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This weeks Local, UK and World NEWS
146/147MHz NoV extension
Friday 25th November 2022
Ofcom has agreed to the RSGB request to extend the 146/147MHz NoV for a further year.
It is available on a non-interference basis and the NoV is subject to a 30-day notice period of change or withdrawal.
Full licence holders can apply for the 146/147MHz NoV on the RSGB website at
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The RSGB DXpedition fund - Trustee, Required
Friday 25th November 2022
The RSGB assists HF DXpeditions to the rarer countries through a fund that is supported each year from the proceeds of a raffle held at the annual RSGB Convention, as well as income from legacies and donations. The Society is looking to appoint a fifth Trustee for the HF DXpedition Fund who, given the increasing number of applications, will also act as Secretary to the group. Applicants should be enthusiastic HF DXers with an interest in DXCC and IOTA. For further information about the role and how to apply, go to the volunteer vacancies section of the RSGB website at
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RSGB Convention Presentations
Friday 25th November 2022
The RSGB has released two individual 2022 Convention presentations. In the first, Professor Alwyn Seeds, G8DOH talks about “Building a VHF/UHF Contest Station”. The second presentation is by Hans Summers, G0UPL who explains “The QCX CW transceiver kit story: design, development, five years of production and evolution”. Part of the second presentation was livestreamed during the Convention but you can now watch it all on the RSGB YouTube channel – go to and choose the RSGB 2022 Convention playlist.
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Co-host webinar about Hamprojects
Friday 25th November 2022
On Saturday 3 December at 1400UTC, AMSAT SA and the South African Radio League are hosting a webinar about Hamprojects.
This is a platform to facilitate complex projects that are beyond the possibility of individuals or even one amateur radio society or club. The concept was developed by Willi Vollenweider, HB9AMC as part of the IARU Region 1 Shaping the future of Amateur Radio initiative. During the webinar, Willi will explain Hamprojects in detail and how individual radio amateurs and groups, or amateur radio cubs, can participate or initiate their own projects and attract international participation. The webinar is free to attend and open to anyone who has an interest in technology and a desire to become part of future innovation. Register as soon as possible, as participation is limited to 150 persons, via
Don’t forget the Transatlantic Centenary Tests event that starts at 0000UTC on Thursday the 1st of December and runs for the whole month. There are awards available for working the special stations and, if you are an RSGB Member and hold a Full Licence, still opportunities to book an operating slot. Go to for full information.
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Local Rallies - Midlands
Friday 25th November 2022
The Midlands Round Table event will be held on Saturday the 3rd of December.
The day will follow a relaxed schedule with talks aimed primarily at Microwave, Amateur Television, Amateur Satellite and other innovative areas of amateur radio.
There will be tables provided free of charge for the junk sale and for any free items attendees wish to give away.
The event is being held at Eaton Manor, Eaton-under-Heywood, Church Stretton, Shropshire, SY6 7DH.
The event venue will be open from 9am and proceedings will start at 10am. Questions and requests should be directed to Paul, G8AQA on 01694 771 441.
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Special Event News
Friday 25th November 2022
Leyland and District Amateur Radio Club will be active as GB9LD for Lancashire Day today, the 27th of November. Activity will take place on the 40m to 70cm bands. At 1500UTC the club will read the Lancashire Day Proclamation on HF and toast His Majesty King Charles III, Duke of Lancaster. All are welcome to join in. Enquiries to
On Thursday the 1st of December, GB1WH will begin operating. The Special Event Station has been established to promote the work done by Wakefield Hospice. For more information, visit the GB1WH page.
GB1LJF begins its on-air activities on Thursday the 1st of December. The Special Event Station is operating to celebrate the manufacturing of the English Electric Lightning aircraft in Lancashire. More information is available via the GB1LJF page.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2352 for Friday November 25th, 2022
Friday 25th November 2022
We begin this week with the tale of a poignant reunion
between an octogenarian in India and the grieving family who had presumed
he had died after a deadly cyclone that claimed thousands of lives 23
years ago. That reunion happened with the help of amateur radio. Graham
Kemp VK4BB has that remarkable story.
After a super cyclone flattened the coast of Odisha in India in 1999,
Kritichandra (Kritty-Chondra) Baral (Bah-RAHL) lost his family and his
memory - the latter possibly from some kind of trauma. Meanwhile, never
learning for certain the fate of their patriarch, his sons presumed their
father was one of the thousands who lost their lives in that natural
disaster. The man survived, however, and lived as a vagrant on the streets
of a city in Andhra Pradesh, existing for years on handouts and people's
generosity. Ten years ago, he was taken in by a group known as the
Missionaries of Charity after one of his benefactors discovered his health
had deteriorated and asked that he be accepted into their care.
The charity's ongoing efforts to locate his family failed until Nov. 19,
when they contacted the West Bengal Radio Club, which has extensive
experience in assisting with reunions of missing persons and their
families. The hams had helped the charity before and the group was hopeful
that the radio amateurs would succeed where the charity had not. Ambarish
Nag Biswas, VU2JFA, the club's secretary, said after some time the amateur
radio club was able to locate the man's sons. He told various Indian news
media outlets that two of the sons: [quote] "were dumbstruck when they saw
their father’s photograph and then started weeping. They are a well-to-do
family and said their father went missing after the cyclone and was
presumed dead." [endquote]
In videos shared with Newsline by Ambarish Nag Biswas, the family can be
seen with their father at the Missionaries of Charity residence. They are
overcome by emotion, hugging one another for the first time in more than
two decades.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
Friday 25th November 2022
Battery technology continues to change and the latest
evolution announced recently is a super-small rechargeable "micro-battery"
with a high tolerance for variations in temperature - and a lifespan of
between one and two decades. Kent Peterson KCØDGY tells us about this new
development and what scientists are saying about it.
A company in France believes it has come up with the latest solution to
provide battery power for micro-power devices. The company, ITEN, has
developed an ultra-small rechargeable lithium battery. At first glance,
the surface-mount solid-state battery might easily be mistaken for an SMD
chip as its housing is only slightly larger than the battery's own
dimensions of 3.2 by 2.5 mm. They are, of course, not chips: These
batteries have a capacity of between 0.1 mAh and 0.5 mAh. They were found
capable of tolerating temperatures between minus 40 degrees Celsius, or
minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit, all the way to 85 degrees Celsius, or 185
degrees Fahrenheit.
Their ability to deliver peak currents make them especially useful for
powering RF transmissions such as Bluetooth, Sigfox and LTE, to deliver
packets of data via sensors. The website, CNX software, also sees the
batteries as being useful for sensor data loggers, beacons and backup
power supplies for microcontrollers.
The solid-state technology is considered another plus contributing toward
a usable lifespan of between 10 and 20 years. The company has said the
batteries are also fast-charging.
