily
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2387 for Friday July 28th, 2023
Friday 28th July 2023
The following is a QST. Hams call QRZ to help a flood-damaged region of
Italy. Dangerous conditions cancel a second activation on Rockall -- and a
successful orbit for CubeSATS from the Philippines. All this and more as
Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2387 comes your way right now.
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Friday 28th July 2023
Italy's flood-devastated region of Emilia-Romagna faces
a long period of reconstruction and hams are involved in providing their
own kind of support. Jeremy Boot G4NJH brings us the details.
Although some hams may be more familiar with the Emilia-Romagna region of
northern Italy as the host of the recent World Radiosport Team
Championship, it is actually now in the amateur radio spotlight for
another reason. Remember the callsign 1AØC (One Ay Zero C). Hams will be
calling QRZ until the 2nd of August to focus attention on the charitable
work being done there by the Italian Relief Corps of the Order of Malta,
focusing on the badly damaged Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. The historic
deadly floods in May displaced thousands of families, destroyed
communities and threatened to wreck many local industries. A multinational
team of amateurs will be on the air from the radio station at the
Magistral Villa on the Aventine Hill. The Order of Malta's humanitarian
projects are known throughout the world, assisting 120 nations with
medical, social and humanitarian needs. The operators include Fernando
EA5C, Simone IK5RUN, Jun JH4RHF, Dmitry RA9USU and others.
At the time Newsline was being produced, the team's website was under
construction. Visit the page of 1AØC for updates.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 28th July 2023
SOTA activators are planning an international tribute to
recall the treasured friendship of a ham who became a Silent Key last
year. Ed Durrant DD5LP gives us the details.
From his shack in Poland, Jarek SP9MA, is leading the way among his fellow
SOTA supporters. He has issued a call to all friends of the beloved ham
known as Guru who became a Silent Key in March of 2022. Jarek wrote on the
SOTA reflector that he will begin using the callsign SP59GURU on January
11th of next year, which would have been Guru's 59th birthday. The
callsign will remain active through to March 11th, the anniversary of his
death. The loss of Jose-Antonio Gurutzarri Jauregi EA2IF to cancer rocked
the SOTA community last year, most especially in Europe, where his
commitment to radio on the summits began in his native Spain in 2013.
Jarek has put out a call to SOTA activators worldwide to join him in this
special event activation and to start making plans now, well in advance of
Though there will be no diplomas or awards for QSOs, Jarek believes the
contact itself will provide a memorable moment. In that way, Guru, who
left his mark also as a top contester and CW operator, will get another
moment with his SOTA brothers and sisters.
Or, as Jarek wrote on the SOTA reflector: [quote] "I just think that as
many hearts as possible would connect with the Guru at that time." [endquote]
This is Ed Durrant DD5LP.
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Friday 28th July 2023
Radios and other equipment remain on Rockall Island,
where a second attempted activation has failed. Jeremy Boot G4NJH
brings us up to date.
A second - and very brief - activation of the remote granite islet known
as Rockall was called off after hazardous conditions in the North Atlantic
had forced the team to return to the mainland.
Cam Cameron, Emil Bergmann DL8JJ and Nobby GØVJG set sail on the 16th of
July only to turn back three days later after making several passes at
Rockall. The hams were hoping to have a second activation - three hours of
CW and SSB - during their return trip.
The trio was travelling to recover radio equipment left there during the
June activation of MMØUKI. Emil and Nobby had called QRZ for several days
before their departure, leaving Cam on Rockall. In a challenge to benefit
charity, Cam was hoping to break the previous 45-day stay record set in
2014. He had called for rescue in late June after 32 days of exhaustion
and hypothermia.
Describing the team's failed attempt to return, Emil wrote on the Rockall
DXpedition's Facebook page: [quote] "Nature has said NO. We reached the
Rockall without difficulty, but the waves [were] extremely high. That's
the way of life." [endquote]
Don't be discouraged: The team plans another recovery attempt.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 28th July 2023
India's government is looking for a radio operator to
join the team at the country's research station in the Antarctic. If
you like cold weather, Graham Kemp VK4BB tells us what's involved.
A qualified radio operator is among the many posts being advertised for
the next Indian Antarctic Expedition with preference being given to Ham or
maritime radio operators. The National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research
has been interviewing candidates for a variety of contract positions to
work at its Antarctic research base beginning in November or December of
this year. The research season ends sometime in 2025. Radio communication
is considered an essential component of this 43rd expedition, which hopes
to look at the ecosystem as well as satellite communication, ionospheric
studies, stellar observations and climate change. The government has been
seeking a candidate proficient in English.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 28th July 2023
Students in the Philippines are feeling proud that their
two ham radio cubesats have entered orbit. Jason Daniels VK2LAW tells
us about their mission.
Two amateur radio cubesats from the Philippines are now in orbit. Maya-5
and Maya-6 were built by university students with the goal of helping the
nation keep its momentum going on satellite development while using
locally sourced materials.The primary mission of the cubesat pair is to
give the amateur radio community a digital message relay service through
the Automatic Packet Reporting System, or APRS. The onboard APRS
digipeaters use the frequency of 145.825 MHz for transmitting as well as
receiving. The cubesats are also demonstrating a data/message
store-and-forward system compatible with Universal Amateur Radio Text and
E-mail messaging.
The International Space Station released the cubesats on the 19th of July.
This is Jason Daniels VK2LAW.
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Friday 28th July 2023
A popular ham radio activity that activates churches and
chapels, mainly in the UK, is getting a foothold in the US. Kevin
Trotman N5PRE tells us more about it.
The amateur radio community and the church community in the UK have
enjoyed a one-day convergence each September since 2006. That was the year
in which John G3XYF, suggested that CHOTA - Churches and Chapels on the
Air - could be as viable and important an activity as Lighthouses, Mills,
Islands, Summits, Railways and other "on the air" entities. The activity
began simply with his own church in East Yorkshire, where John operated
with the special callsign GB0LOW. CHOTA, which is organized by the World
Association of Christian Radio Amateurs and Listeners, has since grown to
include between 20 and 30 churches in the UK and, in some instances, a few
churches in the Czech Republic and Germany.
This year's event is taking place on Saturday the 9th of September - and
just as CHOTA grew in the years following 2006, it leaps across the ocean
now to the Highlands Presbyterian Church in Mississippi where Frank Howell
will be calling QRZ under his own callsign K4FMH. Other hams, using their
own calls as well, are expected to join him on the 16-acre church campus.
Frank expects the event to feature stations for SSB, CW and FT8. There
will also be VHF/UHF and satellite operations. Frank told Newsline in an
email [quote] "This is a great fit for our church of about 1,100 members
because we seek to reach out to the community to bring them to our
campus." [endquote]
He said that a number of area clubs are involved as are some hams in the
congregation. The church is so ham-friendly, in fact, that the
administrator and an administrative assistant are planning to take their
technician license exam soon.
Frank has already received emails from other US churches inquiring about
joining September's activation. Interested churches should email John and
let him know the name and location of the church and the callsign being
used. John's email appears in the text version of this week's newscast.
CHOTA is not a contest but there are certificates for contacting the
stations - and there are rewards for just being part of this goodwill
event that's now gone intercontinental.
This is Kevin Trotman N5PRE.
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Friday 28th July 2023
What's the one ham radio competition you can enter without
turning your rig on? The Amateur Radio Newsline haiku challenge. We've
been inviting listeners to channel their most creative selves and share
the joy of ham radio in the form of a haiku. On our website,, you will find a submission form. Follow traditional haiku
form and send in your entry: The first line is five syllables, the second
line is seven syllables and the finishing third line has another five
syllables. We cannot accept any other formats.
We will pick from the best submissions that follow the 5/7/5 syllable rule
and represent the love of amateur radio. Your prize? For now, bragging
rights -- and a featured spot for your haiku on the Amateur Radio Newsline
website. We may have a surprise for you at the end of the year, however.
So visit our website at and take a look at this week's
winning ham radio haiku.
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Friday 28th July 2023
Although the event at the Frontiers of Flight Museum was
called "Moon Day," amateur radio shared the spotlight with the help of
AMSAT and two area ham clubs. Moon Day was held at the Dallas, Texas
museum at Love Field on July 22nd - the anniversary of the Apollo 11
mission in 1969. The educational event celebrated ham radio communications
through satellites while acknowledging the great strides that have been
made since that historic lunar landing. AMSAT ambassador Tom Schuessler,
N5HYP, told Newsline in an email that AMSAT's presentations focused on
amateur radio in space and with the help of AMSAT's Virginia Smith, NV5F,
Calvin Gluck, W7KYG and Tony Medina, NT5TM, guests learned about the
technology behind these communications. The keynote speaker was retired
NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough KE5HOD.
Working alongside AMSAT, the Dallas Amateur Radio Club, W5FC, demonstrated
the use of repeaters, Morse Code and the HF bands. A number of young
Scouts were able to work toward their radio and exploration merit badges.
This was the 15th annual Moon Day held at the museum and Tom told Newsline
it will be back again next year.
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Friday 28th July 2023
Sunday, July 30th, has been set aside for bumblebees.
Those the the radio operators who'll be operating QRP as they call CQ.
Randy Sly W4XJ tells us how to "BEE" ready for them.
The Adventure Radio Society is hoping for a swarm of bumblebees on Sunday,
July 30th -- or at least, that's the buzz. For the four-hour period
between 1700 and 2100 UTC, the organizers of a casual CW contest called
The Flight of the Bumblebees are encouraging portable operators to walk,
bicycle, row - using any means of engine-free travel - and set up at a
field site. There, they will call CQ with their callsign and a unique
identifying Bumblebee Number assigned to them. For bumblebees, being in
the field is important. The society, which was created in 1996, tries to
foster the practice of radio operations in an ecologically responsible
Now remember: bumblebees are small, so this is going to be a QRP event and
no one will be transmitting more than 5 watts. Typically, these radio
bumblebees can be found on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters, around standard QRP
frequencies. Who'll be looking for them? Other bumblebees, of course, but
home-based stations who are also operating QRP can chase the bees or one
For details, rules and other information, visit arsqrp dot blogspot dot
com ( Bumblebees and home-based stations will be
eligible for commendations based on points but additional recognition will
be given to those busy bees who operate from attractive sites, have an
unusual adventure or perhaps operate with some notable equipment.
As with previous such contests, this one is sure to create a hive of
This is Randy Sly W4XJ.
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Friday 28th July 2023
In the World of DX, be listening for Francesco,
IK6QON operating as IA5/IK6QON from Isola del Giglio, IOTA Number EU-028,
until the 31st of July. He is on HF using CW and SSB. See for QSL
Listen for JA1QQU/6 operating from Yoron Island, IOTA Number AS-023 from
the 27th through to the 30th of July. He will be on 10 and 6 metres using
FT8 between 2300 and 0200 UTC and again from 1000 through to 1400 UTC. See for QSL details.
Lance, W7GJ, will be conducting a 6-metre DXpedition as 3B9GJ from
Rodrigues Island, IOTA Number AF-017, from the 27th of August to the 7th
of September. He will be operating on the HF bands as well as doing EME.
See under Lance's home call for additional details and QSL
Frans, DJ0TP, will be operating as TK/DJ0TP from Corsica's main island,
IOTA number EU-014 from the 27th of July to the 3rd of September. See for QSL details.
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Friday 28th July 2023
Our final story takes us to a park in Florida where a
group of POTA activators gathered to share stories and remember the friend
who no longer joins them. Dave Parks WB8ODF brings us that story.
Amateur radio was there for Jack Hales W1BBU following the loss of his
wife six years ago after a lifetime of nearly 50 years together. Returning
to radio restored the grieving widower into a vibrant circle of life.
On Sunday, July 23rd, amateur radio was there for Jack again. This time
the hams were offering a memorial activation at Sawgrass Lake Park in
Florida. It was a familiar and frequent operating spot for Jack and his
friends doing Parks on the Air until Jack's unexpected death on June 13th
at the age of 80.
One of the four radio operators during those three hours was Lisa
Neuscheler, KC1YL. She said the days' tally of 108 SSB contacts were rich
with memories from many POTA enthusiasts who had written Jack's callsign
several times in their logs. They traded stories along with signal
reports. All contacts from the Sunday activation will receive
certificates. The four operators' names and callsigns appear on them as
well as a photo of Jack, the man whose travels in the military left his
mark around the world, including Indonesia where he'd helped establish a
fledgling amateur radio society.
Even as a Silent Key, Jack is also launching another prospective ham
career: His granddaughter Haley, who had accompanied him and his St.
Petersburg Amateur Radio Club friends, is studying for her license. She
will likely use her grandfather's shack equipment and - she is hoping -
his callsign, the same call that belonged to Jack's father.
No doubt, like her grandfather, you will soon find her among the tall
antennas under the sun at Sawgrass Lake Park.
This is Dave Parks WB8ODF.
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Friday 28th July 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think
Newsline would be interested in? We are not talking about advertising
your club's upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but something
that is out of the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the
contact page at If it's newsworthy and we would like to
cover it, we'll get back to you for more details.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to the Adventure Radio Society; Amateur
Radio Daily; AMSAT News Service; CQ Magazine; David Behar K7DB; 425DXNews;
Lisa Neuscheler KC1YL; the Monitoring Times; National Centre for Polar and
Ocean Research;;;; SOTA
Reflector; Tom Schuessler, N5HYP; URESAT-SAT1 website; Wireless Institute
of Australia; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio
Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an
all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its
continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our website
at and know that we appreciate you all. We also remind our
listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating
wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the
news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Stephen Kinford
N8WB in Wadsworth Ohio saying 73. As always we thank you for listening.
Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Latest Keplerian Data - 25th July 2023
Friday 28th July 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 55 ARLK055
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT July 25, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
1 07530U 74089B 23206.50369537 -.00000030 00000-0
10044-3 0 9990
2 07530 101.9488 193.4413 0012240 352.5168 127.3463 12.53665556227979
1 25544U 98067A 23206.28493277 .00013139
00000-0 23767-3 0 9990
2 25544 51.6396 139.7648 0000243 55.6182 304.4830
1 27607U 02058C 23206.34326886 .00001264
00000-0 19097-3 0 9992
2 27607 64.5542 147.9411 0065365 216.8335 142.8269 14.77423598107864
1 39444U 13066AE 23206.41981831 .00003762 00000-0
41508-3 0 9997
2 39444 97.6733 169.3376 0053847 145.1235 215.3529 14.86996295521323
1 40903U 15049E 23112.43632650 .18814400
25108-5 15498-3 0 9990
2 40903 97.0819 181.5568 0011783 175.5276 309.8044 16.51931608427640
1 40931U 15052B 23206.30361121 .00001305
00000-0 91004-4 0 9997
2 40931 5.9984 174.4123 0012524 116.3179 243.8235
1 42759U 17034B 23206.55629605 .00008142
00000-0 40279-3 0 9993
2 42759 43.0148 262.2870 0011296 343.4224 16.6253
1 42761U 17034D 23206.57236113 .00007447
00000-0 36941-3 0 9994
2 42761 43.0143 260.7246 0012033 344.5828 15.4652
1 43017U 17073E 23206.15245526 .00006665
00000-0 46531-3 0 9991
2 43017 97.6249 88.9961 0229864 304.1075 53.8520
1 43678U 18084H 23206.51170643 .00001434
00000-0 14168-3 0 9994
2 43678 98.0279 351.2660 0010369 41.4183 318.7820
1 43700U 18090A 23206.56912972 .00000159
00000-0 00000-0 0 9991
2 43700 0.0350 248.0862 0002178 267.4153 18.2044
1.00272154 17076
1 43803U 18099AX 23205.97844720 .00005801 00000-0
45439-3 0 9990
2 43803 97.5727 267.5953 0014034 338.1034 21.9589
1 44881U 19093C 23206.56416400 .00001016
00000-0 13258-3 0 9996
2 44881 97.8607 284.3629 0013648 317.1073 42.9075
1 44909U 19096E 23206.45399916 .00000022
00000-0 37020-4 0 9990
2 44909 82.5242 322.5186 0218543 97.5199 265.0786
1 50466U 21131B 23206.55318920 .00000582
00000-0 20295-3 0 9991
2 50466 98.5515 287.9797 0004792 40.1244 320.0296 14.38974610
1 53106U 22080B 23206.34031428 -.00000003 00000-0
00000-0 0 9999
2 53106 70.1615 306.4627 0008579 178.9907 181.0771 6.42556808
1 54684U 22167C 23206.59681804 .00012471
00000-0 67185-3 0 9994
2 54684 97.5669 343.9423 0013232 198.0808 161.9955 15.14874853 34496
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, July 28, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 28th July 2023
DX Bulletin 30 ARLD030
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT July 27, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information
provided by IK1QBT, M0GWD, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks
to all.
operators are QRV as 1A0C from the Magistral Villa on the Aventine Hill
until August 2. Activity is with five stations on 80 to 6 meters,
including 60 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. They also plan to
be active on the LEO and QO-100 Satellites.
QSL via EA5RM.
CHINA, BY. A group of operators will be QRV as B2/BY1AA from
Xiaochangshan Island, IOTA AS-158, as a Multi/Single, High Power entry in
the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via BA4EG.
MOROCCO, CN. Special event station CN24M is QRV until August
6 while taking part in the annual Throne Day's celebrations that
commemorate the enthronement of the incumbent monarch. QSL via
URUGUAY, CX. Special event station CX90RCU will be QRV from
August 1 to 31 to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Radio Club
Uruguayo. QSL via bureau.
REUNION ISLAND, FR. Philippe, FR8UA and Anne, FR8TZ will be
QRV as TO0GL on July 29 and 30 during the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via
ENGLAND, G. Members of the Fort Purbrook ARC will be QRV with
special event station GB1PF on July 29 and 30 from the historic Palmerston
Forts. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW and SSB, and PSK on
20 meters. QSL via operators' instructions.
ISLE OF MAN, GD. Operators G2NV and G6AD are QRV as GD6AD
until July 31. This includes being an entry in the RSGB IOTA
contest. QSL via LoTW.
REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL. Members of the Gwangju DX Club are QRV
as D73G from Paegya Island, IOTA AS-060, until July 30. Activity is
on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4. QSL via HL4CCM.
ITALY, I. A group of operators will be QRV as IP1X from
Gallinara Island, IOTA EU-083, during the RSGB IOTA contest as a Multi
Op/Low Power entry. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW and
FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Carsten, OY1CT will be a Single Op/All
Band entry from Streymoy Island, IOTA EU-018, in the RSGB IOTA contest.
QSL to home call.
DENMARK, OZ. Frank, DL2SWW and Gaby, DF9TM are QRV as 5Q5W
and OV9M, respectively, from Vendsyssel-Thy, IOTA EU-171, until July 31.
QSL to home calls.
BRAZIL, PY. Operators PY6HD and PY6TV are QRV as PR6T from
Tinhare Island, IOTA SA-080, until July 30. Activity is on 40, 20,
15, and 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. This includes being an
entry in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via LoTW.
GREECE, SV. Kostas, SV8GGI is QRV as SV8GGI/p from Salamina
Island, IOTA EU-075, in the RSGB IOTA contest. QSL via bureau.
ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0. Station RG0C/p is QRV from the Shantar
Islands group, IOTA AS-044, until August 10. Activity is on 20
meters CW using low power, and between 1000 to 2200z, daily. QSL via
will be QRV as VP5/KI5UBT and VP5/N5VOF, respectively, from
Providenciales, IOTA NA-002, from July 31 to August 14. Activity
will be on 40 to 2 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL direct to home
INDIA, VU. Special event station AT3MOON is QRV to highlight
the launch of Chandrayaan-3, the Indian moon mission. Activity is on
various bands using some SSB and FT8 at various times. QSL via
LAOS, XW. Simon, HS0ZIB is QRV as XW0LP from Luang Prabang.
Activity is currently on 20 meters using FT8, but plans to be active soon
on other bands.
QSL via EA5GL.
MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until
the end of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using
INDONESIA, YB. Operators YB3EDD/p, YC3GZY/p, Ali YC3RNW/p and
YF3BVD/p will be QRV from Gili Ketapang, IOTA OC-037, during the RSGB IOTA
contest. QSL via operators' instructions.
20-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC FT4 Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint,
K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, MARAC US Counties QSO Party, Feld Hell Sprint,
WAB 144 MHz Low Power Phone and the ARS Flight of the Bumblebees are
scheduled for this upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed
Test, OK1WC Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, ZL 80-Meter
Sprint, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity
Contest, Mini-Test 40 and Mini-Test 80 are on tap from July 31 to August
Please see July QST, page 78, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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Special Tonight @ 8 events on the Ofcom Consultation
Friday 21st July 2023
The RSGB is holding two special Tonight @ 8 events focused on the Ofcom amateur radio consultation.
On Monday 31 July 2023, we will look at contests, operating and call sign policy, in an event that might be of particular interest to Full licensees.
On Monday 7 August 2023, the focus will be on Foundation and Intermediate topics including call sign and exam changes, as well as the Consultation clauses that might lead to new opportunities for outreach activities for everyone.
Instead of the usual webinar-style, these events will be forums where, after a short introduction, a panel of RSGB experts will answer your questions.
We encourage radio amateurs to be part of these events.
Questions can be submitted on the night via the live chat, or you can send in a question in advance.
Advance questions can be by email or a short, clear video of you asking your question.
In either case, please include your name and call sign as well as your question.
Send questions to or for further information about the Consultation, the events and the panellists, go to the licence review page of the RSGB website.
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Friday 21st July 2023
The RSGB are delighted to announce that they will be holding their annual RSGB Convention from 13 to 15 October 2023 at Kents Hill Park hotel and conference centre in Milton Keynes.
The RSGB Convention packs in a full weekend of the very best amateur radio lectures from around the world.
With lecture streams, forums, special interest groups, presentations and all the usual activities, there is something for everyone.
Join hundreds of others at the RSGB Convention in October for one of the best social events in amateur radio.
Bookings are open now and you can take advantage of early bird pricing until the end of August.
]You’ll find the booking link and more information on our website at
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District Representatives for Region 3
Friday 21st July 2023
The RSGB is looking for members in Region 3, the North-West of England, to step forward as volunteer District Representatives.
If you’d like to make a difference to other radio amateurs in this area, provide advice and support, represent the RSGB and its Members, and also attend local rallies, please email Region 3 Regional Representative, Martyn Bell, M0TEB at
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Additional mock exam papers released
Friday 21st July 2023
The RSGB Examinations and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) has provided an additional set of four mock exam papers.
These cover Foundation, Intermediate, Full and Direct to Full exams.
You can find the papers on the RSGB website
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Special Event Callsign VX7NA
Friday 21st July 2023
VX7NA is the special call sign in use by the Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association.
It will be used until the 24th July to celebrate it's 75th Anniversary
The Association is based on Vancouver Island NA-036 QSL via VE7NA
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BATC - Convention 2023
Friday 21st July 2023
Part 1 of the British Amateur Television Club's Convention TV 2023, or CAT23 will take place on Sunday 6th August (10.30 - 4pm)
at the Midland Air Museum.
It's a meet up, show and tell, test and fix-it, and bring-buy event.
There will be full ATV and Microwave test facilities available for QO-100, 5.6GHz FM, Portsdown MiniTiouner, Ryde,
and power amplifiers and preamps.