The website, Hackaday, poses the following challenge: [quote] "We’d be
particularly interested to learn about their temperature sensitivity when
it comes to soldering, as we’ve taken to heart the warnings about
soldering to more traditional lithium cells." [endquote] The website noted
that there are apparently some evaluation kits available directly from the
company in France.
This is Kent Peterson KCØDGY.
Friday 25th November 2022
The entire month of December is being devoted to reliving
radio history: the Radio Society of Great Britain will mark the centenary
of the Transatlantic Tests, which firmly established that amateur radio
communication could cross the ocean. Jeremy Boot G4NJH gives us those
The Radio Society of Great Britain has activated historic call signs to
mark a series of historic moments 100 years ago: the successful one-way
transatlantic radio communication showed the HF bands to be well-suited
for amateurs' signals crossing an ocean. The first amateur transmission
from Europe using the callsign (G)5WS was heard in North America on the
24th December 1922.
The RSGB is inviting society members to participate in the month long
celebration by activating a station – and is encouraging the rest of the
world to listen. The contacts this time will be via two-way communication
with awards available for operators logging QSOs with stations using the
historic callsigns.
In England these are G5WS, G5AT, G6XX, G6ZZ and G3DR. The station in
Scotland will be GM5WS; Wales will be using GW5WS and Northern Ireland,
GI5WS. In the English Channel, operators from the Crown Dependency of
Guernsey will be using GU5WS and those from Jersey will use GJ5WS.
Operators from the Isle of Man, another Crown Dependency in the Irish Sea,
will be using GD5WS.
This is Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
Friday 25th November 2022
Hams in Dodge County, Nebraska, are feeling a lot of pride
right now. Their track record of community service and commitment during
disasters or even drills for disasters has just been honored by the state,
as we hear from Andy Morrison K9AWM.
Dodge County Amateur Radio Emergency Services, which has been a key player
giving assistance in real and simulated disasters in Nebraska, was among
the 11 honorees celebrated recently by the state for its vital work in the
community. Susanne Shore, wife of Gov. Pete Ricketts, made the
presentation during a luncheon for the 2022 ServeNebraska Step Forward
Awards. This is considered the state's most prestigious honor given to
Leader Steve Narans,WBØVNF, received the award on behalf of the ARES
group, which has been part of disaster drills with the Nebraska National
Guard as well as the Fremont fire and police departments. In 2019, the
ARES group was key to a successful response when Fremont and surrounding
areas suffered major floods. The ARES group is now in the process of
renovating a county communications trailer and fitting it out for use by
first responders.
This is Andy Morrison K9AWM.
Friday 25th November 2022
Even if you no longer believe in Santa, you still believe
in amateur radio, right? So listen up: the Santa Net is coming to town on
80 meters and Jim Damron N8TMW says to put it on your list.
More than one thousand children are expected to have their moment on the
air this year as the 3916 Nets kicks off its 17th year of the Santa Net.
When this beloved holiday tradition began 17 years ago, only a handful of
youngsters checked in with the assistance of licensed amateur radio
operators. If you've been a very good ham this year, you can help a young
person be a third-party operator and get that important contact on 3.916
MHz. The net begins on Friday November 25th at 7:15 p.m. Central Time, or
0115 UTC. Santa will be on the air every night on the same frequency and
at that same time until Christmas Eve, December 24th.
Just as Santa himself might say, this is a team effort. Organizer Pete
Thomson, KE5GGY, said that radio operators who belong to the 3916 Net work
as relays to ensure everyone gets heard. This is, understandably, the
favorite time of year on 3.916 MHz for these operators.
You can even check in before the net at cqsanta dot com (
Everyone is ho-ho-hoping for good propagation.
This is Jim Damron N8TMW.
Friday 25th November 2022
If you are unable to reach Santa on HF, he's still
reachable by repeater and on EchoLink. Santa will be taking calls from
November 27th to December 9th thanks to the teamwork of the Longmont
Amateur Radio Club and the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club.
Linked UHF and VHF repeaters in Colorado will be on the air with Santa,
who will also be reachable on Echolink node 8305 via the Longmont club
repeater WØENO-R.
For Santa's operating hours and for the repeaters' offsets and PL tones,
visit the club website wØeno dot org. (W zERO E N O dot org)
Friday 25th November 2022
As many of us know, weather patterns seem to be changing
everywhere. One thing that doesn't change is hams' dedication to
preparedness in the face of disaster. Randy Sly, W4XJ, spoke to one such
With the recent late season hurricanes and early season snow storms here
in some parts of the United States, everybody's talking about the weather
these days. For the National Weather Service, one of their key resources
for determining ground truth reports during severe weather is the SKYWARN
program, which is strongly supported by the amateur radio community.
While hams have always played a key role in the program since its
inception in 1965, one group has taken their mission way beyond SKYWARN.
The Southwest District Skywarn Team Of Western Pennsylvania offers general
weather classes, training for relay and net control stations, SKYWARN
reporting procedures, daily rain gauge reporting with CoCoRaHS, and other
training along with bi-monthly meetings on Zoom. They also have worked at
developing relationships with adjacent NWS forecast offices to provide
better interconnectivity and communications during activations.
Eddie Misiewicz (Mi-shé-vitz - short e) KB3YRU, President of the group,
told AR Newsline that they want to provide “all things weather” for those
who are interested even if they don’t have a license. He also hopes that
their Zoom meetings might also be a gathering place for other SKYWARN
leaders and volunteers in order to share information and ideas. To learn
more about the Southwest District SKYWARN team and meeting times, you may
contact Eddie at
This is Randy Sly, W4XJ
Friday 25th November 2022
The South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu (VAN-Wah-TWO)
isn't exactly roughing it: there's a power grid, commercial air service,
homes to rent and a population of more than 40,000 people. For a group of
adventurous amateurs with the average age of 70, that makes it a great
spot for a DXpedition. Kevin Trotman N5PRE tells us what they've got
Van Herridge, N4VGE, is a born traveler and though he calls South Carolina
home, he is always looking for adventure beyond his QTH. Now he and a
group of older amateurs will follow that roving spirit to Vanuatu in the
South Pacific. The group has planned a two-week DXpedition in December of
2024 and it will include participation in that year's ARRL 10-meter
The men are bringing all their necessary equipment and they're also
bringing their wives because this DX has hotels, restaurants, beaches and
other attractions to make it a family holiday too.
DXers already know that Vanuatu ranks 100th on the DXCC list of 340
countries. For this team, however, it ranks number one as a good spot to
aim for more than 50,000 QSOs using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. They're looking
for four more radio operators and inviting them to bring their spouses to
make it a great team. Van asks that interested DXpeditioners contact him
at That's herridge, spelled h e r r i d g e.
Meanwhile, the team is also working on developing a website and seeking
This is Kevin Trotman N5PRE.
Friday 25th November 2022
In the World of DX, you still have time to contact Peter,
LA7QIA, who is operating from Svalbard as JW7QIA from November 25th to the
29th. He'll be taking part in the CQWW CW contest as a single operator.
QSL to his home call via LoTW.
Sigfrido, IW9FMD, is on the air as 5WØRS from Samoa as time permits
between work assignments. Be listening on 20M SSB. QSL via IT9VYO.
You have until December 3rd to contact the team on Nosy Be, IOTA AF-057,
Madagascar. Team members including Ron PA3EWP, who is operating as 5R8WP
and will be in the CQWW CW contest. His teammates are Guenter DL2AWG,
operating as 5R8WG; Erno DK2AMM operating as 5R8MM; Gerben PG5M, operating
as 5R8CG and Johannes PA5X, operating as 5R8PA. The team is running two
stations at the same time using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 in fox/hound mode.
If possible, logs will be uploaded to Club Log on a daily basis. See for QSL information.
Be listening for Take (TAH-KAY), JS6RRR operating from Miyako-jima, IOTA
number AS-079, until December 17th. Take will be on 80-6m, using SSB, CW,
FM, RTTY and JT65. He will participate in the CQWW CW contest as JS6RRR.
QSL information is on
Ferdy, HB9DSP, will be active from Zanzibar using the call sign 5H3FM from
November 25th to December 13th. You will find him mostly on 20, 15 and 10
metres using SSB and FT8. QSL to his home call.
Friday 25th November 2022
Sometimes a QSL card can confirm so much more than just a
successful radio contact. Just ask one ham in Wyoming who recently got
such a card with a special message. Here's Ralph Squilllace KK6ITB with
that story.
Nicholas Cashoili NØASL recently sent a QSL card to Jim Shirey N7FC. The
men had a QSO on Halloween night on the same frequency where members of
the Buffalo Amateur Radio Klub customarily check in and keep up-to-date on
matters related to the club. The voice coming from Jim's HT, however,
wasn't from a fellow club member: It was that of a motorist in distress.
That motorist was Nicholas. According to a report on the Buffalo Bulletin
website, Nicholas told Jim that he needed help: He'd been driving through
a canyon in Johnson County in north central Wyoming, when his car slid off
the road. His car was disabled and there was no cell service available in
the area. Using his radio, Jim gathered what information he could get from
Nicholas and then called 911. The story in the Buffalo Bulletin said that
the fire and sheriff's departments were sent to assist at the scene.
Jim however didn't learn of the happy ending until he received that QSL
card from Nicholas this month. Only after its arrival from Nicholas'
Nebraska QTH did Jim discover some of the details of what turned out to be
a successful rescue. Nicholas was safe and had not been injured. The day
it arrived, his QSL card did double duty -- as a thank-you card.
This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to the ARRL; Ambarish
Nag Biswas, VU2JFA; the Buffalo Bulletin; CNX Software; CQ magazine; David
Behar K7DB;; Facebook; Fremont Tribune; Gulf News; Hackaday;
Longmont Amateur Radio Club;; the RSGB;; the
3916 Nets; Van Herridge, N4VGE; and you our listeners, that's all from the
Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio
Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses
for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our
website at and know that we appreciate you all. We also
remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a
5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray
KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Paul
Braun WD9GCO in Valparaiso Indiana saying 73. As always we thank you for
listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2022. All rights
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Keplarian Data
Friday 25th November 2022
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following
Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
1 07530U 74089B 22326.59613125 -.00000036 00000-0
64698-4 0 9997
2 07530 101.9256 307.0754 0012449 98.3398 16.9173
1 25544U 98067A 22326.36465914 .00009471 00000-0
17282-3 0 9997
2 25544 51.6438 272.9968 0007038 101.0576 43.4609
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 22326.02675755 .00000612 00000-0
10369-3 0 9990
2 27607 64.5534 179.6109 0081174 264.5062 94.6778 14.76425750
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 22326.45845670 .00002215 00000-0
26388-3 0 9994
2 39444 97.6452 293.4871 0054076 232.7418 126.8859 14.84269091484955
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 22326.43613167 .00036425 00000-0
40999-3 0 9995
2 40903 97.1571 25.8111 0006345 242.9889 241.1549
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 22326.40721429 .00000962 00000-0
44376-4 0 9999
2 40931 5.9958 122.2414 0013262 250.0886 109.7860
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 22326.47686091 .00003681 00000-0
21541-3 0 9992
2 42759 43.0165 180.9232 0010350 216.6577 214.3663 15.13298082300283
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 22326.50461765 .00003942 00000-0
22919-3 0 9998
2 42761 43.0167 179.4435 0010694 219.3630 217.4347 15.13389906300297
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 22326.50430601 .00004643 00000-0
34314-3 0 9992
2 43017 97.6544 214.1645 0245402 30.0599 331.4444
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 22326.42326583 .00001432 00000-0
14512-3 0 9993
2 43678 97.9920 101.7885 0010997 120.3182 239.9117 14.92502958221416
0 QO-100
1 43700U 18090A 22326.36507769 .00000168 00000-0
00000-0 0 9995
2 43700 0.0171 316.2697 0001011 304.8873 317.3810
1.00270439 14616
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 22326.16472372 .00002231 00000-0
19322-3 0 9990
2 43803 97.6024 29.1545 0015250 97.1839 263.1118
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 22326.38676425 .00000549
00000-0 75818-4 0 9994
2 44881 97.8818 43.2483 0015786 36.6485 323.5808
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 22326.50943052 .00000007
00000-0 -85576-5 0 9998
2 44909 82.5182 125.2847 0216593 310.3480 47.8879
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 22326.54998344 .00000193
00000-0 77489-4 0 9992
2 50466 98.5702 43.6421 0005057 50.1456 310.0175
14.38579974 4764
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, November 29, 2022, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 25th November 2022
This week's bulletin was made possible with information
provided by HA7VK, SQ9FMU, W2GD, The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX
News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and
WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
RODRIGUES ISLAND, 3B9. Kazu, M0CFW is QRV as 3B9/M0CFW until
November 30. Activity is on the HF bands. He will be active as
3B9KW in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via LoTW.
ROTUMA, 3D2. Tony, 3D2AG plans to be active as 3D2AG/p until
December 20. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters, with a focus on 15, 12,
and 10 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. QSL via operator's
GEORGIA, 4L. Operator R3XA will be QRV as 4L9M from November
25 to 27. This includes being a Single Op/Single Band on 160 meters
entry in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL to home call.
PA5X are QRV as 5R8WP, 5R8WG, 5R8MM, 5R8CG, and 5R8PA, respectively, from
Nosy Be Island, IOTA AF-057, until December 3. Activity is on 160 to
6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 with two stations active. QSL via
EAST MALAYSIA, 9M6. Saty, JE1JKL is QRV as 9M6NA from Labuan
Island, IOTA OC-133, until November 29. This includes being an entry
in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via LoTW.