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ARRL CEO David Minster Interviewed
Friday 21st July 2023
Kevin Thomas (W1DED) conducted a lengthy interview with ARRL CEO David Minster (NA2AA). Topics included the culture at ARRL, creating a positive environment, as well as the recent member survey.
Source: W1DED in Maine
Amateur Radio Daily
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2386 for Friday July 21st, 2023
Friday 21st July 2023
The following is a QST. Changes in band access await hams in Australia. A much-loved electronics supplier is closing after 50 years -- and a ham marks a DXCC achievement of two lifetimes. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2386 comes your way right now.
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Friday 21st July 2023
There are gains and losses for amateurs in Australia as
the nation's regulator moves ahead with proposed changes to spectrum
access. Graham Kemp VK4BB has that story.
Advanced amateurs in Australia and overseas equivalents will be losing
their access to frequencies between 3.4 and 3.6 GHz, which have been
identified for reallocation to commercial interests and for use by earth
station protection zones. While proposing those changes, the Australian
Communications and Media Authority is expanding standard amateurs and
overseas equivalents access to frequencies between 50 and 52 MHz, in
addition to the current 52 to 54 MHz. These modifications are contained in
the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions Omnibus Amendment Instrument
2023, Number 1.
The ACMA took its action following the submission of public comments to
the consultation. The regulator said it received only six such comments,
with the majority supporting the changes.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 21st July 2023
Meanwhile in the UK, hams are getting some help in
understanding the changes that Ofcom has in the works. We have those
details from Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
As Ofcom undertakes the first sweeping changes in ham radio licensing and
call sign policy in 25 years, the Radio Society of Great Britain has been
hoping to make things simpler. The society is offering guidance on this
consultation through a variety of materials that include a newly released
video by Murray Niman, G6JYB, the society's spectrum and licensing expert.
The RSGB is hoping that clubs will share the video at their meetings and
assist hams in understanding the work underway. The video can be found on
the RSGB's YouTube channel or on the consultation web page of the society
at the link found in the text version of this week's newscast.
The regulator is seeking feedback and has set a deadline of the 4th
September for comment.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 21st July 2023
A computer hacker who was once on the FBI's
"most-wanted" list - and who described himself as possessing the world's
most expensive amateur radio license, has become a Silent Key. Here's
Sel Embee KB3TZD to tell us about him.
Kevin Mitnick, N6NHG, whose computer-hacking skills landed him a federal
prison term with hundreds of supporters pressing for his freedom, has
become a Silent Key. Kevin died on Sunday, July 16th, of pancreatic
According to several online obituaries, by the time he was 16 years old,
Kevin had already sharpened his software skills, gaining unauthorized
access to computer systems. Ultimately, it was his illegal download of
software from Digital Equipment Corporation in the 1980s that led to a
massive manhunt, his conviction and five-year prison term.
Having become a ham radio operator at the age of 13, he wished to return
to the air once he was released from prison and spent more than $16,000 in
legal fees to petition the FCC for a license renewal. He succeeded, saying
afterward that, as a result, he possessed the most expensive amateur radio
license in the world.
Kevin was 59.
This is Sel Embee KB3TZD.
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Friday 21st July 2023
India is hoping to become the fourth nation to achieve a
controlled moon landing and, at last reports, its spacecraft was well on
its way. John Williams VK4JJW has that report.
The launch of the Chandrayaan-3 mission was a historic one for India,
which is aiming to achieve a soft lunar landing after the previous mission
in 2019 failed. The Indian Space Research Organization declared its
trajectory a "precise orbit" shortly after its launch on Friday, the 14th
of July. The name of the spacecraft is Sanskrit for "moon craft." It is
expected to live up to that name when it makes its intended arrival on the
south pole of the lunar surface in late August.
This is John Williams VK4JJW.
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Friday 21st July 2023
Another much-loved source of electronics supplies for
radio amateurs is about to join the growing list of companies shutting
down. It's scheduled to happen next month. We have those details from
Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
All Electronics in Van Nuys California, has provided at least two
generations of hobbyists, radio amateurs and tinkerers with a variety of
surplus electronics parts and manufacturers' overruns for their projects.
The legendary seller will be closing its doors in the next few weeks -
likely by the end of August. When All Electronics announced earlier this
year that it was calling it quits, the business had already scaled back
its previous seven-day-a-week operation for walk-in customers, keeping its
doors open on weekdays only. The company notes on its website that its
mail-order business has been brisk lately as the 56-year-old enterprise
attempts to close out its warehouse in time for final shutdown.
This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
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Friday 21st July 2023
To ensure they are prepared for emergencies and extreme
weather, many hams are accustomed to sharpening their responses through
regularly scheduled drills. But the drill that's taking place next
month in Mobile, Alabama is for a major event that actually happened more
than 70 years ago: It was World War II. Jack Parker W8ISH fills in the
There will be a "Call to Battle Stations" sounded on Saturday, August
12th, and those aboard the battleship USS Alabama and submarine USS Drum
will be ready for what is to follow in Battleship Memorial Park. Vintage
enemy aircraft will do a flyover in a mock attack. The crew on board the
ships will fire the vessels' 20mm guns. Meanwhile, radio communications
will go forward with members of the Deep South Amateur Radio Club, also on
board, calling QRZ on 20m and 40m. They will be using the club callsign
K4DSR and the callsign K5LDA.
Unlike the radio amateurs, the crewmen are all re-enactors. Dressed in
WWII-era Navy uniforms, they will conduct weapons briefings and
demonstrations while reliving some of the stories of that time. This is a
Living History Crew Drill designed to show the public just how things were
in the heat of war so many years ago.
What the members of the Living History Crew share with the hams is that
they are all volunteers. They show that they appreciate the spirit of
volunteerism and education by conducting these drills, to bring history to
life again, a few times each year.
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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Friday 21st July 2023
An infusion of money is helping an all-volunteer museum
in New England upgrade its on-site ham radio station. Andy Morrison
K9AWM tells us what changes are in store.
The Amateur Radio Club of the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of
Connecticut is about to expand its reach with the help of a grant from
Amateur Radio Digital Communications. The on-site club, which has the
callsign, W1VCM, intends to add new antennas as well as earth-space
capability to its operations. The club plans to have a high-gain antenna
system, a satellite transceiver and computer-controlled tracking giving
better access to QSOs through the International Space Station and several
low-earth orbit amateur satellites.
Bob Allison, WB1GCM, president of the amateur radio club, said in a press
release that the club's demonstrations of amateur radio have provided
encouragement to visitors, some of whom decide they want to become hams
This all adds up to a big plus for the museum as well, according to its
director John Ellsworth. He said that the availability of a working radio
station complements the museum's role in telling the story of
communication. The museum, which has showcased communications history for
33 years, is run entirely by volunteers, providing opportunities for
children to build crystal radio sets and attend other hands-on classes
that bring history - as well as more modern-day technology - into their
Bob told Newsline in an email: [quote] "The spirit of amateur radio is
live and well at the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of
This is Andy Morrison K9AWM.
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Friday 21st July 2023
If you have a UK amateur license, you may want to weigh
in on this issue affecting the 6 GHz band. Jeremy Boot G4NJH explains the
proposed changes.
Ofcom is exploring a system of what it calls "hybrid sharing" of the upper
portion of the 6 GHz band to accommodate both licenced mobile use and
low-power licence-exempt Wi-Fi in the UK. The regulator wants to find an
appropriate system that would increase capacity successfully because of
industry interest in supporting an ongoing growth in traffic.
Ofcom believes that because Wi-Fi routers are based indoors and mobile
transmitters are mostly outdoors, hybrid-sharing mechanisms can and should
be developed that allow the users to coexist. The regulator also believes
there is also potential for what it calls international harmonisation of
hybrid sharing on the band.
Industry members or others with a stake in the use of this band can submit
comments to Ofcom no later than the 15th of September.
See a link to the full article in the text version of this week's newscast
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 21st July 2023
In the US, the Federal Communications Commission is
getting ready to consider a request from broadcasters to permit the
highest allowable power for digital FM stations. Kent Peterson KCØDGY has
that story.
The FCC is preparing to vote early next month on permitting some digital
FM stations to broadcast using the highest allowable power levels by
adopting a change in the way such levels are determined on the upper and
lower digital sidebands.
The request for change is being made by the National Association of
Broadcasters, a trade group representing radio and TV entities and Xperi,
the company that developed and licenses HD Radio technology. Xperi
estimates that there are 2,600 stations in the US that use HD Radio
Both the NAB and Xperi say their goal is to improve the digital signals'
quality and coverage. They are petitioning for the acceptance of a new
formula that would permit an increase over the present level, currently
authorized at a digital ERP of -14 dBc, or decibels relative to carrier.
The approved increase would not require prior FCC authorization.
Although a number of major media groups support the petition, saying it is
good for businesses as well as listeners, Press Communications LLC in New
Jersey has told the FCC that a power increase could pose difficulties for
smaller FM stations and LPFM, low-power FM service.
The vote is expected to take place on August 3rd.
This is Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
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Friday 21st July 2023
In the World of DX, Giuseppe, IK5WWA, is on the air as IMØC
[pronounce: EYE EMM ZERO SEA] from San Pietro Island, IOTA number EU-165,
until the 30th of July. Listen for him on 40-2 metres and perhaps on 80m.
QSL via his home call.
Jarno, OH6NJ, will be active as OH6NJ/8 from Hailuoto Island, IOTA number
EU-184 between the 24th and 31st of July. He will be using CW, SSB and FT8
mainly on the higher bands. QSL via his home call.
In Guatemala, Dennis, KT8X, will be active holiday style as TG4/KT8X from
the 23rd of July to the 4th of August. He will be using CW, FT8 and
possibly some SSB on 40-6 metres. QSL via LoTW only.
Listen for Ron, DL1RNW, operating as OZ/DL1RNW from Sandkas, Maidenhead
Square JO75jg on Bornholm Island, IOTA number EU-030. He will be on the
air from the 23rd of July to the 5th of August on 6 metres and the HF
bands. QSL via eQSL.
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Friday 21st July 2023
Our final story isn't just about the DX achievement of a
lifetime; it's about a personal tribute. Patrick Clark K8TAC brings us
that story now.
For some, a contact with Bouvet Island - considered the most remote island
on earth - is like winning the lottery but for Bob Wertz, NF7E, it means
so much more in the amateur radio lexicon. The QSO he logged earlier this
year with the 3YØJ DXpedition ended his 47-year journey to log all 340
independent DXCC entities. The ARRL requires contact with only 331 such
entities for any ham to be included on its DXCC honor roll. Clearly, Bob
had his sights set on a higher mountain - his personal challenge begun
nearly a half-century ago.
Speaking of mountains, the impressive log he amassed toward that end
includes another remote contact - Mount Athos in Greece - where the
operator was Monk Apollo. Their QSO, using CW, took place in 2016. Monk
Apollo, who is now a Silent Key, was viewed by DXers as one of the most
sought-after contacts. Bob at one point thought it might end up being the
most difficult contact since he became a ham in 1976.
Bouvet, however, filled that role nicely. It also allowed him to fulfill a
very personal - and perhaps most meaningful - goal. In an interview with
Flagstaff Business News, he said he considers his completion of the
challenge to be a tribute to his father, who held the callsign KA9ACS, and
is now a Silent Key.
This is Patrick Clark K8TAC.
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Friday 21st July 2023
We hope our listeners have been enjoying the Amateur Radio
Newsline haiku challenge. We certainly have! In the spirit of fun and
perhaps a little bit of literary adventure, we've been inviting listeners
to channel their most creative selves and share the joy of ham radio in
the form of a haiku. On our website,, you will find a
submission form for sending your most poetic offering. To qualify, you
need to follow traditional haiku form: The first line is five syllables,
the second line is seven syllables and the finishing third line has
another five syllables. We cannot accept any other formats.