December 3. He will be active as DX8H in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest.
QSL both calls via SP3SUX.
HUNGARY, HA. Sanyi, HA7VK will be QRV as HG22TISZA as a
Single Op/All Band/High Power entry in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest.
QSL to home call.
HONDURAS, HR. Operators W1UE, K1XM, KQ1F, K1TR and SM7IUN are
QRV as HQ9X from Roatan Island, IOTA NA-057, until November 30. Activity
is on the HF bands. This includes being a Multi Op/2 transmitter
entry in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via KQ1F.
GUINEA BISSAU, J5. Carlos, CT2GQA is QRV as J5JUA until
December 15 while on work assignment. Activity is in his spare time.
QSL to home call.
SVALBARD, JW. Peter, LA7QIA will be QRV as JW7QIA from
Longyearbyen, IOTA EU-026, from November 25 to 29. Most of his
activity will be during the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via
AMERICAN SAMOA, KH8. Bob, W7YAQ and Al, K7AR are QRV as K8H
from Pago Pago, IOTA OC-045, until December 1. Activity is on 160 to
6 meters using CW and SSB. This includes being a Multi/Single entry
in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via W7YAQ.
LY3AB, LY2NZ and LY5T are QRV as LY4A as a Multi Op entry in the CQ World
Wide DX CW contest. QSL via LoTW.
ARUBA, P4. John, W2GD is QRV as P44W until November 29.
Activity is on the HF bands as time permits. This includes being an
entry in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via LoTW.
POLAND, SP. Special event call signs 3Z95PRK, HF95PRK,
SN95PRK, SO95PRK, SP95PRK, and SQ95PRK will be QRV from November 26 to
December 11 to celebrate the 95th anniversary of Poland's largest regional
radio broadcasting station, Polskie Radio Katowice. QSL via bureau.
PALAU, T8. Nobu, JA0JHQ will be QRV as T88PB from Koror, IOTA
OC-009, from November 25 to 29. This includes an entry in the CQ
World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via LoTW. In addition, Tony,
JH1FFW will be QRV as T88RC from November 30 to December 5. Activity
will be on 40 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8.
QSL via LoTW.
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, TL. A group of operators are QRV as
TL8AA and TL8ZZ until November 26. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters
using CW, SSB, RTTY, and with FT8 in DXpedition mode, respectively.
QSL direct to I2YSB.
BENIN, TY. Tapani, OH5BM, Pekka, OH2TA, and Timo, OH5LLR are
QRV as TY5AF from the village Grand Popo until November 29. Activity
is on the HF bands using all modes. This includes being an entry in
the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via LoTW.
ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0. Operator RN1B will be QRV as RN1B/0 from
Sakhalin Island, IOTA AS-018, in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL to
home call.
INDIA, VU. Operators VU2DSI, VU2EVU, and VU2XPN will be QRV
as AU2JCB, AU3JCB, and AU5JCB, respectively, from November 25 to December
13 to commemorate the birthday of Jagadish Chandra Bose. Activity will be
on 80 to 6 meters using SSB and FM. QSL direct to home calls.
KOSOVO, Z6. Henning, OZ2I is QRV as Z68EE until November 30.
This includes being an entry in the CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL
via LoTW.
CWops Test, RTTYOPS Weeksprint, RSGB 80-Meter CW Autumn Series, NCCC RTTY
Sprint, QRP 160-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow Speed CW
Test and the Ham Spirit SSB Contest will certainly keep contesters busy
this upcoming weekend.
QCX CW Challenge, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial,
RSGB FT4 Contest, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest and RTTYOPS
Weeksprint are all on tap for November 28 and 29.
Please see November QST, page 77, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2351 for Friday November 18th, 2022
Friday 18th November 2022
Shortwave fans worldwide were disappointed to hear the November 9th
broadcast announcement of WTWW radio that it was signing off the air for
the last time, with plans to continue to provide programming instead over
the internet. The station's operator Ted Randall, WB8PUM, cited
difficulties in meeting the station's ongoing expenses. Based in Lebanon,
Tennessee, WTWW provided a wide range of programming at 5.83 MHz along
with music and amateur-radio content at 5.085 MHz. The station was among
many to broadcast programming directed toward Ukraine following the
invasion by Russia earlier this year.
The station went on the air in 2010 as the 100-kilowatt operation WBWW,
and could be heard first on what were testing frequencies of 5.755 MHz and
9.48 MHz at different times. Over the years, WTWW gained an especially
strong following among amateur radio operators for carrying ham-related
content. The station also featured program hosts such as Art Bell, W6OBB,
who presented a popular show on the paranormal.
According to the SWListening Post, the station's final signoff included a
farewell from Ted that urged listeners to make the move to web-streaming
its content. The station's final song was "America the Beautiful."
By virtue of its station call, WTWW was also known as "We Transmit World
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The world of the ultra-tiny satellite is preparing to take on a whole new
shape. Ralph Squillace KK6ITB tells us about the shape of things to come.
What modern music-lover doesn't remember compact discs? While that shape
is no longer widely used to hold the latest hits or some favorite
classics, the compact disk does hold something else: the promise of a new
kind of plate-shaped ultra-tiny satellite. In fact the DiskSat, as it is
called, is in development as a potential replacement for the widely known
CubeSat, with the hopes of creating a new standard. Because they are so
thin - measuring one inch, or 2.5cm wide - many can be launched at the
same time, stacked inside a payload for later deployment on an individual
basis. Although its dimensions can be changed, the demonstration DiskSat
also measures 1 meter, or not-quite 40 inches - in diameter, leaving
plenty of room for solar cells.
NASA has funded the project by engineers at Aerospace Corporation, a
national nonprofit company headquartered in California. Aerospace hopes to
get a quartet of DiskSats launched in either 2023 or 2024 through the
Pentagon's Space Test Program.
Engineers hope the DiskSat will prove suitable for very low Earth orbit,
offering low atmospheric drag and the ability to stay up in space for
longer periods of time. That kind of compact disc would indeed bring music
to everyone's ears.
This is Ralph Squillace KK6ITB.
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A proposed change in building regulations in one part of Germany is
expected to allow higher antenna masts to be installed without permission
being required. This is the same state in which Ham Radio Friedrichshafen,
[Pronunciation: Freed Ricks HA Fen], Europe's largest ham fest, takes
place every year. Here's Ed Durrant DD5LP with an update.
An antenna-friendly change in the state building laws is expected to be
adopted in Baden-Württemberg. This will permit antennas to be installed on
masts as high as 15 metres, or nearly 50 feet, in residential areas and 20
metres, or 65 feet, outside of residential areas without the need for
planning permission. Until now, the state's height limit was 10 metres, or
32 feet, consistent with the other states in Germany. Proponents of this
change are hoping this will enable more complete digital cell phone
coverage without the burden of paperwork previously associated with the
antenna installation. The fact that the law applies to all radio masts
would, of course, be a benefit to radio hams in the state as well.
The state Parliament is expected to debate the draft law change soon and
if approved its enactment would come shortly afterwards.
This is Ed Durrant DD5LP.
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The Maritime Mobile Service Network came to the aid recently of a fishing
vessel with engine difficulties. Jack Parker W8ISH has that story.
On November 6th, engine trouble was plaguing the Captain Chad as the
80-foot commercial fishing vessel made its way through the water south of
Jamaica with eight passengers aboard. The captain called for help over
various frequencies on the commercial HF marine band but without luck.
Fearing the calm waters would soon get rougher and more dangerous, he
declared an emergency and called for help again -- this time, tuning to
his radio's preset frequency of 14.300 MHz. Tom Yturri, W5TEY, who was on
duty as Maritime Mobile Service Operator, heard the call and got the
boat's location from the captain, Curtis Jackson. Tom telephoned the
Jamaican Coast Guard but after getting no response, he reached out to the
US Coast Guard in Virginia. The Maritime Mobile Service Network then lost
contact. All it could do was leave information about the Captain Chad and
ask all incoming net control stations to try to re-establish contact.
Two days later, a much happier contact took place: Tom heard from the
fishing vessel's owner. The boat and everyone on board were rescued
without incident thanks to the vital information passed along by the
Maritime Mobile Service Network. Tom said simply: [quote] "It's what we
train to do." [endquote]
This is Jack Parker W8ISH.
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The New England Division of the ARRL has just acquired the means to buy
some powerful tools to help amateurs struggling to combat RFI. With the
help of a $23,640 grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, the
division will be purchasing kits to be used by each of its seven sections
throughout the New England states. The kits contain antennas along with
equipment capable of RFI detection and spectrum capture and will be
capable of helping on the VHF/UHF frequencies as well as on HF.
Rob Leiden, K1UI, assistant director for Spectrum Protection &
Utilization, expressed confidence that the section teams will be
well-prepared and well-equipped. The division will be conducting on-site
training for each section's RFI team and the ARDC grant is designed to
cover these training costs as well.
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We remind our listeners that in another two weeks, we will be announcing this year's recipient of the Amateur Radio Newsline International Newsmaker of the Year Award. We began this award in 2019 as a way of honoring individuals, groups or formal clubs whose actions and contributions show the world the value that amateur radio brings to society. Recipients are chosen by the editorial staff of Amateur Radio Newsline. All past recipients have shown themselves to adhere to the high standards of selflessness and community service which ham radio is known for and have also helped garner recognition and a higher profile for ham radio in the mainstream media. Be listening in early December when we announce the deserving recipient. The award means they have not only made headlines but also made a difference in the world.
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A US astronaut whose tenure on board the ISS made history has retired from
NASA. We hear about him from Paul Braun WD9GCO.
Congratulations to astronaut Bob Behnken, KG5GGX, who retired from NASA on
Friday, the 11th of November. Bob, a former colonel in the US Air Force,
made headlines as the pilot and joint operations commander for the first
crewed flight of the SpaceX Dragon when it was launched to the
International Space station in May of 2020. Previously, Bob had been on
flights of the space shuttle Endeavour, logging 93 days in space. During
these missions, he completed 10 spacewalks in all, for a total of 61
Bob became an astronaut candidate for NASA in July of 2000. His first
spaceflight was aboard the Endeavour eight years later, as a mission
This is Paul Braun WD9GCO.
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Using the innovative technology of virtual reality, an arts center in
Cardiff, Wales, is celebrating a radio pioneer who made history with
technology that was innovative for his own time: the 19th century. We have
those details from Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
The presentation at the Wales Millennium Centre is called "A Signal Across
Space," a title that refers to the Morse Code transmission sent on 13 May
1897 by Guglielmo Marconi across a stretch of open sea.
The signal travelled between Flat Holm Island in the Bristol Channel and
Lavernock Point on the south Wales coast. The moment becomes reality - or
rather, virtual reality - for audience members at the centre who are given
special VR headsets enabling them to experience themes in music, poetry
and dance that were inspired by Marconi's experiment. Viewers see it all
in a 360-degree immersive experience.
The 50-minute film has several sections, of which one uses part of a
lecture from the Barry and District Radio Society describing Marconi’s
experiment. Another section, called "In the Air," recounts the story of
Marconi's 19th century experiment more directly. The centre has also
assembled a small exhibit for audience members to view afterwards,
offering a closer look at Lavernock, where Marconi received those first
transmissions. The programme concludes on 20th November .
I'm Jeremy Boot G4NJH.
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The deadline is coming up fast for hams in Australia to comment on a
proposed new license class. Graham Kemp VK4BB brings us up to date.
The clock is running out for amateurs in Australia who want to submit
comments on a proposed amateur class licence and on a separate proposal
that would permit amateurs to increase operating power from 400 watts to 1
kW PEP. Under the latter, Advanced Class amateurs.
The class licence is proposed to take effect in July 2023.
The Australia Communications and Media Authority will accept all
submissions until 5 p.m. Australian Eastern Time on the 29th of November.
This is Graham Kemp VK4BB.
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The Hamvention 2023 team has announced that "Innovation" will be their
theme for the 2023 expo in Xenia, Ohio. Writing on the Hamvention website,
team member Michael Kalter, W8CI, said the theme was particularly exciting
because [quote]: "We are confident it encompasses the world of amateur
radio today in just one word." [endquote] Hamvention will be held May 19,
20 and 21, 2023 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center. Tickets
are already available online and by mail. The website is
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State police in New York tapped the crime-fighting potential of amateur
radio during the recent Halloween season. Sel Embee KB3TZD shares this
success story.
In New York State, the Pumpkin Patrol has been an amateur radio holiday
tradition since the mid-1980s, pairing hams with New York State police
along one of the state's main thoroughfares - the New York State Thruway.
The Thruway extends from Newburgh in the Hudson Valley, all the way north
to Syracuse.
For five hours on both Halloween Eve and Halloween Night, a traditional
time for mischief, New York amateur radio clubs once again worked this
year with the state police to monitor checkpoints along the overpasses to
ensure motorist safety.
According to a report on the website,, no suspicious
activity was reported. State police said that 15 ham organizations
participated, representing 19 counties in New York State.
The crime-deterring effort was inspired by an incident in 1976 when a CB
radio operator was talking to a truck driver on Halloween when the truck
driver's windshield was shattered by a pumpkin that had been tossed at the
vehicle from an overpass. CB radio operators began the first Halloween
safety patrols soon after - and the effort grew from there.
This is Sel Embee KB3TZD.
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In the World of DX, be listening for Bob, W7YAQ, and Al, K7AR, on the air
from Pago Pago, American Samoa. They are calling QRZ from November 18th to
December 1st using the callsign K8H. You can also hear them in the CQWW CW
Contest. The station will be on 160 through 10 metres. Logs will be
uploaded to Club Log on a regular basis. QSL via OQRS, LoTW, or W7YAQ.