Our team will pick from the best submissions that follow the 5/7/5
syllable rule and represent the love of amateur radio. Your prize? For
now, bragging rights -- and a featured spot for your haiku on the Amateur
Radio Newsline website. We may have a surprise for you at the end of the
year, however. So visit our website at and take a look at
this week's winning ham radio haiku.
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Friday 21st July 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you
think Newsline would be interested in? We are not talking about
advertising your club's upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but
something that is out of the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via
the contact page at If it's newsworthy and we would like
to cover it, we'll get back to you for more details.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Amateur Radio Daily; AMSAT News
Service; ARRL; the Australian Communications and Media Authority; Bob
Allison WB1GCM; CNN; CQ Magazine; David Behar K7DB;;
Facebook; Flagstaff Business News; FCC; 425DXNews; Indian Space Research
Organization; Ofcom; QRZ.COM; Radio World;; Wireless
Institute of Australia; WPMI; and you our listeners, that's all from the
Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio
Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses
for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our
website at and know that we appreciate you all. We also
remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a
5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray
KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Jim
Damron N8TMW in Charleston West Virginia saying 73. As always we thank you
for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2023. All rights
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Latest Keplerian Data - 21st July 2023
Friday 21st July 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 54 ARLK054
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT July 21, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 7530U 74089B 23201.87412108 -.00000044 00000-0
13058-4 0 9992
2 7530 101.9483 188.7799 0012315 1.3111 113.2285
1 25544U 98067A 23202.68445815 .00012306
00000-0 22389-3 0 9999
2 25544 51.6412 157.5948 0000492 73.2535 343.3763
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23202.34960239 .00001303
00000-0 19623-3 0 9993
2 27607 64.5536 160.1861 0065764 217.6968 141.9519 14.77412341107487
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23201.44017690 .00004321 00000-0
47653-3 0 9997
2 39444 97.6733 164.5253 0053391 161.2689 199.0509 14.86954163521177
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23112.43632650 .18814400
25108-5 15498-3 0 9990
2 40903 97.0819 181.5568 0011783 175.5276 309.8044 16.51931608427640
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23202.05034306 .00001347
00000-0 96768-4 0 9995
2 40931 5.9984 204.7855 0012605 53.4887 306.6401
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23202.41101257 .00008368
00000-0 41441-3 0 9994
2 42759 43.0151 285.3537 0011828 318.4237 41.5711
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23202.42707214 .00008904
00000-0 44015-3 0 9999
2 42761 43.0145 283.7907 0012500 319.8803 40.1121
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23201.57580000 .00006767
00000-0 47189-3 0 9994
2 43017 97.6258 84.5986 0230484 319.3496 39.0709
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23202.42498145 .00001969
00000-0 19238-3 0 9996
2 43678 98.0275 347.0940 0010574 53.8674 306.3522
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23201.76338817 .00000148
00000-0 00000+0 0 9995
2 43700 0.0165 62.7431 0001978 100.3844 75.7468
1.00273140 17267
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23202.11266614 .00006759 00000-0
52919-3 0 9997
2 43803 97.5726 263.8250 0014467 350.3337 9.7607
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23202.44731292 .00001115
00000-0 14483-3 0 9999
2 44881 97.8611 280.3163 0013936 331.3886 28.6561
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23200.43398082 .00000012
00000-0 -34569-5 0 9991
2 44909 82.5240 326.5175 0218508 111.5270 250.9277 12.79722032166335
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23202.45067794 .00000672
00000-0 23238-3 0 9996
2 50466 98.5518 283.8900 0004997 50.4501 309.7127 14.38969134
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 23200.27024149 -.00000003 00000-0
00000+0 0 9996
2 53106 70.1621 308.5714 0008596 179.9245 180.1417 6.42556851
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23202.43527207 .00012428
00000-0 67158-3 0 9991
2 54684 97.5672 339.8021 0012911 211.9643 148.0807 15.14770186 33869
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 21st July 2023
DX Bulletin 29 ARLD029
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT July 20, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
HK3EA, The Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the
ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
EQUATORIAL GUINEA, 3C. Ersoy, TA2OM is QRV as 3C3CA from
Bioko Island, IOTA AF-010, until July 31. QSL via LoTW.
CROATIA, 9A. Stations 9A7YY, 9A/S53Z, 9A/S54W, 9A/S58MU,
9A/S50O and 9A/S50X will be QRV from Vis Island, IOTA EU-016, from July 24
to August 1. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW and SSB.
This includes being active in the upcoming RSGB IOTA contest. QSL
direct to home calls.
BAHAMAS, C6. Station C6ARS will be QRV from Great Bahama
Bank, IOTA NA-001, on July 22 to mark the 50th anniversary of the
independence of the Bahamas.
QSL via operators' instructions.
AZORES, CU. Chris, DL2MDU and Heike, DL3HD are QRV as
CT8/home calls from Sao Miguel Island, IOTA EU-003, until July 26.
QSL to home calls.
ISLE OF MAN, GD. Keith, G3TTC plans to be QRV as GD3TTC near
Onchan from July 26 to 29. Activity will be holiday style on 40 to
10 meters using SSB. This includes being an entry in the upcoming
RSGB IOTA contest. QSL to home call.
COLOMBIA, HK. A number of special event call signs with
prefixes 5K0 to 5K9, as well as 5K200 and 5K90, will be QRV from July 22
to 24 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Lake Maracaibo,
and the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Colombian Radio Amateurs
League. QSL via operators' instructions.
until August 16. QSL to home call.
ITALY, I. Station II3GR is active until July 23 from the
annual Youth On The Air camp on Volpera Island. This includes being
active in the YOTA contest. QSL via IV3CTT.
SARDINIA, IS0. Giuseppe, IK5WWA is QRV as IM0C from San
Pietro Island, IOTA EU-165, until July 30. Activity is on 40 to 2
meters, and possibly
80 meters
QSL to home call.
until October 19. Activity is in his spare time on 17, 15, 12, and
10 meters. When active using FT8, send his signal strength report,
not the grid square. QSL via JA8CJY.
CZECH REPUBLIC, OK. Special event station OL300SANTINI is QRV
until December 31 to commemorate Czech architect Jan Blazej Santini-Aichel
who was famous for what came to be known as the Czech Baroque Gothic
architectural style. QSL via operators' instructions.
FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Przemek, SP7VC and Katarzyna, SQ7OYL will
be QRV as OY/home calls from July 23 to 27. Activity will be on 20,
6, and 4 meters.
QSL via SP7VC.
BONAIRE, PJ4. Robert, PD2V is QRV as PJ4/PD2V from Kralendijk
until August 11. Activity is on 40, 30, and 20 meters using SSB and
FT8. QSL via LoTW.
GREECE, SV. Kim, ON4BCV is QRV as SV8/ON4BCV/p from Samos
Island, IOTA EU-049, until July 24. Activity is holiday style.
QSL to home call.
Kwajalein Island for about two weeks. Activity is in his spare time
on 20, 15, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL to home call.
NORFOLK ISLAND, VK9N. David, VK5DG is QRV as VK5DG/9 until
July 27. Activity is holiday style on Satellites IO-117, AO-91, PO-101,
and AO-7
QSL via LoTW.
VP5/KI5PXG from Turks, IOTA NA-003, until July 24. Activity is
holiday style primarily on 20 and 10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL
via LoTW.
MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until
the end of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using
Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test,
Maidenhead Mayhem Contest, YOTA Contest and the ARAM 50 MHz Contest are
all scheduled for this upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, SKCC CW Sprint, A1Club AWT,
CWops Test, Mini-Test 40 CW and Mini-Test 80 CW are on tap for July 24 to
Please see July QST, page 78, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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RSGB releases Ofcom consultation video guide
Friday 14th July 2023
The RSGB has just released a video in which RSGB Spectrum and licensing expert Murray Niman, G6JYB, explains more about Ofcom’s consultation Updating the Amateur Radio Licensing Framework.
This is the biggest revamp of amateur radio licensing and call sign policy in a generation.
The video forms part of the RSGB’s wider guidance for radio amateurs on this consultation.
You can watch it on the RSGB’s YouTube channel or on the Society’s consultation web page.
The Society encourages clubs to use this video to start a discussion about the consultation at their club meetings.
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World Radio Team Championships
Friday 14th July 2023
The UK has been awarded the hosting rights for the 10th World Radiosport Team Championships (WRTC), which will take place in July 2026.
Sometimes referred to as the ‘Olympic Games of amateur radio’, the WRTC is hosted by a different nation every four years.
To find out more about this radio contest event, which will take place in East Anglia, visit
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RSGB National Radio Centre Coordinator meets Duke of Kent
Friday 14th July 2023
Martyn Baker, G0GMB, RSGB National Radio Centre Coordinator was presented to HRH The Duke of Kent on his visit to Bletchley Park yesterday, Thursday 13 July.
As well as meeting staff and volunteers, HRH saw Bletchley Park’s new Learning Centre and several recently opened exhibitions.
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Friday 14th July 2023
As part of the RSGB’s commitment to encourage youngsters into amateur radio and to support lifelong learning, the Society is providing resources and creating coding activities for people to get involved in throughout the month of September.
From the BBC Micro:bit to Node-RED and GNU Radio, there will be detailed activity sheets available on our website.
We hope this will give you ideas to try yourself, with your club or to use as a workshop at your local school or community group.
Some clubs are already planning their workshops and there will be details of those on the website to inspire you too.
Find out more on our new web page.
If you would like to get involved, contact ESRG member John Hislop, G7OHO via
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Rallies : BATC Convention (CAT23) - 6th August 2023'
Friday 14th July 2023
Cat 23 will take place from 10.30 to 16.00
Tickets are now available for CAT23 in the BATC shop.
These are exceptional value
for BATC members as there is no charge for the ticket and they give free
admission to the museum - normally £8.95!
You will need to download the ticket and either print it off or show it on
your mobile at the door - if you don't, you will be charged £8.95!
The link to the ticket is here:
Non-members are welcome to attend, but you will be charged
the Museum Entrance Fee on the day. You can save 95p and get BATC
membership for the whole year by joining beforehand!
We look forward to seeing you all in 4 weeks time.
Full ATV and Microwave test facilities available for QO-100 5.6GHz FM, Portsdown, MimiTiouner, Ryde, and power amplifiers and preamp
LOCATION : Midland Air Museum Coventry 6th August 2023
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2385 for Friday July 14th, 2023
Friday 14th July 2023
The following is a QST. The World Radiosport Team Championship heads to the UK. Campers prepare for Youth on the Air camp in Canada -- and calling QRZ among a universe of UFOs. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2385 comes your way right now.
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Friday 14th July 2023
Our top story takes us to the World Radiosport Team
Championship. The prestigious international competition wrapped up in
Italy on July 9th and the winners were announced -- including the venue
selected to host the competition in 2026. Jeremy Boot G4NJH brings us that
The World Radiosport Team Championship - a high profile competition often
viewed as the Olympics of amateur radio - has declared the United Kingdom
the winner in the selection process to be host site for the next
international contest. The English counties of Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and
Suffolk - all in East Anglia - were selected by the Sanctioning Committee
to serve as home to the 50 operating locations for the competing
two-person teams.
In an interview with ICQ Podcast presenter/technical editor Martin Butler,
M1MRB, WRTC 2026 President Mark Haynes MØDXR said organisers are going to
rely heavily on amateur volunteers throughout the UK to provide technical
help and support during setup and operation.
Meanwhile, as WRTC 2022 concluded, the top three winning pairs - among the
other victorious operators - were identified as UW7LL and VE3DZ for first
place; DJ5MW and DL1IAO, second place; and 9A7DX along with 9A3LG, third.