There is still time to work Paco, EA7KNT, from Porto Antiguo, Sal Island
(IOTA number AF-086) Cape Verde. He is on the air until the 20th of
November using the callsign D4SAL. QSL to his home callsign.
There is also still time to work the Rebel DX Group operating as T33T from
Banaba Island in the Republic of Kiribati. They will be active until the
26th of November on 160 - 10m using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via ClubLog OQRS
or LOTW.
Listen for Andy, N2NT, using the callsign V47NT from St. Kitts before and
after the CQWW CW contest. He will participate in the contest as well,
using the callsign V47T. QSL via W2RQ.
Beginning on the 1st of December, be listening as special event station
GB1LJF gets on the air to celebrate the British Electric Lightning
fighter/interceptor aircraft. The plane flew as an interceptor in the
1960s and '70s and made its last flight in the UK in 1988. Details are
available on the station's page on QSL direct to 2E1HQY.
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Our final story is about a net held once a year by a group of amateurs
marking the American holiday of Thanksgiving. Hams are welcome to check in
either before or after the traditional holiday feast. Mike Askins, KE5CXP,
serves us a generous helping of the details.
Thomas Black K9ASE is looking to talk turkey with a couple of hams. It's
the kind of straightforward but friendly on-air chat he and other radio
operators have been enjoying on Thanksgiving Day for the past 11 years.
They mark the American holiday by putting amateur radio on the menu before
or after the traditional feast. This year, as in all the previous years,
everyone is invited to the table - domestic or DX - on November 24th.
Many of those who check in have grown to know one another from the forums
on Others simply show up to wish holiday cheer. Thomas told
Newsline: [quote]: "It's a great opportunity to wish everyone happy
holidays and spread good will. There are no formal rules." [endquote]
Frequencies are on or near 28.450, 21.310, 14.245 and 7.200 MHz. Updates
are posted in the forums under the thread with the heading "Turkey
Day Net."
The action starts at 1500 UTC and continues into the evening until, as
with the big meal itself, everyone has had enough.
This is Mike Askins KE5CXP.
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NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to; the ACMA; Amateur Radio Digital Communications; AMSAT News; the ARRL; BBC; CQ Magazine; David Behar K7DB;; Facebook; Funk Telegramm Magazine; Jeff Savasta, KB4JKL; Hamvention 2023;;; the RSGB;; Thomas Black K9ASE; Wales Millennium Centre; Wireless Institute of Australia; and you our listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. We remind our listeners that Amateur Radio Newsline is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that incurs expenses for its continued operation. If you wish to support us, please visit our website at and know that we appreciate you all. We also remind our listeners that if you like our newscast, please leave us a 5-star rating wherever you subscribe to us. For now, with Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT at the news desk in New York, and our news team worldwide, I'm Neil Rapp WB9VPG in Union, Kentucky saying 73. As always we thank you for listening. Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Friday 18th November 2022
This week's bulletin was made possible with information
provided by AA3B, PY2KP, The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News,
DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites. Thanks to all.
RODRIGUES ISLAND, 3B9. Kazu, M0CFW will be QRV as 3B9/M0CFW
from November 20 to 30. Activity will be on the HF bands. He
will be active as 3B9KW in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX CW contest.
QSL via LoTW.
GEORGIA, 4L. Alex, K6VHF is QRV as 4L1FP until November 27.
Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL to home
PA5X will be QRV as 5R8WP, 5R8WG, 5R8MM, 5R8CG, and 5R8PA, respectively,
from Nosy Be Island, IOTA AF-057, from November 22 to December 3. Activity
will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 with two stations
active. QSL via DL2AWG.
TOGO, 5V. Andy, KB9IJI is QRV as 5V7JA. Activity is in
his spare time on the HF bands using SSB and various digital modes.
QSL via operator's instructions.
WEST MALAYSIA, 9M2. Special event station 9M100SK is QRV
until December 31 in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Kedah Scouts.
Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using SSB, CW, and various digital modes.
QSL direct to 9W2TXL.
HAITI, HH. Members of the Haitian Radio Club are QRV with
special call sign HH18NOV until November 27 to commemorate the 1803 Battle
of Vertieres. QSL via N2OO.
AMERICAN SAMOA, KH8. Bob, W7YAQ and Al, K7AR are QRV as K8H
from Pago Pago, IOTA OC-045, until December 1. Activity is on 160 to
6 meters using CW and SSB. This includes being a Multi/Single entry
in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via W7YAQ.
BRAZIL, PY. Special event station PV22CUP will be QRV from
November 19 to December 18 during the 22nd FIFA World Championship being
held in Qatar.
QSL via LoTW.
CORSICA, TK. Operators S53BB, S53CC, S53F, S53MM, S53RM,
S53WW, S53ZO, S55OO, S57AL, S57C, S57K, S57L and S57VW will be QRV as TK/home
calls from November 21 to 29. Activity will be on 160 to 2 meters
using CW, SSB, and various digital modes. They will be active as
TK0C as a Multi/2 entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX CW contest.
QSL TK0C via LoTW and all others to home calls.
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, TL. A group of operators are QRV as
TL8AA and TL8ZZ until November 26. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters
using CW, SSB, RTTY, and with FT8 in DXpedition mode, respectively.
QSL direct to I2YSB.
BENIN, TY. Tapani, OH5BM, Pekka, OH2TA, and Timo, OH5LLR will
be QRV as TY5AF from the village Grand Popo from November 22 to 29.
Activity will be on the HF bands using all modes. This includes
being an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL via
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, V2. Bud, AA3B will be QRV as V26K from
Antigua from November 22 to 28. Activity will be on the HF bands
using primarily CW. This includes being a Single Op/All Band/Low
Power entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX CW contest. QSL direct
to home call.
from the capital city Bandar Seri Begawan and here for a few years.
QSL via LoTW.
KOSOVO, Z6. Henning, OZ2I will be QRV as Z68EE from November
24 to 30. This includes being an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide
DX CW contest.
QSL via LoTW.
ST. HELENA, ZD7. Christopher, HB9FIY is QRV as ZD7CA until
November 26. Activity is in his spare time on 40 to 10 meters using
SSB, PSK31, and RTTY.
QSL via EA5GL.
CW Contest, All Austrian 160-Meter CW Contest, REF 160-Meter CW Contest,
NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow
Speed CW Test, LZ DX Contest, South American Integration CW Contest, Feld
Hell Sprint, Homebrew and Oldtime Equipment CW Party, FISTS Sunday CW
Sprint and the Run for the Bacon QRP Contest will certainly keep
contesters busy this upcoming weekend.