For a full list of winners and their scores, visit the WRTC 2022 website
at wrtc2022 dot it (
Newsline would also like to congratulate our colleagues at the ICQ
Podcast, which has been chosen as a media partner, providing updates as
the organising progress goes forward. The announcement was made on the
podcast's website on 10th July by its founding editor, Colin Butler,
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 14th July 2023
According to a new study, those tiny low-earth orbit
satellites may be delivering something unwanted and much less attractive
than broadband internet access. Jim Meachen ZL2BHF has the details.
Large satellite constellations that provide detailed Earth imagery as well
as broadband internet access to some regions have been shown to emit
unintended electromagnetic radiation that may prove a challenge to
radioastronomers' research. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for
Radio Astronomy in Germany report that interfering signals appear to come
from the electronics on board a number of SpaceX satellites. Writing in
the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, the researchers said they made the
discovery using the facility's Low Frequency Array telescope. They drew
their conclusions after observing 68 of the satellites in low earth orbit.
The report's lead author, Federico Di Vruno, said [quote] "This study
represents the latest effort to better understand satellite
constellations' impact on radio astronomy." [endquote] The scientist said
that the most recent observations confirm there is a measurable existence
of the radiation.
This is Jim Meachen ZL2BHF.
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Friday 14th July 2023
The DX community is grieving the loss of an influential
amateur who helped organize and promote DXpeditions in the polar regions.
We hear more about him from Graham Kemp VK4BB.
George Giorgiy Chliyants, UY5XE, was a friend and an advocate to many. A
number of reports say that George recently became a Silent Key. He has
clearly left his mark: In 1993, while attending the IOTA convention in
Spain, George encouraged the creation of what became the Russian Robinson
Club, a group of adventurous amateurs who would come to operate out of
particularly challenging locales in the polar regions.
He later became QSL manager for many of the Russian expeditions in both
the Antarctic and the Arctic. He had also served as the president of the
UDXC and vice president of the Robinson club. One of his DXpeditions was
EM2ØYU, in which he activated the Chernobyl exclusion zone in 2006 with
Boris UT7UT.
Licenced in 1966, he was an active ham whose contesting activity had won
him many awards and plaques. He was also a published author and had been a
correspondent for a number of amateur radio magazines, including Radio and
RadioMir, both in Moscow and RadioHobby, in Kyiv.
George was 75.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 14th July 2023
July is Scouting Jamboree month and this year it's for
girls as well as boys in the American section of the worldwide scouting
organization, Bill Stearns, NE4RD has that story for us.
National Jamboree is the largest outdoor educational event organized by
the Boy Scouts of America. Held every four years, the Jamboree offers a
program of educational and training events; high adventure activities;
tests of strength and endurance; entertainment, and camaraderie with
fellow Scouts from around the nation. The year 2023 will be the first
National Jamboree to include ScoutsBSA female participants. The Boy Scout
program was renamed ScoutsBSA when female participants were welcomed in
The K2BSA Amateur Radio Association will be active from the National
Jamboree July 19th through the 28th. They will have a demonstration
station where Scouts can get on the air and radio merit badge classes
throughout the event. The operation was funded by a grant from the ARDC
and powered by Icom America transceivers.
You can participate in this event by being the amateur on the other end of
the call. Help Scouts earn their contact cards and complete a requirement
for their merit badge. K2BSA will be active minimally from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m. Eastern time on 40m through 10m as conditions permit, on D-STAR
REF033A, and on Echolink on *JOTA-365*.
For Amateur Radio Newsline and the K2BSA Amateur Radio Association, this
is Bill Stearns, NE4RD.
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Friday 14th July 2023
From British Columbia in the west to Prince Edward
Island in the east, this could well be the biggest retirement party ever
thanks to a dedicated group of amateur radio and aviation enthusiasts.
Sel Embee KB3TZD tells us how to join the festivities.
It's likely that not many people know and love the RCAF CC115 Buffalo
aircraft as much as Phill Tanner, VA7XOZ. An Air Force aircraft technician
familiar with the inner workings of the Search and Rescue planes, Phill
has joined with a handful of other amateurs to prepare a weekend of
special QSOs, based in four different provinces, to mark the planes'
retirement. The event is being called Buffalos on the Air. On July 22nd,
you can find Phill calling QRZ on the amateur bands as VC7BUFF457 at Comox
Heritage Park in British Columbia. Like the other three operators, Phill
will be inside one of the planes, using its antenna and an amateur radio
transceiver. Calvin Winter, VE4AJ, will operate as VC4BUFF462 from the
Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada in Manitoba; Dave Ackerman,
VE3UGT/VE3OX will sign as VC3BUFF456 at the National Air Force Museum of
Canada in Ontario; and Doug Silliker, VY2DS, will use the callsign
VY2BUFF451 from Summerside Air Force Heritage Park on Prince Edward
Island. The hams will be operating CW, SSB and FT8, most likely between
10m and 40m.
The hams will also try for a coast-to-coast 2-metre net between the four
aircraft on July 22nd. Buffalos on the Air is also welcoming spectators
who live locally to attend the events at each of the activation sites. The
rest of the world is invited to make contact with the stations, and those
who have a QSO with more than one of the operators can request a
certificate from Doug.
You can find additional details on the Facebook page for Buffalos on the
This is Sel Embee KB3TZD.
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Friday 14th July 2023
Scottish adventurer Cam Cameron is home safe. You
may recall that he was joined initially - and briefly - by two amateur
radio operators on Rockall in the North Atlantic during his attempt to
break the 45-day record for a stay there, set in 2014. His other goal was
to raise money for charity. Cam's challenge came to an end in late June
after 32 days, after he was successfully rescued by coast guard and
search-and-rescue personnel. He wrote on the expedition website that he
was [quote] "in pain, exhausted and hypothermic." However, he did meet his
other goal and was grateful to have helped a number of charitable causes.
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Friday 14th July 2023
In the Czech Republic, some of the youngest of the young
are getting a chance to be involved in an amateur radio camp later this
year. Jeremy Boot G4NJH brings us that report.
The campers may be as young as 10 and no older than 15 but they will
benefit from a lifetime of radio experience from those who guide them in
learning radio operating skills and getting on the air. This is the KOTA
Subregional Camp at Castle Trhanov, outside Prague and it will take place
from the 15th to the 17th of September. KOTA stands for "Kids on the Air"
and the goal is to serve this very young age group as part of a pilot
The weekend is being organised by the Czech Radio Club with assistance
from the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group. The future of such a programme
is on the agenda for discussion at the IARU Region 1 General Conference
taking place in November in Serbia.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 14th July 2023
Meanwhile, camp is getting under way in Canada for
youngsters who are from North, Central and South America. They have a
full agenda, as we hear from Patrick Clark K8TAC.
Young amateurs in the Americas are getting ready for an out-of-this-world
experience at the Youth on the Air camp in Ontario, Canada between July
16th and the 21st: The campers have a scheduled contact with the
International Space Station on Tuesday, July 18. Meanwhile, they'll also
get to experience the thrill of being chased by callsign hunters by
activating VE3YOTA. They go on the air starting Sunday July 16th and don't
go QRT until Friday July 21st. There's also a satellite station for them
to operate and they'll be on the air to experience contact with the birds
on Wednesday July 19th.
Parks on the Air activity is expected to play a big role for the kids too:
Fifteen QRP stations will be on the air on Tuesday, July 18th from 1900
UTC to 2100 UTC and Thursday July 20th from 1300 UTC to 1600 UTC. They
will activate a two-for-one POTA location, the Central Experimental Farm
National Historic Site, VE-5095, and the Rideau Canal National Historic
Site, VE-4882.
Don't forget to catch the opening day ceremonies via their webstream on
Sunday July 16th at 2100 UTC, featuring keynote speaker Phil McBride,
VA3QR, president of the Radio Amateurs of Canada.
Further details about these activities can be found at Youthontheair dot
org. That's Youthontheair - one word - dot org.
This is Patrick Clark K8TAC.
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Friday 14th July 2023
In the World of DX, listen for Mauro, IW2KVT, operating
holiday style as IH9/IW2KVT from Pantelleria Island, IOTA number
AF-018, until the 14th of July. He is using SSB on the HF bands and 6
A team of hams will be operating as IP1X from Gallinara Island, IOTA
number EU-083, on the 29th and 30th of July. Listen for them using CW and
SSB on 80-10 metres. They will also participate in the IOTA Contest. See for QSL details.
Special event station CR6J is on the air from the 17th to the 23rd of July
for the 41st International Motorcycle Rally in Faro, Portugal. Listen on
80-6 metres for operators using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via CT1EHX.
Listen for Dirk, DL1KVN, operating holiday style as F/DL1KVN/p from
Noirmoutier Island, IOTA number EU-064, from the 15th to the 28th of July.
Dirk will be using CW and SSB on 40-10 metres. See for QSL
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Friday 14th July 2023
Do you believe in Unidentified Flying Objects? Well
whether you do or you don't, as long as you believe in amateur radio,
you'll be interested in our final story this week, which comes to us from
Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
It's no secret that Pete Guldan KDØSQJ and his fellow club members in the
Midwest have been seeing flying saucers for quite some time. The flying
discs hover with great tenacity on the landing page of the website for
NØFOO, which identifies the Minnesota group by its formal club name: Hams
of Insignificant Value.
Ah, but the amateurs' true worth is actually as great as the universe
itself - and thanks to these hams, visitors in a nearby Wisconsin village
are about to have a close encounter of the radio kind.
The village of Elmwood considers itself the UFO capital of the state,
based on residents' claims of having had so many sightings over the years.
It is therefore not insignificant that for the first time in the
festival's 44-year history, there will be sightings of amateur radio
operators calling QRZ on the HF bands. They bring a message of peace:
"Take me to your feedline." The club will have operators on the air with
the club callsign NØFOO from July 28th to the 30th.
Let's face it: Having radio amateurs at a UFO festival is proof that there
is indeed intelligent life on this planet.
Be listening, from anywhere on earth - or even beyond.
This is Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
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Friday 14th July 2023
What's the one ham radio competition you can enter
without turning your rig on? The Amateur Radio Newsline haiku
challenge. In the spirit of fun and perhaps a little bit of literary
adventure, we've been inviting listeners to channel their most creative
selves and share the joy of ham radio in the form of a haiku. On our
website,, you will find a submission form. Use it to send
your most poetic offering. To qualify, you need to follow traditional
haiku form: The first line is five syllables, the second line is seven
syllables and the finishing third line has another five syllables. We
cannot accept any other formats.
Our team will pick from the best submissions that follow the 5/7/5
syllable rule and represent the love of amateur radio. Your prize? For
now, bragging rights -- and a featured spot for your haiku on the Amateur
Radio Newsline website. We may have a surprise for you at the end of the
year, however. So visit our website at and take a look at
this week's winning ham radio haiku.
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Friday 14th July 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think
Newsline would be interested in? We are not talking about advertising
your club's upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but something
that is out of the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the
contact page at If it's newsworthy and we would like to
cover it, we'll get back to you for more details.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Amateur Radio Daily; AMSAT News
Service; ARRL; BBC, CQ Magazine; David Behar K7DB; 425DXNews; IARU Region
1; ICQ Podcast; Pete Guldan, KDØSQJ; Phillip Tanner, VA7XOZ;;
QRZ.COM;;; UY5XE Homepage; Wireless
Institute of Australia; Worldwide Antarctic Program; Youth on the Air; and
you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind
our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit
organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish
to support us, please visit our website at and know that we
appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our
newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us.
For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and
our news team worldwide, I'm Paul Braun WD9GCO in Valparaiso Indiana
saying 73. As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm)
is Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Latest Keplerian Data - 11th July 2023
Friday 14th July 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 51 ARLK051
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT July 11, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 7530U 74089B 23191.42945885 -.00000029 00000-0
10888-3 0 9994
2 7530 101.9475 178.2638 0012448 21.0649 134.6428 12.53665246226323
1 25544U 98067A 23192.77465975 .00009236
00000-0 17152-3 0 9996
2 25544 51.6418 206.6747 0000226 93.0746 77.7732
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23192.39914773 .00000813
00000-0 12995-3 0 9998
2 27607 64.5527 190.6960 0066716 219.8257 139.7940 14.77384206106017
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23191.48047324 .00002527 00000-0
28215-3 0 9995
2 39444 97.6724 154.9012 0052392 194.0690 165.9070 14.86876870519696
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23192.26096342 .00001125
00000-0 66119-4 0 9995
2 40931 5.9995 274.6703 0013605 275.7948 84.0628
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23191.95073038 .00006725
00000-0 46830-3 0 9998
2 43017 97.6279 75.3505 0231841 351.2558 8.4649
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23192.44246443 .00001070
00000-0 10729-3 0 9997
2 43678 98.0260 336.9049 0010877 82.9310 277.3145
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23192.07167363 .00000142
00000-0 00000+0 0 9998
2 43700 0.0133 313.2562 0001904 199.5986 187.4587
1.00271853 17179
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23191.44780659 .00004745 00000-0
37412-3 0 9994
2 43803 97.5723 253.4254 0015345 23.1574 337.0338
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23190.50479398 .00000028
00000-0 59101-4 0 9991
2 44909 82.5231 333.1140 0218309 134.6268 227.2870 12.79722075165065
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23192.43769743 .00000481
00000-0 17026-3 0 9991
2 50466 98.5520 273.9079 0005381 74.6768 285.5014 14.38954897
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 23192.33245448 -.00000003 00000-0
00000+0 0 9990
2 53106 70.1633 311.3291 0008591 181.2568 178.8071 6.42556799
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23192.45962191 .00009718
00000-0 52980-3 0 9991
2 54684 97.5649 329.8824 0012472 248.3390 111.6514 15.14527465 32352
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, July 14, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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![]() |
The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 14th July 2023
DX Bulletin 28 ARLD028
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT July 13, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by The
Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest
Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
TIMOR-LESTE, 4W. Vasily, R7AL, Mike, RU3UR and Anastasya
R6DTO are QRV as 4W6RU from Lusaka until July 20. Activity is on 30
to 10 meters using CW and FT8. QSL via R7AL.
MALAWI, 7Q. Don, K6ZO is QRV as 7Q6M from the Embangweni
Mission Hospital in northern Malawi until possibly the end of July.
Activity is in his spare time with a special emphasis on 6 meters. QSL
direct to W0MAN.
MALDIVES, 8Q. Bert, CX3AN is QRV as 8Q7HU until July 18.
Activity is holiday style on 40 to 6 meters. QSL to home call.
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, 9Q. A large group of operators
are QRV as 9Q1AA, and 9Q1ZZ using FT8, until July 18. Activity is on
160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 with four stations. QSL
direct to I2YSB.
TAIWAN, BV. Kenicho, JP1RIW is QRV as BM0QSO from New Taipei
City until the end of 2023. Activity is on the HF bands using mostly
FT8. QSL via bureau.
PORTUGAL, CT. Special event station CR6J will be QRV on July
17 to 23 for the 41st International Motorcycle Rally in Faro.
Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, and various digital modes.
PHILIPPINES, DU. Rag, LB3RE is QRV as DU1/LB3RE from Luzon
Island, IOTA OC-042, until July 18. Activity is on 40 to 6 meters.
QSL to home call.
REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HL. Wouter, PB1WL plans to be QRV as
HL4/PB1WL from July 17 to August 16. QSL to home call.
AMERICAN SAMOA, KH8. Operators N3QQ, KB2FMH and W8HC are QRV
as KH8RRC from Tutuila Island, IOTA OC-045, WWFF KFF-0054, and POTA K-0053
until July 18 to mark the 30th anniversary of the Russian Robinson Club.
They are also active as W1AW/KH8 until July 18 as part of the 2023 VOTA
operating event. QSL KH8RRC direct to KB2FMH, and W1AW/KH8 via LoTW
AUSTRIA, OE. Special event stations OE2XXM and OE5XXM are QRV
during July, and September around the international Autumn field day in
QSL via operators' instructions.
FAROE ISLANDS, OY. Nobu, JA0JHQ is QRV as OY/M0JHQ until July
15. Activity is on the HF bands. QSL direct to home call.
SABA, ST. EUSTATIUS, PJ5. Operators PE6Q and PA4O are QRV as
PJ5/home calls until July 18. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using
CW, SSB, FT8, and FT4.
QSL via ClubLog.
Kwajalein Island for about two to three weeks. Activity is in his
spare time on 20, 15, and 10 meters using SSB. QSL to home call.
MYANMAR, XZ. Akio, JE2QIZ is QRV as XZ2B from Yangon until
the end of September. Activity is on 15, 12, 10, and 6 meters using
ZIMBABWE, Z2. Eddy, OE3SEU is QRV as Z21MV through August.
He is active on Satellite QO-100 using SSB. QSL via LoTW.
Worldwide VHF Contest, QRP 20-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC FT4 Sprint, NCCC
RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, Russian Radio Team
Championship, Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge, Feld Hell Sprint, IARU
Region 1 70 MHz Contest, RSGB International Low Power CW Contest and the
Run for the Bacon QRP CW Contest are all on tap for this upcoming weekend.
The ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, RSGB FT4 Contest,
Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops
Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest, Mini-Test CW 40 and the Mini-Test CW
80 are scheduled for July 17 to 19.
Please see July QST, page 78, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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Team of Ukraine Takes Top Spot in WRTC Competition
Friday 14th July 2023
Congratulations to the world champions of radio sports in the WRTC 2022 Competition - the team of Ukraine!
The team - Yaroslav Oliinyk UW7LL and Yuriy Onipko UT4UZ (VE3DZ) showed the best results and won gold for Ukraine.
The World Radiosport Team Championship – WRTC in short – represents a large gathering of the world's best in radio traffic – as selected Regionally – coming from any country and all continents in the spirit of competition, using the same playing field and allowing pure skills to determine world champions in two-man team, 24-hour non-stop competition.
Vy 73!
Thanks to UR5NBC for the submission!Source:
Amateur Radio Daily
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WRTC Coming to the United Kingdom in 2026
Friday 14th July 2023
WRTC will be in the UK in 2026!
With the successful, (despite many challenges to be met) WRTC2022 concluding in Italy the next World Radio Teamsport Championship The Olympics of Ham Radio will take place in 2026 in the South east of England.
Welcome to WRTC UK 2026!
The United Kingdom is delighted to have been awarded the hosting rights
for the 10th WRTC taking place in July 2026.
Every 4 years, much like the Olympic Games, the World Radio Sport Team Championship, known as WRTC, relocates itself to a new host nation. WRTC is a radio contest event, designed to provide a platform for high-achieving ham radio contesters to compete on a level playing field in the same geographic region using identical antennas, output power and other operating conditions. Each team will have had to qualify over a significant period of time by participating and scoring extremely well in a collection of HF radio contests from October 2023 to March 2025. In July 2026, 50 qualifying teams, comprising of 100 operators will come to the UK from all over the world and will represent their home countries, much like the style seen in the Olympic Games. Each team of two will be assigned a Referee, for which there will be an application process. The team draw their operating site, their referee and callsign and then they all go off and operate the 24-hour IARU 2026 Contest. We will have live scoreboards available which will add to the excitement of this competition.
For more details go to the website:
73 Ed DD5LP/G8GLM (WRTC 2018 Media Team member).
Amateur Radio Daily
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TX Factor is back on the air!
Friday 14th July 2023
We’re beaming (almost) live across the airwaves with microwatts of broadband energy to bring you the long-awaited show 29 of TX Factor. In this programme we increase the power to a few tens of Watts when Bob, Dave and Noel head to the Wiltshire hills with a pair of Icom IC-905 all-mode transceivers to see what can be achieved.
Bob takes the TX Factor cameras to the heart of England to the UK’s last remaining shortwave transmission station and ramps up the power to a staggering 250 kilowatts. Woofferton, near Ludlow, is the home to some venerable Marconi senders from the 1960s still beaming programmes across the globe.
Oh, and there’s a free-to-enter draw! Visit our website for full details.
Amateur Radio Daily
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New Meteor M2-3 Satellite Now Transmitting Weather Images
Friday 14th July 2023
The latest Russian owned Meteor M satellite recently launched via a Soyuz-2 rocket and is now in orbit transmitting weather imagery.
Images can be received on 137 MHz with the appropriate software, such as SatDump.
Source: open_in_new
Amateur Radio Daily
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ICQPodcast Discusses UK License Changes with RSGB
Friday 14th July 2023
ICQPodcast's Martin Butler M1MRB/W9ICQ is joined by the RSGB President John McCullagh GI4BWM, Chairman Stewart Bryant G3YSX and General Manager M1ACB to discuss Ofcom's proposed changed to the UK Amateur Radio Licence.
Amateur Radio Daily
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Film award for members of Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society
Friday 7th July 2023
A short film produced by members of Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has won a top award at the 2023 Doric Film Festival.
The film was joint winner in the ‘Groups’ category of the prestigious festival that showcases the distinctive Doric language and culture, most closely associated with North-East Scotland.
The film includes a specially written fiddle music theme, based on Morse code.
You can find the film by searching for ‘Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society Groups DFF Entry’ on YouTube.
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International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend
Friday 7th July 2023
A reminder now that International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is coming up soon.
The event is usually held on the third weekend of August which this year is the 19th and 20th.
It is one of the most popular amateur radio events in the calendar and in past years there have been more than 500 entries from over 40 different countries.
More details about the event and a registration form can be found at
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Could you be an NRC volunteer?
Friday 7th July 2023
There is so much happening at the RSGB’s National Radio Centre (NRC) that it needs to expand its team of volunteers!
If you can volunteer at weekends, you will be particularly welcome.
The National Radio Centre has a fabulous set-up and full training on using the GB3RS radio station will be given. You will be joining a friendly and dedicated team.
NRC volunteers also enjoy numerous benefits associated with volunteering at Bletchley Park.
You should enjoy meeting people and be able to volunteer for one or two days per month.
For more information please email NRC Coordinator Martyn Baker, G0GMB via
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Amateur TV display at RSGB National Radio Centre
Friday 7th July 2023
A new amateur TV display has just been installed at the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC), with signals received via the wide-band segment of the geostationary satellite QO-100.
We are delighted to be able to demonstrate amateur TV as a permanent display at the NRC, helping to highlight yet another exciting aspect of our technical hobby.
A special configuration, developed in conjunction with the British Amateur Television Club (BATC), incorporates a touch screen from which visitors can select a signal to be tuned, decoded and displayed on the large monitor.
The RSGB would like to thank Justin, G8YTZ for designing the display and working with the BATC for the specially adapted configuration.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2384 for Friday July 7th, 2023
Friday 7th July 2023
The following is a QST. Gains in attendance at Europe's largest hamfest. Sri Lanka loses a respected member of the amateur community -- and there are big plans ahead for radio at Scout camps. All this and more as Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2384 comes your way right now.
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Friday 7th July 2023
Our top story this week takes us to Germany. With
Ham Radio Friedrichshafen (Pron: Freed Ricks Harfen) completing two weeks
ago, the attendance figures have been announced and there's some good
news. Over to our European Correspondent Ed Durrant DD5LP who attended.