The K1USN Slow Speed CW Test, ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW
Memorial, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, SKCC CW Sprint, QRP
160-Meter CW Fox Hunt, Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops CW Test,
Mini-Test CW 40 and Mini-Test CW 80 are all on tap for November 21 to 23.
Please see November QST, page 77, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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Keplerian Data - 17th November 22
Special thanks to for the following
Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
1 07530U 74089B 22319.57364300 -.00000030 00000-0
99895-4 0 9996
2 07530 101.9250 300.0204 0012399 111.5514 3.4533
1 25544U 98067A 22319.46486606 .00010387 00000-0
18953-3 0 9995
2 25544 51.6435 307.1820 0006911 75.9727 60.4125
1 27607U 02058C 22319.38873325 .00000766 00000-0
12461-3 0 9999
2 27607 64.5543 199.9334 0081306 265.7523 93.4285 14.76415154
1 39444U 13066AE 22319.44723302 .00002790 00000-0
33114-3 0 9995
2 39444 97.6450 286.7659 0053869 256.4481 103.0729 14.84236231483912
1 40903U 15049E 22319.45489336 .00044640 00000-0
51126-3 0 9990
2 40903 97.1576 18.7509 0006301 280.1069 207.9012
1 40931U 15052B 22319.24920599 .00001208 00000-0
78663-4 0 9992
2 40931 5.9962 173.3075 0012373 144.6333 215.4655
1 42759U 17034B 22319.61259420 .00006850 00000-0
39044-3 0 9990
2 42759 43.0177 218.8396 0009351 173.3351 259.3596 15.13247977299240
1 42761U 17034D 22319.64090433 .00006972 00000-0
39613-3 0 9990
2 42761 43.0167 217.3636 0009738 176.0847 263.1786 15.13340249299253
1 43017U 17073E 22319.41802199 .00004584 00000-0
33847-3 0 9993
2 43017 97.6539 207.3729 0246031 53.1992 309.1524
1 43678U 18084H 22319.65189969 .00001087 00000-0
11168-3 0 9995
2 43678 97.9928 94.9162 0010405 140.1902 220.0081
1 43700U 18090A 22319.53457172 .00000156 00000-0
00000-0 0 9995
2 43700 0.0148 277.8987 0001420 341.2488 13.7405
1.00273187 14547
1 43803U 18099AX 22319.41826646 .00002583 00000-0
22311-3 0 9999
2 43803 97.6037 22.5837 0015647 117.0768 243.2053
1 44881U 19093C 22319.49967476 .00000972 00000-0
12913-3 0 9993
2 44881 97.8827 36.4688 0016183 57.3844 302.8909
1 44909U 19096E 22319.55134874 .00000017 00000-0
30975-4 0 9991
2 44909 82.5177 129.9094 0216836 326.6745 32.0858
1 50466U 21131B 22319.59467479 .00000290 00000-0
10924-3 0 9997
2 50466 98.5705 36.6987 0005361 67.9234 292.2522
14.38576587 46640
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Friday, November 18, 2022, at 2330z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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The American Radio Relay League's |
Monday 7th November 2022
This week's bulletin was made possible with information
provided by LU5AG, ON3XI, The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News,
DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites. Thanks to all.
TANZANIA, 5H. Jeff, K5DJR is QRV as 5H2JC from Same until
November 6 while on a mission trip. Activity is in his spare time on
40 and 20 meters using mainly SSB and PSK31. QSL via LoTW.
MADAGASCAR, 5R. Eiki, JH8JWF is QRV as 5R8AS from Ivato,
Talatamaty, IOTA AF-013, until November 6. Activity is on 80 to 6
meters using FT8. QSL via LoTW.
GHANA, 9G. Dave, AB0GC is QRV as 9G1SD from the Wenchi, Brong
Region. Activity is on 17 to 6 meters using FT8 and FT4 at various
times during the day.
QSL direct to home call.
KUWAIT, 9K. Members of the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society are
QRV as 9K2F from Failaka Island, IOTA AS-118, until November 9.
Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via
TONGA, A3. Stan, LZ1GC and Ivan, LZ1PM are QRV as A35GC from
Tongatapu, IOTA OC-049, until November 20. Activity is on 160 to 6
meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 with two stations. QSL via
MOROCCO, CN. Special event station CN47MS is QRV until
November 10 and will commemorate the 47th anniversary of the Green March.
Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB, and various digital modes.
This includes activity on Satellite QO-100. QSL via CN8WW.
URUGUAY, CX. Special event station CX100B is QRV until
November 30 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Radio Paradizabal
broadcasting for the first time beginning on November 2, 1922. QSL
via CX1AA.
THAILAND, HS. Lars, SM6NT is QRV as HS0ZME from Hua Hin and
is here until April 2, 2023. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using
mainly CW. QSL to home call.
DJIBOUTI, J2. Members of the Mediterraneo DX Club are QRV as
J28MD until November 7. Activity is on the HF bands, with a focus on
the low and new bands, using CW, SSB, and various digital modes. QSL
via IK2VUC.
Saipan, IOTA OC-086, until November 6. Activity is on 40 to 10
meters using CW and SSB. QSL to home call.
ARGENTINA, LU. Members of the Radio Club ARM Belgrano will be
QRV with special event stations LU4AAO, LU4AAO/A and LU4AAO/D from
November 5 to 13 for Tradition Day, which celebrates the birthday of Jose
Hernandez. Activity will be on the HF and V/UHF bands using CW, SSB,
SSTV, and FT8. Activity will include being on the FM Satellites.
QSL direct to LU4AAO.
BELGIUM, ON. Special event station OR78CLM is QRV until
November 6 to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the liberation in Knokke-Heist
by Canadian troops. Activity is on all HF bands using CW, FT8, FT4,
and DMR. QSL via ON6HC.
BRAZIL, PY. Special event station ZW200ESQ is QRV until
November 30 to celebrate the bicentennial of the Brazilian Navy.
Activity is on 80 meters to 70 centimeters using CW, SSB, various digital
modes, and on the FM Satellites. QSL via bureau.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2. A large group of operators are QRV as
P29RO from Loloata Island, IOTA OC-240, until November 10. Activity
is on all bands and modes. QSL via DL4SVA.
GREECE, SV. A group of operators are QRV as SX22HAF until
November 30 to celebrate Hellenic Air Force Day. Activity is on all
bands using CW, SSB, and various digital modes. QSL via LoTW.
BANABA ISLAND, T3. Members of the Rebel DX Group are QRV as
T33T until November 15. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using FT8 in
DXpedition mode. QSL via LoTW.
PALAU, T8. A group of operators are QRV as T88WA from Koror
Island, IOTA OC-009, until November 14. Activity is on 160 to 6
meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via M0URX.
MALI, TZ. Jeff, TZ4AM is QRV from Bamako and is active on 40
to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via KX4R.
INDONESIA, YB. Amir, YB9IPY/p is QRV from the Rajaampat
Islands, IOTA OC-239, until November 8. Activity is on the HF bands
using only FT8. QSL direct to IK2DUW.
ST. HELENA, ZD7. Christopher, HB9FIY will be QRV as ZD7CA
from November 5 to 26. Activity will be in his spare time on 40 to
10 meters using SSB, PSK31, and RTTY. QSL via EA5GL.
QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, K1USN Slow
Speed CW Test, Gunung Jati DX SSB Contest, EANET Sprint and High Speed
Club CW Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend.
The ICWC Medium Speed CW Test, OK1WC CW Memorial, RSGB 80-Meter Autumn
Data Series, Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest, ARS Spartan CW Sprint,
ICWC Medium Speed Test, RTTYOPS Weeksprint, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox Hunt,
Phone Weekly Test, A1Club AWT, CWops Test, VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest,
Mini-Test 40 and Mini-Test 80 are on tap for November 7 to 9.
Please see November QST, page 77, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest web sites for details.
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RSGB Morse Test Coordinator appointed
Monday 7th November 2022
We are pleased to announce that Eric Arkinstall, M0KZB has been appointed as the RSGB’s Morse Test Coordinator.
His role comprises two main tasks:
Contacting approved Morse assessors around the country and emailing them the contact details of candidates wanting to take a Morse test
Emailing a Certificate of Competency to the candidate after a successful test
From a young age, Eric’s hobby was electronics and he has always been interested in radio.
He built his first crystal set when he was about 11 years old, with parts freely available from wartime stock.
Eric teaches Morse code on the air weekly.
For further information about Morse and the Morse test, see
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RSGB are looking for Volunteers needed to investigate interference problems
Monday 7th November 2022
Most of you will have experienced RF interference problems of one sort or another over the years.
Many will have noticed that the incidence and intensity has increased. In this world of advanced digital technology and increasing wireless connectivity, the probability of interference is high and increasing rapidly.
This is giving rise to an ever-increasing pollution of the radio spectrum which is threatening all wireless communication. To counter these problems, we need to make the relevant authorities aware by taking measurements and surveying any available documents and reports. We are looking for volunteers who can help us with this work.
The RSGB EMC Committee has four main functions:
1. To give members personal advice when EMC issues arise
2. Preparation of online leaflets and advice on ‘EMC Matters’ to help members
3. To keep an eye on emerging technologies and to investigate any potential threat to the amateur bands. Once a problem is identified tests can be carried out to ascertain the severity of the problem
4. The less visible but equally important task of lobbying the regulators and influencing the standards bodies to ensure the views of radio spectrum users are factored in at an early stage.
With a growing amount of work, we are seeking volunteers from within the membership to assist the EMC Committee in its work.
It currently meets formally bi-monthly (online) and the level of commitment outside of formal meetings can be as much or as little as suits you. Deep technical knowledge or experience of EMC work is not necessary, but ideally candidates should have a good understanding of radio.
If you would like to help, please contact
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Keplerian Data
Monday 7th November 2022
Special thanks to AMSAT-NA (AMSAT.ORG) for the following
Keplerian data.
Decode 2-line elsets with the following key:
00000-0 0 DDDZ
1 07530U 74089B 22308.41334309 -.00000012 00000-0
20995-3 0 9997
2 07530 101.9234 288.8092 0012328 132.5826 35.4461 12.53658329195009
1 25544U 98067A 22308.50436497 .00016760
00000-0 30361-3 0 9999
2 25544 51.6450 1.4711 0006331 39.3800 101.2962
0 SO-50
1 27607U 02058C 22308.21232095 .00001754
00000-0 25875-3 0 9993
2 27607 64.5548 234.1484 0081452 267.8634 91.3140 14.76383083
0 AO-73
1 39444U 13066AE 22308.39067558 .00005927 00000-0
69737-3 0 9996
2 39444 97.6422 276.1698 0054120 293.9449 65.6104
0 XW-2A
1 40903U 15049E 22308.49563186 .00054176
00000-0 64557-3 0 9995
2 40903 97.1601 7.6805 0006494 323.1065 160.7913
0 IO-86
1 40931U 15052B 22308.44451639 .00001428
00000-0 10902-3 0 9991
2 40931 5.9962 250.3488 0013585 348.3047 11.6900
0 CAS-4B
1 42759U 17034B 22308.40257885 .00008491
00000-0 48333-3 0 9992
2 42759 43.0175 280.7540 0008456 93.2069 43.3668
0 CAS-4A
1 42761U 17034D 22308.43134155 .00009208
00000-0 52168-3 0 9990
2 42761 43.0173 279.2798 0008838 94.4396 47.4716
0 AO-91
1 43017U 17073E 22308.48409115 .00006839
00000-0 50256-3 0 9997
2 43017 97.6553 196.8948 0246704 88.8690 274.0775
0 PO-101
1 43678U 18084H 22308.38844225 .00002175
00000-0 21782-3 0 9998
2 43678 97.9911 83.4849 0009993 176.8800 183.2493
0 Q0-100
1 43700U 18090A 22307.48272841 .00000136
00000-0 00000-0 0 9992
2 43700 0.0162 263.3744 0001170 328.0437 10.9069
1.00273040 14423
0 JO-97
1 43803U 18099AX 22308.46315286 .00007186 00000-0
61349-3 0 9993
2 43803 97.6050 11.9131 0015518 151.3288 208.8791
0 CAS-6
1 44881U 19093C 22308.49372430 .00000970
00000-0 12900-3 0 9995
2 44881 97.8824 25.6330 0016261 90.7365 269.5722
0 RS-44
1 44909U 19096E 22308.44973201 .00000045
00000-0 13915-3 0 9997
2 44909 82.5178 137.2879 0217310 352.6829 7.1115
0 XW-3
1 50466U 21131B 22308.53568248 .00000552
00000-0 19486-3 0 9998
2 50466 98.5715 25.6579 0005656 94.9965 265.1868
14.38566078 45054
Keplerian bulletins are transmitted twice weekly from W1AW.
The next scheduled transmission of these data will be Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 2230z on Baudot and BPSK31.
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RSGB VHF Contest Committee survey
Monday 1st November 2022
The RSGB VHF Contest Committee is currently planning the rules for the 2023 VHF contests.
Following some discussion at the RSGB Convention, they have some questions on which they would appreciate feedback from contestants.
You can find the survey online here and it will close on Sunday 13 November.
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YOTA Month – a chance to encourage youngsters
Monday 1st November 2022
December 2022 is Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) month.
This is an opportunity for individuals, clubs, groups and schools to run an amateur radio station with the aim of getting youngsters active on the air.
The RSGB is inviting applications to host the special call sign GB22YOTA.
To register your interest email Jamie, M0SDV at with details of the activity you are planning.
Please include your name, organisation and the call sign of the Full licensee who will host the activation.
To see the GB22YOTA activation schedule, visit GB22YOTA on
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then click on More News
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