This year's attendance at Ham Radio, Europe's largest Hamfest, was up by
10% to 11,100 and the number of traders by 15% compared to last year,
despite predictions that Hamfests may suffer due to the increase in online
sales during and following the pandemic.
It was clear there was an increase in the number of people both at the
indoor flea market halls and in the main trader and exhibitor hall. While
there were no new major radio announcements -- other than we already know
of from Hamvention -- it was good to see Kenwood back with a stall but a
shame that only Yaesu's agents represented them. ICOM was there with their
usual impressive large display area and competing in size was a new
company to the amateur radio market - Aaronia a manufacturer of high
quality test equipment.
All in all, it was a very uplifting event.
Just as important was the announcement that the required legislative
document had just been signed to implement the new German entry level "N
class" amateur radio licence. The regulations will come into force on the
21st of June 2024, the week before next years "Ham Radio" event between
the 28th and 30th and indeed the very first examinations for this new
class of licence will take place at "HAM RADIO 2024." The new licence will
allow access to 70cm, 2m and 10m running a maximum of 10 watts and will
conform to CEPT specifications for an entry level licence.
This is Ed Durrant DD5LP.
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Friday 7th July 2023
Following years of experimental use of the frequencies
between 2 and 25 MHz - a range the FCC considers underutilized -
members of the Shortwave Modernization Coalition have asked the agency for
rule changes that would permit fixed, long-distance, time-sensitive
transmission of data by commercial entities. The FCC is requesting public
comment on the proposed rule change, which the Commission said would not
have an impact on that part of the spectrum used exclusively by amateur
radio, maritime or aeronautical services.
A rule change would make the frequencies available to regular commercial
operations. At present only 61 of the 21,507 active licenses for
frequencies between 2 and 25 MHz are for industrial and business use,
according to the FCC.
The businesses seeking access have relied until now on satellite, fiber,
microwave and millimeter wave wireless transmissions.
Shortwave Management Coalition members, who include such entities as
companies in the financial markets, believe a rule change could widen
access to other industries such as mining, petroleum and manufacturing.
Comments are due to the FCC within the month.
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Friday 7th July 2023
In other action in Washington, it is shaping up to be a
busy month for the Federal Communications Commission, which is considering
whether low power analog TV stations that have a Channel 6 allocation can
continue to broadcast analog FM radio. Kevin Trotman N5PRE tells us what's
behind the issue.
In a small number of US markets, FM broadcast audio has long been
available from TV stations making use of a subcarrier 250 kHz from the top
of the Channel 6 frequencies. At the FCC's open meeting on July 20th, the
FCC will look at an option it favors: permitting these low-power TV
stations to continue this practice as a supplementary service even after
the TV stations' conversion to digital.
The FCC believes that preserving the operations for those 13 low-power
stations would benefit the public interest, noting as well that there is
no record of TV interference with the adjacent FM channels, known as FM6
stations. The FCC wrote in a fact sheet on its website that it has not
received complaints with credible evidence showing anything to the
FM6 radio is permitted to operate only on 87.75 MHz and the service may
only be offered within the low-power TV station's coverage area and on a
non-interference basis.
This is Kevin Trotman N5PRE.
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Friday 7th July 2023
In case you've marked your calendar for January of next
year, hoping to make contact with the Clipperton Island DXpedition,
there's extra good news if you are a satellite enthusiast. Neil Rapp
WB9VPG explains.
When members of the Perseverance DX Group call QRZ in January of 2024 from
Clipperton Island, they'll have an extra way to make contact. The team
just announced that the TX5S DXpedition will include satellite operations.
The team's satellite station manager, Andreas N6NU, reported in a recent
press release that the team hopes to use the IO-117 GreenCube satellite,
which not only has a generous footprint over the island but has passes
that last more than an hour.
The uninhabited atoll in the eastern Pacific Ocean will be home for the
team for 16 days as they use SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8. This is the 38th most
wanted DX according to Clublog - and it is IOTA number NA-011.
This is Neil Rapp WB9VPG.
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Friday 7th July 2023
There's nothing like a good contest to bring out the
thrill of competition in some hams. In Scotland, however, one amateur
radio group is enjoying the status of being one of the top winners at - of
all things - a film festival. Jeremy Boot G4NJH explains what happened.
Hams in the Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society had the kind of performance you
might not see in a DX contest, a sprint or even in a QSO party. They were
among the top winners at this year's Doric Film Festival, an event that
shines a light on filmmakers who celebrate Doric culture and language in
their work. The five-minute production is colorful, lively and entirely in
the Doric language. Interestingly enough, this is not the radio society's
first appearance in a film. A 12-minute film, "Hams," was released in 1961
and is available for viewing online in the Moving Image Archives of the
National Library of Scotland. That film, however, is in black and white -
and in English.
Doric, once the official language of Scotland, is still widely spoken in
the country's Northeast. The festival's winning films were screened last
month at the awards ceremony on the campus of Robert Gordon University in
The stars of the radio society's film are, of course, the many operators
in the club and they are seen sending Morse Code and talking to the
International Space Station. There is even a cameo appearance by a pig. Of
course, you'll have to watch the film on YouTube to understand why. See
the link to the society's film in the text version of this week's Newsline
script at
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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Friday 7th July 2023
A prominent West Coast business journal has named an
active California YL among those who have left an impact on modern-day
engineering. We get those details from Jack Parker W8ISH.
A third generation amateur radio operator, inspired by her father and her
grandfather, has been selected for inclusion in the San Diego, California,
Business Journal's list of Women of Influence in Engineering.
Michelle Thompson, W5NYV, a licensed ham for 25 years, belongs to the
FCC's Technical Advisory Council and works on amateur satellite service
regulatory reform. A Life Member of the ARRL, she is technical specialist
for the ARRL Field Organization's Southwestern Division.
She writes on her page on [quote] "Amateur radio is why I became
an engineer and is the motivation for a large amount of the volunteer work
I do. I give back to ARRL, IEEE, DEFCON, and many other organizations." [endquote]
In 2018 she and two cofounders created the nonprofit Open Research
Institute. ORI conducts open source research and development for amateur
radio and other areas and provides its findings free.
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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Friday 7th July 2023
A well-respected amateur in Sri Lanka, and a familiar
voice on a popular evening net, has become a Silent Key. We hear about
him from Jason Daniels VK2LAW.
The Radio Society of Sri Lanka held a special tribute VHF Tribute Net to
honor Asoka da Silva, 4S5BAK, who became a Silent Key on the 26th of June,
two months after his 75th birthday. The retired banker, who rose to
prominence in the financial sector, was remembered by many who checked in
on VHF or via Echolink during the one-hour net. The net was recorded by
the society to present to Asoka's family as a gift.
A mainstay of the daily 9 p.m. net for the past three years, Asoka was a
familiar voice who would share with his fellow hams a thorough,
well-researched weather report that many looked forward to hearing. His
last check-in on the net took place on the 9th of April. According to the
radio society, even in the difficult final months of his life, Asoka was
determined to upgrade the amateur radio licence he had first acquired
following his retirement. Despite frequent hospitalizations, he
successfully sat the General and Advanced exams and qualified for that
sought-after upgrade.
The VHF tribute net allowed hams from elsewhere, including the United
States, Canada and India, to check in with Victor Goonetilleke (goo-nuh-till-ecke)
4S7VK as net control. They shared memories of Asoka, remembering him
fondly as the net's "weatherman," and expressed their condolences to his
The radio society's own tribute online said [quote] "We have lost a dear
friend, and his untimely departure leaves an immense void that will be
difficult to fill." [endquote]
This is Jason Daniels VK2LAW.
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Friday 7th July 2023
A sweeping new program is in the works to encourage hams
everywhere to make contacts with young hams involved in Scouting.
Think of it as a push for hams to do a bit of scouting for Scouts.
It's called Scout Camps on the Air and it started as the dream of Matt
KR8E. He saw it as a way for the ham population to have QSOs with Scout
stations - stations based on camps that are owned or leased by the
Scouting organization or those not at any camps but still known as Scout
Stations on the Air.
Though the program is still a work in progress, the committee has added
three active scouts who are deeply involved in amateur radio, hoping to
add to the momentum. The committee has been asking Scout councils to
provide input. Organizers are meanwhile developing an multi-level awards
program to recognize licensed hams worldwide everywhere who have
successful radio contacts with the Scouts.
You can follow the progress of Scout Camps on the Air, or get involved, by
following the program on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. See the text
version of this week's newscast script at for the Twitter
and Instagram handles of Scout Camps on the Air.
[DO NOT READ: Twitter handle is @SCOTA_k2bsa
Instagram handle is scota_k2bsa ]
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Friday 7th July 2023
Amateur radio operators in India have once again used
their extensive network of contacts to bring about a family reunion.
Graham Kemp VK4BB gives us their story.
A mother in India who went missing at a fair 17 years ago while her three
children were on an amusement ride is heading back home to Bihar thanks to
local radio amateurs. Following the separation, the children had come to
believe their mother had long since died. Their fears were proven wrong,
however, after police enforcing the recent COVID-19 lockdown saw her
wandering the streets outside her home village, unable to speak. They took
her for hospital evaluation. From there she was transferred to the
Missionaries of Charity Home where she remained until the home asked the
West Bengal Radio Club for assistance. Ambarish Nag Biswas, VU2JFA, the
club's secretary, told the website (E TEE VEE BARRAT DOT
COM) that the radio club sent pictures to amateur radio operators they
know throughout India. A reply ultimately came from the woman's daughter
in Bihar, though the hams there. The daughter told the West Bengal hams
she had been seeking her mother for years and that she was feared dead. At
the time the family's story appeared in the local media, a reunion was
being planned.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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Friday 7th July 2023
In the World of DX, be listening for Rag, LB3RE,
operating on 40-6 metres as DU1/LB3RE from Luzon Island, IOTA number
OC-042, until the 18th of July. See for QSL details.
Be listening for a six-member team of activators using the callsign RI1OR
(R Eye One Oh R) from Bolshoy Solovetsky Island, IOTA number EU-066, from
the 25th to the 29th of July. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes
on 160-10 metres. Send QSLs via RZ3EC.
Chasers of World Wide Flora & Fauna activations may want to listen for
Bruno, F4JIK. He is touring Finland in his camper van and is on the air as
OH/F4JIK/p until the 13th of July. Listen for him on SSB on 40, 20 and 15
metres from several Finnish Flora &
Fauna locations.
Listen for Ben, PE5B, who will be active as PJ7/PE5B from Sint Maarten,
IOTA number NA-105, from the 7th to the 14th of July. He will be operating
SSB and RTTY while doing training and demonstrations of ham radio and HF
EmComm to local groups. QSL via LoTW.
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Friday 7th July 2023
Imagine AI - artificial intelligence - behind the radio
mic? has already arrived in broadcasting and that's giving
us here at Newsline something to think about too. Here's Ralph Squillace
KK6ITB to explain.
In Portland, Oregon, the radio DJ known as Ashley Z Elzinga has some
company in the studio: herself. The station, "Live 95.5" KBFF has begun
using an artificial version of her voice to produce segments, using Futuri
Media's RadioGPT during midday programming. Ashley Z is a syndicated
talent heard on a number of other stations, including ones in Michigan and
Seattle. The Oregon station is calling her "AI Ashley" and it even quotes
her in the station's press release expressing her commitment to being the
world's first AI DJ.
Meanwhile, students at the University of Florida have used RadioGPT to
create an AI personality they have named "Q." Q is featured on the College
of Journalism and Communications audio research and development platform,
GHQ. According to a report in RadioWorld, RadioGPT generates scripts about
relevant topics by scanning online content and social media and then
voices the script using AI.
It does leave us wondering, however: How long before something called
HamGPT is developed and learns to scan the solar reports, the propagation
maps, the DX clusters and even our personal details on, handing
out "5 9" and "7 3?"
Perhaps for that answer - for now - we'll have to Google it.
This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
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Friday 7th July 2023
We hope our listeners have been enjoying the Amateur
Radio Newsline haiku challenge. We certainly have! In the spirit of
fun and perhaps a little bit of literary adventure, we've been inviting
listeners to channel their most creative selves and share the joy of ham
radio in the form of a haiku. On our website,, you will
find a submission form for sending your most poetic offering. To qualify,
you need to follow traditional haiku form: The first line is five
syllables, the second line is seven syllables and the finishing third line
has another five syllables. We cannot accept any other formats.
Our team will pick from the best submissions that follow the 5/7/5
syllable rule and represent the love of amateur radio. Your prize? For
now, bragging rights -- and a featured spot for your haiku on the Amateur
Radio Newsline website. We may have a surprise for you at the end of the
year, however. So visit our website at and take a look at
this week's winning ham radio haiku.
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Friday 7th July 2023
Do you have a piece of Amateur Radio News that you think
Newsline would be interested in? We are not talking about advertising
your club's upcoming hamfest or field day participation, but something
that is out of the ordinary. If so, send us a brief overview via the
contact page at If it's newsworthy and we would like to
cover it, we'll get back to you for more details.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Amateur Radio Daily; AMSAT News
Service; ARRL; CQ Magazine; David Behar K7DB;; FCC;
425DXNews; QRZ.COM;; Shortwave Listening
Post;; Wireless Institute of Australia; and you our
listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our
listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit
organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish
to support us, please visit our website at and know that we
appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our
newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us.
For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and
our news team worldwide, I'm Stephen Kinford N8WB in Wadsworth Ohio saying
73. As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is
Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.
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Latest Keplerian Data - 7th July 2023
Friday 7th July 2023
Keplerian Bulletin 50 ARLK050
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington, CT July 7, 2023
To all radio amateurs
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
0 AO-07
1 7530U 74089B 23187.76257434 -.00000048 00000-0
-10329-4 0 9995
2 7530 101.9473 174.5719 0012489 27.9604 145.3951 12.53665165225869
1 25544U 98067A 23188.51662157 .00010281
00000-0 19057-3 0 9992
2 25544 51.6406 227.7630 0000247 61.6810 99.2425
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 23187.66077709 .00000832
00000-0 13254-3 0 9991
2 27607 64.5527 205.2245 0067204 220.8027 138.8034 14.77375052105311
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 23188.18290312 .00003718 00000-0
41249-3 0 9990
2 39444 97.6727 151.7152 0052080 205.1129 154.7554 14.86857833519202
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 23112.43632650 .18814400
25108-5 15498-3 0 9990
2 40903 97.0819 181.5568 0011783 175.5276 309.8044 16.51931608427640
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 23187.80511626 .00001179
00000-0 73612-4 0 9991
2 40931 6.0004 306.4804 0013363 214.9892 144.9357
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 23188.39459065 .00007773
00000-0 38839-3 0 9993
2 42759 43.0163 3.3237 0011919 237.0808 122.8894
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 23188.41064064 .00008586
00000-0 42765-3 0 9996
2 42761 43.0154 1.7619 0012644 237.9054 122.0567
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 23187.44075633 .00006997
00000-0 48643-3 0 9995
2 43017 97.6278 71.0177 0232549 6.1723 354.2271
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 23188.55659734 .00001795
00000-0 17606-3 0 9990
2 43678 98.0256 332.9393 0010917 94.2727 265.9739
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 23188.29263503 .00000139
00000-0 00000+0 0 9996
2 43700 0.0157 54.2757 0001976 86.2907 275.5648
1.00271370 17134
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 23187.44826132 .00005107 00000-0
40269-3 0 9993
2 43803 97.5718 249.5261 0015518 35.1389 325.0855
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 23188.47682731 .00001004
00000-0 13115-3 0 9996
2 44881 97.8616 266.5831 0015016 17.5739 342.5991
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 23188.39385516 .00000036
00000-0 94438-4 0 9994
2 44909 82.5228 334.5166 0218238 139.5422 222.2139 12.79722067164794
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 23188.47420057 .00000564
00000-0 19715-3 0 9991
2 50466 98.5521 269.9565 0005460 84.0364 276.1446 14.38951143
0 IO-117
1 53106U 22080B 23184.70595441 -.00000003 00000-0
00000+0 0 9993
2 53106 70.1641 313.9781 0008494 182.0884 177.9741 6.42556846
0 FO-118
1 54684U 22167C 23188.42930661 .00009981
00000-0 54523-3 0 9997
2 54684 97.5655 325.8756 0012230 263.2722 96.7117 15.14449901
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 7th July 2023
DX Bulletin 27 ARLD027
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT July 6, 2023
To all radio amateurs
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by The
Daily DX, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest
Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
SEYCHELLES, S7. Members of the Seychelles Amateur Radio
Association (SARA) plan to operate as S77HQ in the IARU HF World
Championship Contest. They will be mostly active on 20, 15 and 10
meters. Manning the stations will be S79VU, S79KW, S79RP and S79JN.
TIMOR LESTE, 4W. Vasily, R7AL, Mike, RU3UR and Anastasya,
R6DTO are QRV as 4W6RU from near Dili until July 20. QSL via R7AL,
Club Log's OQRS, LoTW.
SOUTH KOREA, HL. Wouter, PB1WL is planning to be active as
HL4/PB1WL from July 17 to August 16. QSL to home call.
CURACAO, PJ2. The Curacao headquarters call PJ2HQ will be QRV
in the IARU HF World Championship contest from the PJ2T station.
They will be handing out the VERONA multiplier.
TAIWAN, BV. BW2/JP1RIW is active as BM0QSO until December 31,
using mostly digital modes. QSL via BM2JCC.
PORTUGAL, CT. Special event station CR6J will be QRV in
observance of the 41st International Faro Moto (motorcycle) Gathering in
Faro from July 17 to 23. Activity will be on 80 through 6 meters on
SSB, CW and Digital. QSL via CT1EHX.
SPAIN, EA. Look for EF4HQ as the URE HQ station during the
IARU HF World Championship.
PALAU, T8. Japanese operators JO3LVG and JM1LIG plan to
activate T88MK and T88FM, respectively, from the VIP Guest Hotel's Palau
Radio Club from September 12 to 19. JR3QFB plans to be there from
September 12 to 17 and QRV as T88JH.
HAWAII, KH6. PVRC members W3LPL, KE3Q, W3AMY and WR3R will be
teaming up with KH7U, K8VG, KH6HT and possibly KH6U and KH6ML as W1AW/KH6
in the IARU HF World Championship. SSB operations will be from the
KH6YY station on Oahu. CW activity will take place from the Big
Island (Hawaii) at the KH6LC station. PVRC member WH7W will be one
of the ops at KH6LC along with NH6V, AH6KO, KH6KB and KH6LC.
DV9ARA and DV9BPI will be on the air as DX9EVM from Mindanao Island
(OC-130) for the 2023 RSGB IOTA Contest, July 29 and 30. QSL via the
bureau or direct.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. Lowell, DU3LZ has been QRV for the past
two weeks as P29LZ. Listen for him on 40, 20 and 15 meters using SSB
and in the future on FT8.
SABA, ST EUSTATIUS, PJ5. Operators PA4O and PE6Q will be QRV
until July 18 including activity in the IARU HF Championship. During
the Contest they will be operating as PJ5C. Outside the contest they
will use the calls PJ5/PA4O and PJ5/PE6Q, and be on 80 to 6 meters using
CW, SSB and FT8. QSOs will be uploaded to Club Log OQRS.
UNITED STATES, W. During the RSGB IOTA Contest, Jeff, W7BRS
plans to operate from the NN7SS station located on Vashon Island (NA-065).
This will be a single op, hi-power effort. QSL via K6UFO.
manning the IP1X multi-op effort in the RSGB IOTA Contest, from Gallinara
Island (EU-083). Activity will be on 80 through 10 meters using CW
and SSB during the full 24 hours of the contest. The multi-op effort
will be low power. QSL direct or via bureau to IU1JCZ and
IU7EHF and IZ8EGM are heading to San Pietre Island (EU-073) and will
activate IJ7DX and IJ7SAT from June 28 to 30. Activity will include
QO-100, LEO and MEO satellites. QSL via IZ7AUH.
PE1KWH and PH3T plan to activate PI4AMF/P from Schouwen-Duiveland (EU-146)
in the RSGB IOTA Contest. This will be a multi-two effort. QSL
via PA3EYC.
ZAMBIA, 9J. Eddy, OE3SEU is mostly active on the QO-100
satellite, using the call sign 9J2SEU/p, from grids KH55, KH56, KH43 and
KH45. When there are many callers he goes split and by call sign number,
starting with zero. QSL via LoTW.
NIUE, E6. Stan, LZ1GC and Dimo, LZ1ON will be signing E6AM
from October 10 to 23. They will operate CW, SSB, FT8 and maybe some
RTTY on 160 to 6 meters. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), LoTW,
or via LZ1GC, direct or bureau.
JAPAN, JA. Ichy, JH7IPR will be active from Okushiri Island
(AS- 147) from July 7 to 10. He will be signing JH7IPR/8 on CW,
RTTY, SSB and AM, and JH7IPR/p on FT4, FT8, MSK144 and Q65. QSL via
Club Log and LoTW.
SINT MAARTEN, PJ7. Ben, PE5B will be QRV as PJ7/PE5B until
July 14. QSL via LoTW.
GREECE, SV. John, N4TOL will be active as SV8/N4TOL/p from
Paros Island until July 8, and from Samothraki Island (EU-174) from
July 10 to 13. He will be QRV mostly on 20 meter CW and possibly
EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA. Dmitry, R3GM and Igor, UA3EDQ will be
QRV as RI1ZZ from Kildin Island (EU-082) and a couple of islands
(RR-02-100 and RR-02-101) in the Kandalaksha Gulf until July 8. QSL
via RZ3EC. Also, the team of R3XDA, RA1QY, RU3EG, RU5D, RZ3EC and UA3EDQ
will be active as RI1OR from Bolshoy Solovetsky Island (EU-066) from July
25 to 29. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160 to 10
meters. A brief activity as R3RRC/1 from nearby Bolshaya Muksalma is
also being planned. QSL via RZ3EC.
CANADA, VE. Pierre, VE3KTB will be active as VY0ERC from the
Eureka Amateur Radio Club station on Ellesmere Island (NA-008) until July
ST KITTS, V4. John, W5JON will be operating as V47JA from
August 28 to September 12, on 160 to 6 meters using FT8 and SSB. QSL
direct or LoTW.
HUNGARY, HA. Sanyi, HA7VK will be operating as HG23TISZA,
SO/AB/HP only CW, in IARU HF World Championship.
SKCC Weekend Sprintathon, PODXS 070 Club 40m Firecracker Sprint and the
QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint are all on tap for this weekend. The 4
States QRP Group 2nd Sunday Sprint in on July 10 and the VHF-UHF FT8
Activity Contest and RSGB 80m Club Championship are on July 12.
Please see July QST, page 78 and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM
Contest web sites for details.
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Terrifying double solar storm to strike the Earth today, says NASA; Know the danger
Friday 7th July 2023
NASA has predicted that a double solar storm attack will strike the Earth around 5.30PM today, July 7th.. Know just how intense it can be and what to expect.
The Sun's volume would need 1.3 million Earths to fill it. It's gravity holds the solar system together, keeping everything from the biggest planets to the smallest bits of debris in orbit around it. The hottest part of the sun is it's core, where temperatures top 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius). The Sun's activity, from it's powerful eruptions to the steady stream of charged particles it sends out, influences the nature of space throughout the solar system (NASA).
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